
Comments by jablake (page 14)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How much do LD's really cost?
    "Just as cutting taxes brings in more revenue to the government." Sometimes that works beautifully and sometimes it doesn't work at all. I don't have any proof, but I'd bet that normally increasing taxes raises more money for government. However, at some point not only do disincentives come into play, but people try and game the system to "fight back."
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer gives you a lousy dance to get get rid of you. Does it work?
    "Sometimes I wonder if their are too many voices in his head." Severe shifts, pain, and bitterness. I just shooed some people away because of government. (The people wanted fruit.) I feel guilty about not treating them better---I use to treat visitors wanting fruit very well. Most people wouldn't be able to comprehend the link and I don't feel good about linking the two. Ultimately, I need to just move. Regardless of money or health. It is scary moving when you're weak. I was hoping for a nice quick natural death.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer gives you a lousy dance to get get rid of you. Does it work?
    Government can be responsible for "bad" dances from one dancer, two dancers, three dancers, etc. Government doesn't need to make dances bad for a WHOLE area. Example: Massive sweep at Angels. No mercy. Just women being handcuffed and booked everywhere you looked. Most of the dancers were giving very bad dances for a couple weeks after that----government at it finest <sarcasm>. However, dancers are not little robots who all react to stress, abuse, arrest, attack, whatever in the exact same way. A tiny minority of dancers weren't bowed even a little by the government's abuse. Repeat a minority of dancers didn't allow the government attack to reduce the quality of dances that they provided. As one dancer said to me, she didn't think the government screwing her should end up screwing her customers. She said she tried to just take the abuse with a smile and think that someday they'll get their just rewards.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Pros & Cons of Negotiable Dance Prices & How to Handle Them
    I met this police officer with this totally quality wife---she was a goddess, both looks and personality and everything. It seemed like everything the officer had was top quality. He made it clear to the seller a few times that he didn't like talking price and didn't mind paying for quality. Give a price and I'll accept or reject---just do a good job; price really isn't a consideration. Anyway the seller was a true asshole and kept nickle and diming the officer. This officer was a dream customer. If he was willing to do business with me, then I'd give a high fair price----no BS. I'd just be grateful to work for the man and his wife. Finally, the officer has enough of the hidden charges and asshole seller loses a dream customer. I LOVE a customer who can afford to pay and who is basically just a good person.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Pros & Cons of Negotiable Dance Prices & How to Handle Them
    "If it's more than you're willing to pay, you just stay out of that club. Simple." Do you apply that same reasoning when you go to a new car dealer? Some people do pay sticker price. They might be wealthy or ignorant or negotiating is just distasteful to them. List price on a new Sentra was about $12,000. I paid $8,000. I'd love to pay the extra money if I was wealthier. I figure the dealership is a grownup. They don't like my offer they can reject it. Never been too impressed with a seller's asking or list price. Even less impressed with the mentality if you have to ask then you can't afford it. More power to those who can pay list price without any qualms----must feel great. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer gives you a lousy dance to get get rid of you. Does it work?
    You've got government dictating in some jurisdiction that the dancer has to stay so many feet away from the customer. Yes, I'd blame the government for the bad dances---unless you think dancers dancing 3 feet or more away is good. I hope that doesn't offend anyone that I point out the obvious. Less obvious are other circumstances where government is very responsible for bad dance. And, his sarcasm was more than obvious. Problem is he probably believes the nonsense that government doesn't dictate bad dances depending on different circumstances.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strange story??????
    I'm too chicken. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Pros & Cons of Negotiable Dance Prices & How to Handle Them
    Correction: I think the ho was $2. The $5 hoes of today are really $2 hoes, but with inflation and poor negotiating on my part.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Pros & Cons of Negotiable Dance Prices & How to Handle Them
    In the past I use to take my $5 ho to someplace real upscale show she could learn somewhat how to behave like a lady. Well shoot, I can't even afford the hors d'oeuvre in a place like the old Pavillon. Does that mean me and my date should be denied superior dining? Hardly. :) Unfortunately, I've needed to act a little more aggressive than I am. But, for good eats AND to show a ho a good time, a man's gotta take charge and take names. Over at the Canton in Coral Gables my culture earned me multi-course meals and all the bottles of plum wine my gut could handle---owner always tried to give me for free, but I insisted on paying at least a few dollars. I don't like free. The first time I'd met the owner he was calling for a cop and fortunately for me a cop that knew of me was within about 10 feet. Everyone was a happy camper after that and the owner always referred to me as Number One Customer. I'm a nobody, but he made me feel important and loved. Best of all he listened to my heated harangue about government without taking his beady eyes off of me. Just as easy, I could have been wrongfully placed under arrest. Sometimes having people know you is all important whether it be in stripclubs or a restaurant.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer gives you a lousy dance to get get rid of you. Does it work?
    Just thought of another way government is responsible for bad dances. Imagine getting royally screwed in any of thousands of ways government is capable of screwing people----FBI, CIA, DEA, FDLE, DMV, SS, HUD----well, you should be able to get the point. IOWs, the alphabet soup of government. Basically, at the el cheapo clubs that I love you will sometimes see a dancer with a "chip on her shoulder" courtesy of government. BEWARE!!! Better to just steer clear of this dancer unless you're a real pro, glutton for punishment, empathy central, or associated in some impressive way with the alphabet soup of government. I "rescued" one pilgrim over at Angels---he didn't know what the hell hit him. One minute he is getting out of this world dances and next he is dealing with the HO from HELL!!! :( I saw this coming about a million miles away and swooped in like a super hero----very unlike me, btw. Pilgrim was grateful, btw.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Pros & Cons of Negotiable Dance Prices & How to Handle Them
    "If it's more than you're willing to pay, you just stay out of that club. Simple." Gee, seriously? Do most people think like that?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer gives you a lousy dance to get get rid of you. Does it work?
    Oh fuck, you weren't! My heart is broken. :) Anyway, government is routinely responsible for bad dances depending on the jurisdiction.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer gives you a lousy dance to get get rid of you. Does it work?
    "Bad dances are caused by the government!" Another way government causes bad dances is when the dancers become afraid that your working undercover or there are undercover police officers in the club. She may be a total sex kitten with or without $$$, but fears of undercover police officers may put quite a damper on her performance.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer gives you a lousy dance to get get rid of you. Does it work?
    "Bad dances are caused by the government!" That is definitely perceptive if overly inclusive. Most people wouldn't have the brains to see that at any time or under any circumstances---flag wavers thru and thru. When the police make a "sweep" at Angels picking up dancers at random (you don't need to be guilty of anything) to take 'em to the local jail (and trials? Please, this is America), the mileage typically drops dramatically at least for a couple weeks and sometimes longer. Also, the better dancers (hotter and more skillful) typically make themselves scarce for a good spell. Yes, government can definitely be responsible for bad dances and a whole lot more. Blame America first and foremost cause it has been well earned.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer gives you a lousy dance to get get rid of you. Does it work?
    "Since I haven't asked a dancer for dances in ages and they are always asking me, sitting on my lap, or talking to me first, I find it hard to imagine a dancer trying to get rid of me by doing a lousy dance." Hi casualguy, Imagine ignoring all those dancers lavishing attention on you. Now imagine you see a dancer that just lights up your eyes. The jackpot. Maybe you see her joking with her buds. Maybe she is giving dance after dance to different lucky customers. Maybe both. Imagine you get tired of waiting for her to approach you and you decide to take action!!! :) Imagine you ask and she shakes her head and says NO!!! Maybe she isn't so in your face, however. Instead, she drops her head and reluctantly follows you over to the couch. Those fabulous dances the other customers got? Hmmm . . . she might as well be dancing for them because she is closer to them than she is to you!!! :( I think Gambling dancer was a good 3 feet away when she very unhappily gave me my first dance from her some 7 or more years ago. I kept buying dances left, right, and center; the game changed dramatically and soon I was a very happy customer. I got the extreme beauty that I wanted along with the GFE at a price ($5) that was within my budget. Heck, she even ended up giving me "freebies" and wasted her time with me when she should have been hunting whales as soon as they swam in. All though it is an ego boost, I don't like it because I feel guilty. A dancer shouldn't be wasting her time with a $5 customer when a real customer becomes available.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Southern U.S. girls
    I'll wait until the 17th. :) I don't believe in this country there is any financial business that doesn't have the stench of government on it. Some would claim Long Term Capital was such a venture----yeah sure that is why the government bailed it out.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Clubs Fines
    NO. Ghetto clubs like Angels charge hefty fines to the dancers for *everything*. They can only abuse the dancers like this thanks to the vile government. When there was a free market in stripclubs there was real competition for dancers. The government gave the big stick to clubs and the clubs use it against both dancers and customers. So to be clear: The vile government is to blame for shutting down the little clubs and for all manner of assorted ills---big and small---in the stripclub business. Who are victims? Mainly the dancers and customers and to a much lesser extent the clubs that were allowed to remain open.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Southern U.S. girls
    No Dougster, There isn't an "unregulated" market. There are federal laws, state laws, court decisions, regulations, and more. Furthermore, even where there is *allegedly* an "unregulated" market the government sticks its nose in the as was the case with Long Term Capital. That encourages others to follow the same game in the belief government will come with free moneys. Not only that corporations are creations of the government----very sleazy the way courts have applied the law to these government creations. It is what? A government game! It is how I got ripped off a few thousand dollars---true, I could have sold the shares and chose not to. Still everything in this country has the heavy stink of government---directly or indirectly---including stripclubs. You came up with this lame ass garbage that I'm to blame. I'm to blame for the vile government shutting down the little stripclubs along W. Dixie Hwy? No, the government is to blame. The government is usually to blame whether it be adulterated TV programs (gov. anti-drug propaganda) or a censored craigslist. The mortgage mess was totally a government game. As I said your credibility is zero.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Politics and economics
    Shadowcat, perhaps I'm wrong . . . didn't you first poke your nose complaining in a non-stripclub thread? Yes, later a true stripclub thread gotten involved in the political/economic debate.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Southern U.S. girls
    "Yet the financial services industry is probably the most heavily regulated sector of the American economy, saddled with hundreds of laws, thousands of regulations and a plethora of government agencies. If red tape were the answer, this problem never would have happened." http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-oew-mitchell-abromowitz14-2008oct14,0,6652699.story See that is the government that I see day in and day out. You see a free market? Where? Wall Street and the banks are highly regulated---it is as I've said a government game. The problem didn't go unseen. It was in the open for Congress to deal with especially since my reading of the hearings it centered primarily around the CRA. For a pundit or politician to speak of the "unregulated" markets is either misinformed or just an outright misstatement. I'd love to see substantial "unregulated" markets, btw.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Politics and economics
    "Use Firefox, it has a spellchecker that works on TUSCL, as well as most sites." Yes, it helps. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Southern U.S. girls
    "How about that stripper?" Well, the nicest that I've met are Southern black strippers by a landslide. Perhaps if I had more $$$ or lived in a different part of the country, then I'd have a different opinion.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Southern U.S. girls
    You wish to pretend the government didn't dominate the mortgage market as well as banking from A to Z. I consider that ridiculous. Your credibility is zero.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Southern U.S. girls
    It hardly proves this wasn't a government game. You run from the issue. The mortgage market had government everywhere you looked. And, for good reason. To encourage home ownership and development. The government market collapsed---sorry, as much as you wish it, it wasn't a free market. Next you'll be telling the stripclubs here in Miami represent a free market. I'd laugh, but it isn't funny. The stories behind individual companies and what their risk models may or may not have been means ZERO. This is was and will be a government game at least for the next decade. The government is the King and was before the companies were "nationalized."
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Politics and economics
    Shadowcat you had more than a little rant when it appeared the government was going to shut down your favorite stripclub. So what if the government shuts down your ideal of a good stripclub. I've had the local government shut down a bunch of little stripclubs until on W. Dixie Hwy there was only Angels left. People want to yelp about a free market or a free country? Screw that bullshit. Really, let 'em close down your favorite stripclub and then I'll be happy to hear about your freedoms and how your fought freedom etc. You may say well what is the big deal?--You still have Angels and bunch of other clubs. The big deal is the little clubs on W. Dixie Hwy each had their own very unique culture. Angels isn't and never was a nudie cutie biker stripclub, but we had one just down the street. The vile government with its religious fanatics supported by "taxpayer" dollars shut it down. They did a lot of that bullshit. It is really a surprise that Angels was allowed to survive, but Angels really can't cater to a wide variety of interests. It is one small club that tries to accommodate everyone. So, yes talking about politics and economics is important unless America magically becomes a free country, which I don't see happening in the foreseeable future. Perhaps recognizing the aforementioned twin issues might be the first step in keeping the government in check. Flag waving doesn't help one iota. Some pea brains would even deny the major role government can play in the stripclub market----they got some blindness that dictates it has to be a free market because this is America.