
Comments by FullPress (page 4)

  • review comment
    10 years ago
    I am pretty sure we (my...
    Thanks H. If a girl can pick up on my signals she will usually approach me (wife) which is very smart for her, I think. But since we always want otctime it's come down to asking the meseros which girls are into couples. Not always our types but still
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    Yelp blocked by review of New...
    Never heard of this place, so thanks! Were a couple m/f, can you tell me know it's couples friendly? We are always looking for that!
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    Mermaids is a small place. Although...
    Does anyone know if you can take the girls to your own room?. the summer we get a nice ac room to rest in on the same street. Some are nice! And we would love to take one to the nice room instead of a small room on site. Thanks!
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    9 years ago
    Cuatro Veces en Tijuana
    SJG I am not saying it's impossible but I have never once seen anyone sitting with a SG in a restaurant (unless she has changed clothes and I did not know) In some of our longer stays in different areas, despite the fact that it's legal, the girls can get harassed by cops. We had one girl in the car with us, taking her home once, and were pulled over for making a wrong turn. Scared the hell out of the girl who asked us to please say she was our maid, if asked.
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    9 years ago
    Some Adelitas and Tijuana Pointers and Advice
    Sjg extended GFE in the manner your looking for is probably more likely at Chevalas or adilitas. The. Sound, lights and often frantic pace of the front room at HK can make your kind of GFE hard to PUT into practice. We get a jacuzzi room for US and if we get a 3rd person in there. Good for us, this is where we get our real GFE going. We start there and if she's not clock watching. We end there. If we are just passing through we will find a girl and then get the 4 hour room. Might take all of 20 minutes. You should just get to it. No regrets
  • article comment
    9 years ago
    Hong Kong Club: Part Deux in TJ
    Never had a problem Parking just across the street up a half a block. Dirt cheap and the guys watch your car. Make sure you have a map or a programmed nav for Mexico because the signs to get there are confusing. Years of going by car. Never a problem.
  • article comment
    9 years ago
    Some Adelitas and Tijuana Pointers and Advice
    In our experience every girl wants a beer. they are small bottles. We have not been able to pull it off in HK but in many other bars we can slip 5 bucks to the dancer (which is more than she will make from the fiche) under the table, to stay. So you can get a GFE but it's going to cost you because you are paying for the drinks. If the girl is not into you she will guzzle that thing to get away from you. The nice ones will make one beer last much longer.
  • article comment
    9 years ago
    Some Adelitas and Tijuana Pointers and Advice
    Sorry, that's for HK, but the others are much the same. We got a lot during the day and really don't want to start drinking early.
  • article comment
    9 years ago
    Some Adelitas and Tijuana Pointers and Advice
    Just buy a water or a soda in the club. You get one or two beers at the door when they are charging a 10 dollar cover, I can't remember, I think it's one. You can exchange them at the bar for something non alcoholic, no discount. The drinks after that, no pressure to go alcoholic. I can't remember if they are 3 bucks or 4 bucks but they are not a complete rip off. You can't take your own water in. When you buy a dancer a drink though that is always alcoholic for her and I think about eight dollars.
  • article comment
    9 years ago
    Some Adelitas and Tijuana Pointers and Advice
    I am going to need some time, like maybe a weekend to get through all of those, but I will try. I completely agree, we never ever go for the piece of meat approach, ever. Every girl is different, some are coy some are blatant and we've had fun with both. The full on crazy ones who come on to me are almost without exception, exceptionally fun! and I plan to write about the straight up crazy one we met down the coast, with a TON OF GFE time ITC and the incredibly poised, sweet girl with little GFE but good chemistry ITC we met later in TJ The one thing I can attest to, outside of our terrible escort, every single girl has been completey into sex, nothing mechanical. What might start off slow gets great over the course of a two hour stretch. I cannot imagine a 30 minute time limit. That's when it's going to get mechanical, I think. The street girls are I think, always outside, not here and there--everywhere. You have to strike up the convo on the street. I have to defer to others on this because I have not had an experience yet and I think they are all pretty tied to wherever they are working 'from", i dont think you can take them anywhere else but I could be wrong. It's not like amsterdam where there are windows they are working from, they are literally on the sidewalk leaning against the walls, checking out either you or the cell phone. I will try to play some catch up on your threads. When you say "outside' sessions, do you mean when she is totally off the clock? The thing about HK is that it's a bit of a grind and a lot of the girls dont have a lot of down time. But there is no exit fee from Hong Kong and I think Adelitas, depending on what hotel you are using. Others can have an exit fee. That can be a drag. 60 bucks to the club because they tell you that's how much a girl will bring in an hour in "fichas" . I highly doubt that, but that's their rule.
  • article comment
    9 years ago
    Some Adelitas and Tijuana Pointers and Advice
    Well we have not done any overnights, except the girl from an SC who fell asleep in the hotel room. That review i think is under a club called Manhattan in Chetumal Mexic, but we always offer food and drinks. Everyone wants drinks, a few have wanted food (the one who fell asleep for sure wanted pizza) One of the reasons we don't do US strip clubs is that we don't have time to sit around and find someone who is into a couple, and then woo the hell out of her with a stack of cash. So in good ole Mex we can find someone (anywhere except Hong Kong it seems), strike up a pretty fast conversation and see if there is any chemistry and get to the room quickly for about two hours for about 100 dollars. Really if there is just a spark of chemistry we have come to the point that if we agree on her we're just going for it. Still, Sometimes we don't know how it's going to go until we actually get there. I think as I guy, you can figure out quickly what can go down without getting really specific. I am not at all interested in striking up or starting any sort of relationship with anyone. Although we have a favorite we completely lucked into using the mexican version of craigs list and we plan to see her a 2nd time. There is one other girl in Tijuana we would see a 2nd time. Both are full on bi and really sensual ladies, and interesting too. With us being a couple, It's not as simple as being a single guy. Girls are all over you men giving you GFE and more right in the club. She still might be really unsure of where I, the wife, stand in the whole process until we are in the room. so we now have decided to resort to detailed sex "talk" ahead of time,which is not really optimal, but unless the girl is straight up BI I can get left out of the mix a little. that pisses me off. I don't get mad at mr press, he makes it clear what's happening, and he's very charming and handsome and I don't get mad at the girl because I dont want to be one of those a-holes who forces someone to do something they are not into. I can be really happy with a lot of kissing and touching if that's all she wants to do with a woman, but if she's not into kissing (as our awful escort we saw last trip was not, despite promising a GFE and a whole lot more in her ad, even mr. P got next to nothing) then it's a big WTF moment for me and we've only had two of those. Knocks on wood. Street girls? Mr P hasnt been with one in years, we approached one this trip (see HK review) and she really was not my type at all, and luckily as a chick I was not her type either, so no harm there. Back when, it wasnt really a lot of romance for him. No clue of that's changed. I am pretty put off by some of the rooms they are working out of. We get a nice room at Rizo de Oro or Cascadas, but prefer rizo, it's quieter. Always get a jacuzzi room, always warm up in the jacuzzi, get some chemistry going before heading to the bed for an hour and a half of a hell of a lot of fun. I have a bit more to tell when I get my clubs straightened out from our last trip. And where the heck do I put that escort story? I'm not going to out her by name, but damn, what a let down. We also paid the most for her time about 120 dollars for what should have been two hours. and she was an hour and a half late. we really should have held back cash as the whole thing was just a joke, but i finally understood the male analogy of 'you dont pay them for sex, you pay them to leave' so it was a small price to pay to learn a lesson. Plus we both came she just didnt have much to do with it.
  • article comment
    9 years ago
    That Moment In Time
    Jeez-zus. This is where I am going to make NO friends, but everyone chiming in here is a guy. believe me, just fucking believe me, if you don't have clearance with your wife, when she finds out, you are fucked and your life will be a living HELL. So do the right thing. Tell her what's up and that yes, you would rather have sex (meaningless or not) with strippers or anyone other than her or you have to because she can't keep up with you and see how that makes you feel. If you can muster the courage to spit the words out then at least she gets the full truth and can decide if she can deal with it (like gawker did). She trusts you. Even if she's not everything she once was, chances are you are not either (you are spending half her cash on strippers while shes stuck with the kids and btw try that for a while and see how your energy holds upHow can that make any wife feel sexy?) You can take this with a grain of salt, but please don't. "What she doesnt know cant hurt her" will rip everything to shreds when she does know. and one day she will.
  • article comment
    9 years ago
    Some Adelitas and Tijuana Pointers and Advice
    SJG, are you asking me?
  • article comment
    9 years ago
    Some Adelitas and Tijuana Pointers and Advice
    I wish I had about 12 free hours to walk through all this. We like something between the half hour for 60.00 and a GFE. We want a GFE for about two hours and about 100 dollars covers that And there are two of us. Go during the week, pay about 85.00 for a room, the nice rooms rise drastically pricewise on the weekends, and then depending on what bar you go to take a girl longer than just to pop your nut (and avoid the damn knock on the door) Also when you stay over night they do not charge you for a 3rd person. Oh, we go as two people and bring in a girl, making it three that always costs more on a 4 hour room, so may not apply to you. Yes, the nice rooms are as nice as pictured. Use the hot tub, use the shower and always ask for extra towels.
  • article comment
    9 years ago
    Terrible Time in Tijuana
    As a frequent visitor to TJ we are outside the zona a lot, but not "just outside" the zona. The alley's are bad news. The english speaking strangers are bad news. If they are working the door of a club, eh, probably fine, but some random guys on the street? Leeches. One followed us for about a half hour saying he was an official tourist guide to help people in the zone. All great stories and tips. We finally gave him 200 pesos to just fn leave. Saw him spending it at a SC later. He was one of the nice ones. the only alley you should visit is the back alley out of Hong Kong and other clubs--any other alley, just don't go there. Harrowing and I have to say, I believe it. It's rare, it's also avoidable but I have no doubt this shit can happen.
  • article comment
    9 years ago
    Female Friendly Strip Clubs
    I swear they ought to hand out wrist bands to gfs/wives that say "I'm into it" so there is no confusion. I love to go and I want action! I try to smile all the time (which makes me look insane) to send off the good vibe. But sometime the dancers are still unsure. It sucks.
  • article comment
    10 years ago
    Definitive Tijuana Hong Kong Club and more...
    As a woman who is part of a couple who takes part in the fun of Mexican strip clubs and all the extras they have to offer, you give a good rundown, on HK but your preface...the feminist comments, the undermining of the family, the day care "pedophiles" raising our kids, oh and women (gasp) "demanding" to actually work. What's up Dr?....Do you think these strippers are not "working"? Do you think this is not a real "job"? And where do you think HER kids might be? They are certainly not hanging out in the back of the club waiting for their "single mother" to take a break during her 9 hour shift. And why is it that, at the shaving cream stage, you did something you were "uncomfortable" with, yet the woman also at the stage who was ALSO uncomfortable with it is a "SKANK" and should take her chubby ass back to the states? Double standard much? My head spins! Signed, an incredibly feminine woman who runs a multi million dollar corporation in the States, and rents hotel rooms for all-night-long sessions with sex workers, because my husband does not quickly bust a nut at the bar rail.
  • article comment
    10 years ago
    Hotel Cascadas at Club Hong Kong (Tijuana) - Your Hotel Room Inside the Strip Club!
    Hey, FullPress wife here... so here is a question, after hanging out at HK just once, and getting no real action (outside of the shaving cream bar) as a pretty damn good looking couple, i hope it was just a really busy night...it sure looked it! the things is we KNOW that when we find the right girl 30 minutes will NOT be enough time. Two hours of fun is a really good time for everyone, when the dancer is into it. For an hour should we expect we would pay double for the girl? And double For The room? Anyone know? Anyone know if it's even possible? Anyone ever pay to go over the half hour? Two hours might cost us a fortune! Enquiring minds and bodies want to know, because we want to make the trek and soon!