
Comments by leonard3

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Buying shoes for a dancer
    leonard3.i bought a lot of shoes an other things for a stripper.i had never saw before.i go into my favorite club .this dancer jumps on my lap wanting a dance .we go do 3/4 songs.i went home an she called me everyday she worked for 2 years.went home broke every nite i was there.gave her less money after 2 yrs.she would still call but if ome of her other reglars would come in she go sit with them.i didnt know she had any.i called her a gold diggen cunt.she called me a sob. then she told me ahe was married an 5 kids. worst stripper i ever got hook up with.she was a 10.with good sex.but not good.she calls but i dont anser phone.my story about strippers an money.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    jealous stripers
    i have put this place off limits on my own.i dont need the drama every nite.i can spend my two or three hundred or what i have with me. scores has a nice place four blocks from there.thank you guys for your input.leonard3
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    jealous stripers
    no it was triple nombers thank you leonard3.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    spliting dancers
    i realy like one of the dancers but the other rides to with her.leonard3
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ashley Alexandra Dupre---natural or not?
    leonard3 i think they are real but she is not a forty three hundred girl.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Have you recently cut back on strip club spending?
    wish i had never went to one. i started going to one in evill in.that was bad misake.now i cant wait to give her all my money.she goes to bank an i go home broke.started off given her 100. now down to 5 an 10. cant stay away need some advice. old fool older than dirt.leonard3
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    how to stop trying to save them
    sucker at strip club.my x told me she would break me.could not stay from her.gave her every thing.didnt tell me she was married for 1 year.call every nite to see if i was coming down.gave her half the money she made every nite.last call come down and fix flat tire went an done it.went back into club she was sitting with a man they went back for lp waited for 1 hour and left.no calls since.learned a costly lesson.somebody tell me how frigin dumb i was.leo3