
Comments by herbtcat (page 31)

  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Monday night of fun.
    That's an awful lot of cash for BJ/FS. Was the BJ at least BB? For that cash, even in Dallas, you could have brought two 18-23 yr old super hot pro's to your hotel room for 2+ hours of fun.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    The Truth About Lust
    Very suspicious indeed. As a rule (see my comments elsewhere) getting a dance from a two-stripper team is almost always a hustle where you will pay twice as much for half the service you would get from one.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Thursday Special
    And what's with the flashlights? Is that bouncers with flashlights, or more like the old flashlight shows from the heydays of MBOT in San Francisco?
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Quality Mongering since 1993
    Foolin' at RAB on April Fool's Day
    Carved in Stone Strip Club Rule #2: Beware the two-girl teams at all times. No matter what they promise, however explicit, however "honest" or "horny" they present, you will end up paying double for half the service. Usually it's one of the veteran dancers leading a (much) less attractive (much) less experieced dancer friend. They may be freinds IRL (or roomies), and the Vet is trying to help her get some dances and possibly "train" her on how to hustle. But regardless of why they team up, neither one will ever be willing to actually deliver extras in front of the other, let alone actually double-team a PL in the VIP.... (unless you play on a major league team or are a well-known rapper.).
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    First time experience for my wife and I together
    "Turns out only half the facility was in use during the hours of 10:30-1:00". I have NEVER been to Sapphire when more than half the facility was in use. That place is the size of an Amazon warehouse with a 7-11 size dancer roster.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Sunday Funday
    My only concern with clubs on Revolution is the significantly higher "penetration" (pun intended) of LadyBoys. Make sure you look for the Adam's Apple and even cop a feel to ensure there's no hidden enchilada's down there - unless that's your thing. Then there you are.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    So so experience
    Always sad when I get approached by a stripper who is fatter than me. If I'd wanted to eat cottage cheese, I'd get the salad bar at Sizzler.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Good day service extras
    A few details about the type of services and suggested tips would be nice. And did you try any VIP's?
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    A visit to Sugar's
    Excellent review. Appreciate the detail and outline format. Thanks!
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    My first time at this club and it was amazing
    Agree. He's either lying or a fool. For $1,000 in WPB, FL he could get a top-shelf pro (or two or three!) to do all that in the comfort of a hotel room.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Um... so now that you have heard it twice from the broken-nails chick, what IS the cover charge?
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    4/6/2019 Wow the world turned - well at least at Bourbon Street
    Excellent review, Dave. Nice to hear from an "Old School" PL once in a while. Not sure if you have been back to LA to catch up on the (declining ) hostess club scene. If you are thinking about it, I'd say save your funds and time. But please DM if you ever head to the SFV, and I'll buy you a suitable beverage at a local club.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Interesting club but still not worth revisiting
    I've said it before, but it bears repeating now. The Pink Poodle is where old, fat, saggy strippers come to die. It's like getting dances from Marge Simpson's sisters, only less sexy, and more spittle flying from dentures. The "allure" of the VIP dances is a lie fueled by very low house lights. Getting a friction dance from one of these age-outs is like having your grandfather's scrotum rubbed on your chin (including the scent of his ball sweat), and then realizing it's her boobs hanging below her knees. The best option for San Jose (and I'm being generous here...) is to go to Cheetahs to see very young (18+) hot newbies dance - at a local law-mandated minimum of 4 feet from you - and then go back to your hotel/home and spank it to a pseudo-porn on Cinemax.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Should have made the drive up to SF
    Not the only option in SJ. There are others nearby but the PP is the only place where you MIGHT get to touch and be touched. But otherwise, you are spot on. The Pink Poodle is where aged-out strippers go to die. As to heading north to SF; yes there are many options there, and extras may be found in some SF clubs. But expect to pay 5 to 10x what you saw at PP and even then, beware of dancer ROB's.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    I got robbed
    I've seen this routine before, but it was in TJ. No doubt it stings, and I feel your outrage. I developed a firm, unbreakable rule several years back: No doubles - ever! There is just no scenario of getting a dance with two strippers where the PL won't lose. It's either the hot one trying to get her fugly friend some cash, or the frisky one not willing to throw down in front of her "friend" because she doesn't want to admit she sucks dick in VIP, or an outright scam to steal your money. Sounds like you also realized that it's futile to complain to the bouncer or manager. You are not tipping them, she is, and maybe doing more than that. Lesson learned the hard way. I keep a wad of 1's in my front pocket and keep my bigger bills elsewhere. If I do get distracted - 'cause TITS! - at least I'll only lose 20-40 bucks.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Utter And Complete Waste Of Time
    Alexia was the KMSO Queen! There was a line of PL's there every Thursday waiting for a turn at a $100 half with her. Sadly, those days are well behind us now. There are indeed still nuggets to be found at DVNH, but you'd better be prepared to dig around for a while to fund one.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    LE at Sands?
    That's scary AF. But I have to wonder if Local LE can really afford to budget a full time employee to sit in a club all day and inspect the gents' room for DNA evidence. Plus my experience is that any moderately experienced dancer will have a positive ID on any LE in the club - either from prior raids or by paying an "LE Tax" orally. Plus imagine if his department just got a federal grant for body cams! Yikes! Anyway, I've always considered it a good idea to "pack up my troubles" and take them out in my "old kit bag" as it were.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Super friendly
    Second Rule for Not Getting Ripped Off In Las Vegas: No dances with two strippers! You get charged twice a much for half the mileage. Here's what's really happening; The 1st girl is buddies with a less attractive, less successful stripper. She feels sorry for her and brings her over to you to help her get some dances. They play up the threesome angle a LOT. But neither one of them is actually willing to show all of thier inner whore to thier friend by actually providing HM services. They win - you lose. If you have 500-700 to spend, jut hire a pro that delivers to your room. You get a full hour and can lock the door.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Takes a few visits to learn the ropes
    As I recall the private rooms also feature a box of tissues in a metal dispenser on one wall, and a bottle of lotion in a metal dispenser on the opposite wall. Pure class all the way! :p Did you happen to get any prices with that menu? I seem to remember they start at "ridiculously high" (like 500+ for HM) and go up to "national debt insane" (like 1,500+ for UHM). And no, being a local doesn't seem to qualify for any discount.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Not what I remember
    "...how stupid would you be to have a sexual encounter in an open club in public..." Um...… what? Do you usually only read strip club reviews in Yelp?
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    First time at Sapphire. Crushing hard.
    CP, for $1500 you can get 3 separate top-tier pros to come to your hotel room for one-hour of GFE/UHM service or one top-shelf porn star for PSE/UHM service and no add on bottle charges, tips to bouncers or walk of shame across the PL-filled floor to the men's room to tidy up. Hell, the pros will probably even hop in the shower with you - scrub a dub dub. Just something to think about when doing your cost/benefit analysis. And from my experience, especially in Vegas, two girl pairs are always a trip to over-promise/under-deliver land. Either one is much more fugly than her hot friend or neither of them will be willing to provide extras in front of the other so they won't get called out as a ho later. Of course, those rules/trends change when both of them are open to OTC time. But even then you are likely to get high-balled (pun intended) with outrageous OTC rates that are 2 or 3 times the pro rate I mentioned above.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Lapdance connoisseur
    Fun Monday Night
    You got in, you got off, you got out. Sounds like a good visit to me.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Couples Friendly
    Why not have the wife invite the blond back to your hotel? Might have been awesome.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Back again
    So the HJ was covered? That's a bit unusual, isn't it?
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Not a good day
    "Took some meds"? More likely she was high as fuck. You are lucky you got some cash back. But that doesn't excuse you from breaking the cardinal VIP rule - negotiate for extras (specifics and tip) BEFORE you agree to the dance. She would have kept tapping you for more tips through the whole VIP and would not have delivered anything. Learn from this, Padawan. And use the force only for good (blowjobs).