
Comments by jablake (page 13)

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    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Pros & Cons of Negotiable Dance Prices & How to Handle Them
    how, I had some extremely wealthy friends from Iran. They love America and complained how in Iran part of their wealth was stolen by a corrupt court. I said that sounds like America. So they looked into my case and said yes, but only "pocket change" was stolen from you (to their credit, they did offer to reimburse me---very impressive considering they'd done nothing wrong to me). We had MILLIONS stolen. I said well my "pocket change" was like MILLIONS to me so I don't see a dime's worth of difference. Their response was "pocket change" is "pocket change" and just because a person is poor gives it NO greater value. Typical filth type thinking that the wealthy fall back on. If they can afford the theft then it is OK or trivial. I say BULLSHIT! Those wealthy assholes need their money stolen big time so they can understand how poor people feel when government rips them off.
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    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Republicans or Democrats?
    "gk noted simply that 'Liberals are big on controlling behavior, and are more likely to use legislation to do that than republicans.' This is the truest and most salient observation in the thread thus far. Good post, gk." Key words being *more likely*. I'd MUCH rather have health care for everyone than have government paid health care just for the elderly or just the elderly and some children or etc. Ideally, I'd love to see the government completely out of health care, but if government is going to stick its nose in then go for the gold and help everyone. :) And, as long as government is sticking its nose even partially in health care (dabbling in socialism), then an even better goal is stealing from the rich----from every possible direction. Make it so the rich are thrilled to keep 5% of what the currently have. :) Socialism is the future and a brighter future than Bush Republicans every day of the week.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Pros & Cons of Negotiable Dance Prices & How to Handle Them
    Hi how, No it isn't my concern alone when I have a corrupt government that imposes all manner of costs upon me. Just as you wish for others to pay for the War on Terror, I feel it is more fitting that the rich finance "good" government such universal health care, education, housing, strippers, transportation, food, research, etc. So, get the stinking government off of my back and I could care less about the wealthy (the less government the better). I wouldn't want a penny from them. Act like President Bush and dang, those wealthy need to be ripped off every day and every which way. Socialism is the solution to conservatives and others who wish for larger government. It is like The Wall Street Journal giving thumbs up for government paid health care for the elderly. Screw that filth. If so called conservatives wish for government to spend money on the elderly, then they should be FORCED to spend it on everybody for all manner of goods and services without limit. Conservatives want a War on Drugs, a War on Booze, a War on Terror---fine, but that has a price tag. The price tag is others have a very different agenda for government such equality of wealth. :) Fair deal? It is sorta like this sweet little old lady who wanted the local government to stop the shade tree mechanics---I and most people agree with her as far as it would be nice if they were gone. There is a price and she didn't want to pay it nor did most of the neighbors (after it was explained to them). And, the price is the government doesn't stop just where there is a broad consensus----not all. Shade tree mechanics today and tomorrow it is people who don't paint their home often enough or paint it the wrong color, or who've parked a truck in their own driveway, etc.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Chubby dancers
    I only go for the extreme hotties. Beauty doesn't scare or make me uncomfortable in the least. Having said that typically the fat or chubby dancer is a nicer person---the stereotype is dead on the money, imo. I've met plenty of super sweet chubbies and my interest is ZERO. As a person or as company these are very fun, interesting, sweet, individuals, but my equipment doesn't work like that. I NEED a beautiful or almost perfect looks. Nasty personality is ok. Sweet personality is much better. I'm just grateful when I find the look that makes my heart race that other traits are pretty much dismissed. This one dancer was severely limited as far as just any type of intelligence, but I still chose her in a landslide. Having said that I've met perfect 10s who received mucho attention and they were as nice as could be. I was surprised they were so sweet when they received so much attention. I'd thought it would be tiring and they'd just push people away to get a break.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Pros & Cons of Negotiable Dance Prices & How to Handle Them
    As the King of negotiating 241, I'd hoped shadowcat would weigh in with some intellectual cannons of why he does it. I assume he just considers the question too dumb. Let's say it ain't about the obvious i.e. money. It could be a way of demonstrating dominance. Yo bitch, yeah I'll pay but on MY TERMS. I ain't no typical candy ass who accepts whatever shit is shoved in my face. Sure I'm loaded with stocks, bonds, real estate, 6 fig income, etc., but that don't mean I's a punk pushover 4 a pretty penelope. You take care o my needs, then will see about you getting a little cheese. You got suckers who meekly accept full price??? shoot get your whore ass moving in their direction ho!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Pros & Cons of Negotiable Dance Prices & How to Handle Them
    "Ask any poor person presented the options of jail time or fines." Yes, the wonderful option of would you rather be raped in the ass or in the mouth. Typical American thinking.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    As if Detroit didn't have enough problems
    BTW, the first sentence of the story states: "an officer shot him."
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Married to a stripper?
    "I believe my job description say dancer and NOT leg spreader." At the old Angels the job description read dancer, but thankfully there was no music or dancing. :) Now the ladies did walk and pose . . . maybe their job description should of read model.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Raids
    Yes. A tough detective was unhappy that I didn't flee along with everyone else. He advised that it would be a good idea to do so immediately. Of course, I was compliant.
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    15 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    As if Detroit didn't have enough problems
    "Funny how convenience stores operating at night packed full of booze attract all sorts of crime however strip clubs are deemed a horrible concentrator of crime." Ah yes, another nexus of domestic terrorism government need quash. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    As if Detroit didn't have enough problems
    "Jablake, did you read the whole story? It was a cop that shot the male dance. Does that really count?" Not only do I enjoy engaging in the prolix, but to peruse. As I'd said previously in essence, facts just get in the way. :) Besides when googling I noted at least one other stripclub shooting story, but didn't peruse it because it might have lended legitimacy to the domestic terrorism angle i.e. ruin the humour. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    As if Detroit didn't have enough problems
    http://www.detnews.com/article/20090610/METRO/906100407/1409/METRO Yes!!! The domestic terrorism angle is ALIVE and WELL. :) Checkout this snippet from a newspaper report: "Male dancer injured in strip club shooting Santiago Esparza / The Detroit News Detroit -- Investigators are trying to sort through an early morning fight that occurred in a west-side strip club, leaving a male dancer in temporary serious condition at an area hospital after an officer shot him. . . . "
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    As if Detroit didn't have enough problems
    "The only strip club shooting I can think of in the last 5 years was in Grand Rapids, the opposite side of the state from Detroit." OK. Let's not allow facts to encroach on the domestic terrorism angle. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Pros & Cons of Negotiable Dance Prices & How to Handle Them
    "The only people who feel the sting of socialism are the providers of service and products." Hardly. They might be the main beneficiaries as government buys up their goods and services or spreads dollars so ordinary folks can buy 'em. Get too wealthy? Then be prepared to be just another victim of the government's growing prison system. :) Hey government is corrupt---the wealthy should get to feel it branded on their butts for a change.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Pros & Cons of Negotiable Dance Prices & How to Handle Them
    Hi how, I'm not talking about the market. I'm talking about wealthy assholes who love government. You know more laws and more government mandates. We had these wealthy assholes in my neighborhood and I was able to organize opposition to their ideals of adding another layer of government. What did these wealthy assholes want? More police, blocked roads (anti-crime), greater code enforcement, more standards (paint your home; no signs; etc.), higher "user fees," etc. These wealthy assholes are a true menace because they wish all manner of services and then believe everyone should pay equally. They only whimper when the costs are painful to them---if the costs are painful to poor people the nonsense they spew is that if you can't afford it, then move. No, the better solution is just for the government to steal your money so you get a new attitude! One wealthy asshole had the nerve to stand up and say that the additional services would attract people like him to the community. I stood and said it is people like you that either need to be sent packing or taxed non-stop for all the garbage you propose and then taxed much more to pay for "good" government programs. He said why should he pay for me!? I say because you want this garbage and have the means to pay for it. You want more government, then fine I know the best way to not only pay for it, but how to spend it more appropriately as well. :) Unfortunately, President Bush very much showed that socialism is the best viable path. Limited government has almost no supporters.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    As if Detroit didn't have enough problems
    Hi SuperDude, I hate to say it, but maybe the city council is right depending on how one views the proper role of government. Also, do the stripclubs provide a substantial or any net economic benefit? Here in Miami some of the clubs that I love are "shooting galleries" where not only can people end up going to Heaven quicker, but more importantly may end crippled and permanent drains of resources. Just a few crumbs for thought. I can easily see where some people would equate stripclubs with "domestic terrorism" because innocent people get killed and the drug trade is also usually involved. Add semi-automatic firearms and heck not only should the government close the stripclubs, but dropping bombs and sending in troops might seem appropriate.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Pros & Cons of Negotiable Dance Prices & How to Handle Them
    It seems like the dancers that I meet often are suspicious of generosity---money or help. Usually, I don't have to worry about being too generous with $$$ because I just don't have that much. What I have pretty much goes to attorneys (yes, blame government). Anyway, on special occasions when I'm spending and I feel the dancer is getting concerned, it seems to help a lot if I explain the special occasion and that normally I'm very low budget. Anyway, as far as the car dealer example . . . I took a little umbrage at the mentality if a person is financially disadvantage or even if he isn't that the list price should be considered sacrosanct. Point being those who subscribe to that notion may run from it where their budget isn't as robust. I remember this wealthy asshole at The Trap who was demanding that I tip $2. Because he could afford $2, then presto that is the moral tip. Turns out the elderly punk (he was old like me) just visited every 3 months or so. Here I might be showing up every day. The punk couldn't comprehend that I was actually a much better customer than him due to VOLUME. With clowns like him the dancers would have starved. Similarly, the punk might consider $20 per dance plus $10 tip sacrosanct. He wouldn't be able to comprehend that $5 per dance when the club dead is very much appreciated depending on VOLUME---that day and future days. Bottom line is that the supposedly "good" customer might not be nearly the catch that he might imagine himself to be. Dancers might rather be wasting their time with a low budget customer who "lives" at the club. Anyway wealthy assholes who are very nonchalant about imposing costs on others need to feel the severe sting of socialism.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Pros & Cons of Negotiable Dance Prices & How to Handle Them
    Hi how, Actually negotiating and paying less may assist you in getting into the dancer's panties. It doesn't seem like demanding 241 hampers shadowcat's opportunities to any relevant extent. Men are often confused thinking giving more equals getting more! Think loser boyfriend and forget the mantra of money money money.
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    15 years ago
    Pink Site
    "There are a lot more important things out there to" That makes sense and is logical . . . . . . that really ain't the way the game is played. Most people would like to think "there are a lot more important things" for government than having its agents get lap dances. The whole consenting adults pov.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer gives you a lousy dance to get get rid of you. Does it work?
    This old beat to hell prostitute knew customers and providers like a hall of famer. Even when her referred provider didn't work out, it was well worth my time. I always looked forward to meeting anyone she suggested. She tells me about this goddess of a provider that most customers didn't like because she was picky and arrogant? Definitely a goddess. My heart was racing and my eyes were way wide just letting all her beauty enter and my breathing stopped and started in spurts. The goddess was fun to meet and to talk with, but she refused me cause I was too "low class" or some words to that effect. I'm just starting to really turn on the charm and she gets a phone call for a real customer and that was that. Goddess sort of worked at a stripclub and sorta worked as a dancer, but as a dancer she rejected almost every customer (she didn't care for undressing, either); picky as a provider as well. The beat up old prostitute wanted to ring the young lady's neck---can't say it wasn't understandable. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Pink Site
    Hi judyjudy, It has been a long time since I visited the pink site, but it seemed to have a bunch valuable information. I wish a couple of those dancers were local----very pretty and very sweet. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Lets talk about EAST ST. LOUIS!!!
    "Legislature is SINGULAR, so the verb is 'has' not 'have'." I'm hardly a grammarian, but I think "legislature" is a collective noun that may take either a singular or plural verb. To wit: 1. The legislature has voted to approve the new spending bill. 2. The legislature have debated the pros and cons of mandatory auto insurance. Or, I could be wrong. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer gives you a lousy dance to get get rid of you. Does it work?
    A dancer over at RolLexx would sometimes purposely give me a lousy dance to give me the "hint" to take my business elsewhere. I learned this when one day she actually wanted my business (I'd given up on her). She was desperate she said. Now young customers? I never saw her give them a 'tude. BTW, sometimes instead of a lousy dance she'd just say NO. If a dancer thinks that I'm with the government, then a lousy dance to end the encounter may be the dancer's answer. Anyway, the subject was merely that if a dancer gives you a lousy dance to get get rid of you, then does it work? The reactions to that simple question were telling . . .
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer gives you a lousy dance to get get rid of you. Does it work?
    I thought Gambling dancer could commiserate with me. All her male relatives have criminal records. Her dad's record went on for many pages and he has lived most of his life behind bars. So what do I get when I tell her about my mother's side of family? Gambling dancer blurts out they're fakers. :( She actually couldn't understand what I was talking about because her family didn't have that problem. Worse than not understanding was her belief that it must be fake. It is like the customer who hasn't had a dancer give him a bad dance to get rid of him so thusly he believes it can't happen. It must be fake. All the dancer had to do was say NO. All dancers care about is money thus giving a bad dance to get rid of customer is impossible! Etc. Gambling dancer really depressed me calling my people fakes when she hadn't even met 'em. I think if she actually got to meet them, then her eyes and mind would open. Then she'd see the stress and misery. Then maybe she'd be more willing to really listen to my stories and meet some of the players. If she meets the players, then she can decide based on what she experiences first hand. I guess many things, like a dancer purposely giving a bad dance to get rid of you, need to be experienced first hand. I never said it was common, btw. And, I probably could of avoided it entirely just by going with dancers who did show an interest in me. Of course, then I'd be without the memorable experiences and Gambling dancer and I never would of had a history going on 8 years or so.