Comments by jablake (page 52)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    ad mascarading as a review...
    If it smells like rotten fish, well, then it's a Bradford Pear Tree or a Corpse Flower. :) Or, perhaps it is rotten fish.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strippers as Sexual Surrogates?
    REAL AFFECTION. Apparently some customers desperately need that and that seems more like sexual surrogate work than prostitution or stripping!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strippers as Sexual Surrogates?
    Hi clubman2, I think it was the environment of club that played a large role: Nice and quite. Comfortable couches. Dirt cheap prices. Combine and you have an environment that generates conditions favorable to conversation and repeat business. Repeat business and conversation lead to the dancers have more of a vested interest in the club. Gambling dancer made that point and other dancers were certainly aware of it. So, I'm spending a lot of time and not putting pressure on the dancers for a relationship---in fact, they know that I don't want that--and my sexual demands are softcore which is important in that it fairly drawn out compared generally to the customer that wants hardcore. Probably the most stressful thing that I do from the dancers' perspective is attempt to buy the GFE. Most just aren't willing to sell that for many reasons or if they do sell don't last long. REAL AFFECTION. Apparently some customers desperately need that and that seems more like sexual surrogate work than prostitution. FAKE AFFECTION. That is what I need. The fantastic performance where it seems real. The dancer can actively dislike me, but the acting ability and skill needs to be there. SEXUAL SURROGATE. I would see that as a healer who can help men that have problems connecting with the opposite sex. Probably the typical stripper would rather run from this situation because the customer too easily becomes attached or thinks the stripper is for sale for the $$$.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strippers as Sexual Surrogates?
    The Suduko was something special for her. :) She taught her sister and tried to teach her mom and she was even trying to teach a couple of her dancer buddies. It is surprising sometimes what can make a positive impact. Her self-esteem just shot thru the roof because she could play and "win" this number "brain" game and those who she knew were very impressed.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strippers as Sexual Surrogates?
    Gambling dancer is a stripper/prostitute who claims to be all about the money. You want to get her panties wet? Hint: It ain't about paying her lots of money or even a little money. She made some claims about being a high end prostitute who was merely slumming at Angels. To my great surprise I believe she told the truth. Anyway, she is staying at my home for a few days and she had hocked all her junk to a pawnshop and is paying month after month 20 percent interest PER MONTH--- TWENTY PERCENT INTEREST PER MONTH. Where the heck did all the money go when her interest in drugs is zero to none?! Gambling. OK, neat. Gambling. And, she does this gambling for LOVE of $$$? Could be, but I don't think so. One "test" that I devised while she was staying with me was to teach her different games like Suduko. At first she got all upset claiming you have to be super bright to play Suduko, blah, blah, blah, . . . Damn that girl LOVES playing Suduko and she even, to my surprise, enjoyed learning how to play. The biggest problem was overcoming her initial tantrum and closed mind. I showed and taught her other games---yes, she was sorta stuck at the house and NO she wasn't interested in servicing me non-stop sexually. Television? Please. So watching her play these games and get all heated up, imo, the gambling isn't for her about greed or $$$; it's a lot more complex. Besides as a high end hooker she was very capable as she put it of making more money than she knew how to spend. She didn't consider gambling to be spending; more like losing money because there was nothing else to spend money on. How much food is she going to eat? How many outfits does she need? How big a home does she need? Please try and remember this young lady was from the "hood" so the $$$ seemed beyond belief. From *NO* money to money raining from the sky.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strippers as Sexual Surrogates?
    Hi clubman2, I go to $5 clubs and I'm a $5 customer----the $200 IS extremely EXPENSIVE. There is a bogus test that if you cut the stripper off financially, then you can tell her true feelings. Assume this test was valid. Big deal; I go to the club spending hours upon as hours as normal and the dancers treat me as well as ever----I sure as heck, don't want their offers of FREE dances or for them to waste their valuable time if a paying customer is around. Does this prove anything? Not really----perhaps they're counting on my return to financial health. So why do I mention it? While not proof it is probative when you also add the stripper's personal interests and how she chooses to spend her time. Gee, she wants to be a real girlfriend and eliminate all money transactions. Does that prove anything? Not really. I would look a hell of a lot deeper and I sure as HELL wouldn't want a FREE relationship with any woman; that destroys the value, imo. Growing up I got to see hoes in action and generally their customers are "so stupid" it is depressing, assuming all manner of nonsense which may even seem logical, but it ain't the reality. For example, my friend's woman worked as a higher end prostitute and stripper therefore to some she should be about the $$$. Well, wealthy customers kept assuming they could buy her-----and, it is just so stupid. They need to be living in her pad for a while to get a much more real understanding of who she is. Hint: she ain't about $$$ even in the least. Lastly, think: Kathy Willets. A famous prostitute here in South Florida. Surprise, surprise, she didn't even charge all of her customers and some she charged thru the nose and not because she didn't care for them. Bottom line, I think people will believe those stereotypes that are lodged in their mind and changing 'em, especially a "bad" stereotype, is usually a herculean effort even where there is a mountain of facts in opposition.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    First Amendment Protects: Strippers? Photographers? Anyone? Or?
    Hi deogol, I can easily imagine some readers thinking INSANE instead of INSIGHTFUL. :) Glad you found it insightful, as least for tuscl!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strippers as Sexual Surrogates?
    "Still reading ATM." A huge misconception, imo. It is like the story I heard about Thomas Jefferson: He goes to France and is stunned that blacks seem like people! In his world the slaves are shockingly different and he regarded them as a form of livestock without guilt. It was self-evident that they were mentally inferior and needed a master. His whole world experienced an earthquake because what he knew to be truth and reality from his firsthand experience was DEAD WRONG! He was enslaving people who were far more like him than he could have imagined and suddenly there were moral issues for him. Thus, witness the loser boyfriend phenomena. Many of these dancers have very little interest in money. When a customer sees all dancers thru the lens of "middle class or upper class" values he may be distorting the reality of the vision to a point it bears little relationship to the actual reality. :) My experience is cheap dives in northern Miami-Dade County. Some of the "lower class" values in those clubs are often incomprehensible to a person from a different environment. It seems like you almost have to live it to have a real understanding. Yes, some dancers would definitely label me a "loser" and that is a positive in their mind! Either because I'm part of a similar culture i.e. poor or because of their mothering instincts. Of course, with aging the game changes for the worst, ime. Anyway, you opined that most surrogates weren't seeing ATM and from my experience with other "health care" practioners I would take that opinion with a mine full of salt. The strippers that I've known over many decades often are more caring than those in occupations that are considered---often wrongly---to be nurturing or above the baseness of the dollar. The surrogate in the story charges almost $200 per hour!!! The strippers that I know work CHEAP!!! :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Review submitted for Club Cat currently known on TUSCL as Club VIP . . .
    If you go next week, then it might be closed and then a week later open. The noise can be loud or soft. Dancers few or many. I had some very fun times at this club. The price may still be $5 per lappers or in some type of flux or my dancer buddy could be lying her butt off! But, heck it is new management and I don't like the "necessary" moves thus far. I think, that I could turn that club into a gold mine assuming, a huge probably incorrect assumption, that the police aren't pests. Take One Lounge a long time back raised its price from $5 to $15 and I immediately quit (I'd been going about twice a week) because $15 is out of my budget. Yes, for the guy that buys one or two dances not that is not a big deal perhaps, but I like to buy a lot when I find a good dancer. Anyway, supposedly the price immediately dropped back to $5, but I never really return: 1) I didn't learn about the return of $5 lappers till almost a year later and 2) hotties at $5 had become the normal at Angels and 3) Angels had figured out to keep the stinking noise down! :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strippers as Sexual Surrogates?
    My spelling ain't so hot neither! :) It means charitable and at the cheap dives dancers do eleemosynary work more often than not, imo.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strippers as Sexual Surrogates?
    My spelling ain't so hot! :) It means charitable and at the cheaps dives dancers do eleemosynary work more often than not, imo.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Listen bitch. I tried to not involve you again.
    Perhaps she didn't realize you're a pathetic pusillanimous punk! Dodging bullets indeed! Can't even dodge a few insults shot your way! Oh, and where praytell is your army of friends and followers? Probably they've turned their collective backs in DISGUST!!!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    better than google?
    There's nothing in the TUSCL handbook prohibiting a dancer swiftly or slowly suffocating by strangulation a stripclubber via her g-string! :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    better than google?
    Hi shadowcat, IMNSHO, you should be crawling on broken bottles to deliver profuse apologies to wondergrl5. Attempting to hide behind a dancer's g-string should be reserved for a low down clown.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Listen bitch. I tried to not involve you again.
    Hmmm . . . seems like it might be time to ask Founder or Chitownlawyer to settle this dispute based submitted evidence that shall nay, MUST remain confidential. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Listen bitch. I tried to not involve you again.
    I'd say NO FEEDING TROLLS, but then again one man's terrorist. Just a repeat for emphasis this time and not to correct. The thought is "uncompleted" for effect.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Listen bitch. I tried to not involve you again.
    I'd say NO FEEDING TROLLS, but then again one man's terrorist.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strippers as Sexual Surrogates?
    Correction: Actually, I've been trying to use the word *eleemosynary* for over FIVE brutal years. Its potential alliteration with ecdysiast got my hopes raised and then I said what the hell use it or lose it. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strippers as Sexual Surrogates?
    LOL! :) Reading multiple dictionaries is always good fun; praise the internet and (easy to find and buy books cheap). Actually, I've been trying to use the eleemosynary for over FIVE brutal years. Its potential alliteration with ecdysiast got my hopes raised and then I said what the hell use it or lose it. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    First Amendment Protects: Strippers? Photographers? Anyone? Or?
    A few years or so back I was with a relative who wanted to assert his "rights." I wouldn't even assert that his legal position was valid or invalid and I wouldn't give a flying fuck if a legal expert such as a top-notch lawyer expert in that area assured the relative that he was well within his rights. Those assurances mean jack shit when your sitting in a government prison depending on the mercy or the reason of some government judge. I basically said to the officer arrest him because he is the one who wishes to assert his rights. I just wish to comply with your lawful orders. Of course, my relative got all bent out of shape and I silenced his ass real quick, to wit: I asked the relative who do you trust more the police officer here or some judge? Yep, suddenly Mr. "I've got rights" Relative started to see the light ever so slowly. The whole situation was diffused and the point is to OBEY. It isn't a difficult concept unless you've been brainwashed that you have a bunch of "freedoms" and "rights." The experience was positive in the sense that relative wasn't his normal flag waving self after the confrontation. No more yapping about how he fought to protect people's freedoms. Of course, he was more depressed and that is an excellent reason to deny reality. Maybe why the U.S. population is the BIG DRUGGIE of the world? I will say that generally I've been very well treated by the police and that is where my supposed rights if any are much more likely to be respected.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strippers as Sexual Surrogates?
    I would disagree. The ecdysiasts that I enjoy are much more eleemosynary than "health care" professionals in my experience; and much more affordable---assuming government ain't paying your health care bills. What can I say? The benefits of cheap dives are just never ending. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strippers as Sexual Surrogates?
    Correction: All they need is a doctor spitting out prescriptions. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do you watch hot female customers in strip clubs?
    It was a poetic neologism; err a typo; well, actually you caught me committing a cacography. Thanks. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do you watch hot female customers in strip clubs?
    Someone's looking to get excorciated by an ecdysiast. ;)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do you watch hot female customers in strip clubs?
    Angels has had some SUPER HOT female customers and so has The Trap. This one young woman that was visiting The Trap, for the first time apparently, immediately got surrounded by hungry dancers and me! :) She seemed a little shocked and embarassed by all the attention. This one dancer said that she wanted to take her home and the woman customer just glowed with a beautiful smile. Surprisingly, imho, the big tough woman customer isn't as common as the off the chart hot are.