
Comments by Rod8432

  • discussion comment
    a day ago
    ROB Onyx
    iknowbetter - There's an apples and oranges issue here. The $25/$30 dances in SFL are in semi-secluded couches, which Atlanta doesn't really have. $10 Atlanta dances are table/bar-side or couches on the main floor. While good, the $10 dances in the Pompano triangle clubs, plus Cheetah Hallandale, also compare favorably. Especially Cheetah Hallandale - it's hand-down (the pants) my fav.
  • review comment
    a day ago
    Diamond In The Rough
    Sorry, Rock. That was a mistake - I hit the wrong fuckin' button.
  • review comment
    a day ago
    Another good time at Paradise
    Alright, scratch the room price comment. I see you were there on the $80 night. Question remains about the services
  • review comment
    a day ago
    Another good time at Paradise
    Re: Services were a bit pricier with her, but she was one of the better looking girls working and I felt it was worth it. Got my moneys worth and left happy. These vague statements always leave me frustrated. Help a PL out. You're not naming names, so can you be more forthcoming? What was the room price for VIP, and how much did you tip? What services did you receive that made you feel you got your money's worth, and you left happy?
  • review comment
    a day ago
    Oz seems pretty good but I guess I went on the off night.
    Daytime is your friend. Friendlier girls, lower prices, better dances.
  • discussion comment
    2 days ago
    ROB Onyx
    So how much did you pay - the full $360? I'm not sure what to think - Unless there are a couple Katrinas, something seems amiss. As goldmonger points out, 36 songs would be some 2 hours of dancing, which even a casually observing for manager would have been able to verify. If she's the same Katrina, my experience was quite different. First, she's has been around a long time. Originally at Follies, she took some time away, and apparently came back to Allure, and now at Onyx. At Follies, I had dances from her some dozen times, plus a couple VIPs. Never a problem. When I saw her at Onyx, and she recognized me. After some catching up, we adjourned to one of the side couches. As she started dancing, she said she would let me know when we got to four. Cool, and when we got to four, I confirmed with her. We were in agreement. High mileage too, so at least in my case, an overall good experience.
  • review comment
    2 days ago
    Pony on Wednesday...Good chill time.
    Ah, does sound confusing. I give the floor manager the $35 for the room, plus a $25 tip, totaling $60. I only have twenties anyway, so keeps it easy.
  • review comment
    2 days ago
    Good Option in Atlanta
    Good reviews, #8 - thanks! I also experienced two similar recent daytime visits. $10 high-mileage couch dances with some familiar faces from other clubs. Like a homecoming of sorts. During one visit, I took a tall, black, slender, naturally-breasted beauty to VIP. $200/her, $60/room. Vivide-quality, but with locking door. Nice! Also, Management recently has been offering a free-food buffet 'round 4pm. Not self-serve, nor as large/varied as Follies was, but not bad. First visit was fried chicken and ribs. Second was seasoned shredded beef and cornbread. Worth checking out.
  • review comment
    3 days ago
    Pony on Wednesday...Good chill time.
    Minor correction - daytime VIP is $35 for 30 minutes for the room. And as you say, $200 for the girl. Always nice to tip the floor manager, to help ensure privacy. I just give him $60 each time, and all is good.
  • discussion comment
    4 days ago
    Who likes women with abs?
    Abs are cool. Big plastic breasts, not so much
  • discussion comment
    5 days ago
    I love boobies
    What's the deal with "Free lunch" needing TWO drinks?
    I'm a fan of the free lunch at Cheetah's. Not high-end, and often a casserole or some other school-lunch type of fare. But hey, it's edible and free... well, except for the $200 I always drop on LDs each time.
  • discussion comment
    5 days ago
    What is your take on Nofap?
    re: "maximum gross take off weight" Good one, Shadow!... ;)
  • discussion comment
    5 days ago
    What is your take on Nofap?
    Complete hogwash, IMHO. There's nothing natural, life enhancing, nor empowering about sperm retention. If anything, most of us should drain the tanks more often. I've never slept better, or felt more relaxed, focused, and clear-thinking than when I've had several VIPs across as many days. Add exercise, clean-eating, and good socializing OTC, and it's pretty much the perfect life.
  • review comment
    6 days ago
    Zoe Saldana's doppleganger giving VIP treatment
    re: "$100 to her which covered everything." Since her stage name is not Zoe, can you elaborate on what "everything" included, in case other PLs may want to add Keansburg NJ to their travel plans?
  • review comment
    6 days ago
    Not Good Friday, just a Good Friday
    One123456 - As Will42 says, they won't straddle you. And if turning around, they'll sorta stand for a bit with some leaning over, mild knee-shifting, and light OTC stroking. But mostly it's a butt-grind... which gets boring quickly. I'm tending these days toward considering the V more as a VIP-only place, which are still as good as ever (YMMV, 'natch). It's not much of a sit-with-a-drink, enjoy-convo-with-pretty-women, and stretch-your-dollars-with-HM-lap-dances, kind of place it used to be. The good news - Onyx still delivers on floor LDs. And after having experienced a VIP there, can vouch they're potentially as good a the V, but with locking door - Yay! You can also sit and shoot the shit with the girls around the bar or on couches. And while good, I still find for the best overall fun-bar experience, with the prettiest women, the Pink Pony is the solid go-to.
  • review comment
    7 days ago
    Nice stop on a recent road trip
    Sounds like you got something of a different experience behind the curtain. Usually, that $50/dance area is no different than what you get out in the $30/dance area.
  • review comment
    7 days ago
    No extras, but nice clean fun
    Sounds like the usual great experience at Allure. I've been several times. So long as one is happy with their standard service, all is good. As you say, no BJ/FS, at least that I've been offered (although I inquired a time or two). Also, no haggling/upcharging, which is nice. Re: The reverse massage. In my experience, it generally doesn't include DatY, nor FIV. Maybe fingers over the surface. but not necessarily - girl's choice.
  • discussion comment
    8 days ago
    I love boobies
    Hooters, Twin Peaks and other Breastaurants especially in high mileage areas
    I want to like breastaurants more than I do. If I go, I'm usually alone and sit at the bar. Most recently at a South Florida Twin Peaks. I view the waitresses like I do strippers. Usually too many 5-6s, and overweight. However, there's the occasional 7+ who makes it fun. The bartender at TP was spot on - low cut top, high-cut shorts, bare midriff, fun and sexy as hell. Her occasional gaze when she checked in on me was enough for me to hang in there for a second round.
  • review comment
    9 days ago
    On the road
    A brain-rattlingly good visit
    Okay, I'm confused... I get it - Cameron is beautiful, perhaps more than most PH girls. But then you go meandering through these contradictions: 1) You say her "menu is not as complete as other dancers," but her "rules would be well into the good time range." 2) Then you retreat with "A few usual PH options won't be available," but then go for reassurance with "you’ll have a time worth remembering." 3) I guess afterward, we can "refill the spank bank" for the next visit. This presumes some spillage ensued, if I'm reading between the lines correctly. With the standard (and occasionally tip-demanded) PH service, the girl lends a PL a helping hand (to continue with the vagaries). If her menu is not that complete, all I can think of is you're doing a self-service withdrawal from the ol' sperm bank?
  • discussion comment
    9 days ago
    Club Observations
    re: "I’m really not into all the tattoos" I hear ya. As the BJ/Piano Man himself croons, "Don't go changing to try and please me." and "We love you just the way you are." Ditto for all the injections and implants. I think any 9 out of 10 PLs prefer soft natural breasts, butts, and lips. Pretty much any size works so long as healthy and height/weight proportionate. There's always that one weird dude though, who says, "I want big tits no matter what." I advise dancers to ignore him.
  • review comment
    10 days ago
    Beware of the rob. I should’ve known better
    re: "$10/song almost no touching." Agree w/ggofv - The no touching part from a girl you just met, have no history with, nor have heard good report from a trusted PL, was a clear sign of a low-mileage, potential ROB in VIP. The good ones nearly always give off good and attentive vibes during the LD. Still, you're gonna get stung sometimes. And what would you do if you had tried to hold on to your money 'til afterward? Storm out and complain to the DJ your girl said you'd get "everything" (whatever that may mean), but didn't suck and fuck you? Having a bouncer throw you out of a strip club for not paying a girl in VIP is gonna hurt more than that $260.
  • discussion comment
    12 days ago
    You already did your job with the first tip. After that, just say, "No more today, baby."
  • review comment
    12 days ago
    There is still good chance to have a good dance next time
    The music is beautiful? And why couldn't you go to VIP on your first visit?
  • review comment
    12 days ago
    Still good despite changes
    re: " I gave my dancer an additional tip and had a wonderful time with her." Glad to read a semi-positive review of a SanFran club. I don't have many pleasant recollections from visits years ago, but maybe worth trying again. Since you're not naming names, what VIP option did you go with, what did the girl do that made it a "wonderful time," and how much did you tip?
  • review comment
    14 days ago
    More Fun than I was Expecting
    It's worth noting the $100/10min experience is done in an open-door cubicle. There are 4 or 5 along the wall near the DJ stand. The best is the farthest away in the corner. I've always had reasonably good privacy, and the DJ simply calls out when time's up without sticking his head in. But still, the girls are somewhat restricted as to what they can do. I've had a couple duds, but the good ones will work in some OTC manipulation, light kissing, generous groping on her, plus if you're lucky, the reverse head stand with butt and pussy in your face within tongue's reach... :) There's potentially more to be had in the $200/20min slide-door room. Both options work out to be $10/min.