This is hobby is fun
Are y’all just having a grand old time out there too? I’m just taking pause to look around for a second, I mean dude this shit is fucking amazing, man. We’re all just out there roaming the country trying to bang all these strippers from all over. It really is THE most fucking awesome you could possibly do. It’s killed a lot of other hobbies for me, they just don’t do it for me anymore, and I’m totally ok with that.
I do occasionally remind myself how fuckin' awesome this all is. Especially, for a fairly shy Midwestern boy, who didn't go for the bad boy schtick. I did alright with dating, but never believed I'd one day experience the closest thing to a rockstar life I could have envisioned.
These days, when I compare my life to that generally of men and their relationships - married or otherwise - I feel awesome.
There's nothing like it, and I'm never going back!
I would spend more time judging this thread, but excuse me while I go back to my Candycrush tab.
The positive neurotransmitter hit doesn't last as long as a good workout, or accomplishing something personal or professional. I've got so much other rewarding stuff going on in my life that I have little desire to club right now.
That day I swore I'd go to one when I got older.
I'm still having fun and visiting new places, just finished my annual holiday run with a list of about 15 clubs, spas and indies. But in general I am definitely shifting a bit more to quality over quantity, and putting more emphasis on having solid regulars who check my boxes. Have a few in advanced stage and a few in development.
For starters, I travel a lot less than I used to pre-pandemic. A lot of the firms that used to want on-site visits now prefer Teams and Zoom meetings, so I haven't been able to revisit a lot of the interesting road clubs that I used to enjoy.
I also used to enjoy my local clubs a lot too, but not as much anymore. New licensing requirements drove away some of the more interesting girls to places like Daytona or out altogether. Also my favorite dive club went urban and one of the other nearby clubs has become Little Havana, so now my go-to club is the last S. Jax haven for white girls and the customers who prefer them.
Needless to say, with aĺl the transplant money pouring into town nowadays chasing this much smaller pool of All American gals, the economics of OTC have changed as well. It's become harder to justify paying the freight that the hotter strippers want now, at least on a consistent basis.
So all of these factors have conspired to push me more towards SBs. I'm still spending a small fortune on sexy fun each year, especially when factoring in dinners, hotels and sometimes transportation costs on top of my direct playmate contributions. But my ROI has gone up a lot.