
Cuatro Veces en Tijuana

I finally did it. Thanks to you mongers and the old poster "Dr. F," I was finally able to make my trip to Tijuana and experience its greatness!

It started with the usual business trip to San Diego, but I extended my trip by one day and procured lodging in a hotel in San Ysidro. After checking in mid afternoon I took the walk to Camino de la Plaza and crossed through the border into Tijuana. The crossing was just as expected and detailed in numerous reviews. I found the taxi stand in Mexico and in broken Spanish asked, "Hong Kong cinco dollares?" After a few minutes and some intense zig-zagging I was in front of the bar and entering a new world.

$5 cover and a pat down at the entrance but I got a free beer. Was it Tecate? Anyway, I sat down at a table and an English speaking mesero named Raul came over. I tipped him $10 and told him what I was looking for and he started bringing over girls and bringing us ficha drinks.

The second girl he brought was an absolute 10. She spoke a little English and I spoke some Spanish but there was definitely an attraction on my end (and I'm telling myself her end too!). After a couple drinks and some major groping I asked her arriba for $80. She agreed and away we went. After we got the room, this chica immediately is lunging to remove my clothes and initiates a BBBJ. I asked her to slow down but my Spanish isn't perfect and from her reactions maybe I asked her to go for it because I erupted right away. She gets up to clean up and we talk a little bit while I'm standing there probably grinning like an idiot with my pants down. I offer her another $30 to finish her time with me proper and she accepts and we start poundin away until a few minutes before the knock.

I go downstairs, we say our goodbyes and Raul is hounding me. He brings las mujeres and we start the interviewing process all over again. The process involves multiple $7 ficha drinks. Groping and sometimes tipping every girl that comes over and heavy kissing with lots of them. After several rounds of this, I find a enchanting seductress named Barbie. She is probably a 7, but she speaks good English, has big tits, and has the most playful way about here. I'm in lust! I offer her $80 for arriba and we go through the whole robe/room/towels/tip everyone in sight game again and head up. Upstairs Barbie was a lot of fun. CBJ to start out (can't win every time) and several positions later we are pounding each other pretty much until time is up. She hugs me, gives me her phone number (why do they do this?), and gives me a hug before she leaves.

After the blood flow returns to normal, I finally get hungry. I go outside to recon the area and get some food. It is unbelievable how many good-looking street-walkers work this area. As I was walking, I was solicited several times and I talked with all of them. $30 was offered time and time again, once in a while $20 was offered. What the heck?!? For $20 how much enthusiasm could a girl have? I grinned and politely turned down these offers and found a taco stand. For about $7, I got some really good food. It sounds dumb, but Mexicans sure know how to make great tasting tacos.

I crossed the street in order to meet some new girls on my walk back. I talked to a few but the sociologist in me was fasinated in the fact that the more aggressive girls had the better locations across the street. I would have loved to get paid to extensively research this way of life but that was a different mission for a different day and I was at the entrance of the club again.

$5 entrance fee and pat down (again), but who cares. Hong Kong is Disneyland for guys without the high prices. Raul found me again (no surprise there) and we were soon back again interviewing girls and buying fichas.

Shortly after, Raul decides he is leaving but not before he introduces "el mejor amigo en todo el mundo" or something along those lines. I secretly believe Raul will get a cut of the tips I will be givin the new guy but whatever. Keep bringing girls over.

Eventually I meet Carmen. She plops herself down on my lap and starts stick-shifting right at the table. By this time, I have figured out the meseros don't care and have probably seen everything before. This girl is something. She is probably only a 7 but everything about her exudes sex. The way she styles her long black hair, the way she moves, the way she dresses, her scent, everything! After a couple fichas, I offer her $70 for arriba (I'm getting smarter) and she accepts. We get up to the room and it's CBJ time again. After that, we get going for the main event and we go at it like porn stars for a few minutes. She stops and offers me her ass if I will give her a nice tip. Seriously? Mongers, you have not lived until you are in deep with a delicious looking Latina's ass in a hotel in Tijuana. We go at it until shortly after the knock, I pop, and we head downstairs.

My mesero finds me again just like I knew he would, but I'm beat. I kick myself to the curb, get the taxi back to the frontera and get in the customs line. After a little bit of a wait with my passport in hand, I get waved through by this dude that looks at me like he knows exactly what I did all day. He probably wasn't psychic, it's been two weeks since my trip and I still have a grin from that day. I pass through customs make the very long walk back to my hotel and sleep until late morning.

Friends, if you are still reading this and made it through this, good job. I wrote it as an article because it is too long for a review. I also wanted a larger audience to see it because Tijuana is my favorite place on the planet. If you are unsure, read the reviews, and you will understand. You simply have to go. I'm not sure how much I spent. I estimate a couple hundred on drinks for me and the girls, more than a hundred for the 3 rooms and various tips, about $300 with the tips for the three girls. What am I at $600? Call it $650 for three girls, 4 shots, hundreds of kisses with a dozen girls, and my hands on countless Mexican titties. I'm sure I could have gotten my number down with a rented room and less fichas but I had the time of my life.

You have to go!


  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Hotel in San Yisidro? This is really where you want to be sleeping?

    Tipping a mesero named Raul to bring over girls, instead of just approaching them yourself, be they on stage or out and about, and letting them see that you like them?

    Groping, but no front room GFE? No really introducing yourself to her or vice versa?

    So you never did rent an overnight room or ask for a longer session? But you had already paid for your empty room back in San Yisidro? Arriba means just like to go upstairs?

    You didn't court the girl some and set it up as GFE and take it to FOV/FIV and then when you wanted to go upstairs with her, wait until she asked for money. You didn't make up any non-P4P excuses to just hand her some fraternizing strip club style tips, so show good intentions and that you aren't wasting her time?

    Getting into heavy kissing with some of the second round of girls though.

    They give you towels and a robe? Robe is because you walk with the girl out on the sidewalk to the hotel. and she isn't really dressed for the outside?

    Second girl gave you her phone number. Ever consider seeing her again? Ever offer them your contact info? This is why I have zero interest in sex tourism.

    No one talks about Montezuma's Revenge?

    Didn't seriously consider the street girls, even though they were good looking, because they would not have much enthusiasm because the money was only $30? Consider that you could fraternize with them a bit, and maybe give them a bit more money?

    Girl #3 only $70, but then her ass for more money. This is why I have no interest in sex tourism. But still not sure how friendly you had really gotten with her, in getting to know her and letting it be more for her than just quick money. At least they kiss. That is something. But it could be much nicer.

    So when you were back in San Yisidro, did you wish you'd rented an overnight room and bedded down with one of them?

    Even just renting the room, could that have saved you some money and averted the knocks on the door and let you and the girl relax a little more and then maybe go for a second pop?

    A way to avoid buying them so many drinks, but instead just handing them sitting tips.

    Ways to get to know them and turn on the charm, and then spend more time with them?

    Eating your tacos alone, instead of inviting one of the street girls to eat with you, and paying her too, as that should make a follow on session go nicer?

    Ways to engage in preliminary fraternizing with street girls some, comparable to what you can do with the HK Bar girls?

    I'm going to be having a great time in TJ, but it won't be sex tourism. It will be the beginning of a major commitment to the city. And I'll be having so much fun because I won't be doing things the way you did.

    Great article though, thanks. Would you do it different next time? Another bar? Overnight room? Street girls?


    Weather Report, 1976
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    DAMN – I’m convinced – gotta do the moral thing as a monger and hit TJ b/f I die (which no one knows when that might be exactly).

    I’m actually a fair-skinned Anglo-looking Hispanic guy 100% fluent in Spanish but also actually into black women and thus why TJ has not been at the top of my bucketlist – but I do like curvy Latinas (I love curves and why I like the chocolate) and LOVE GFE; so I gotta be able to say been there done that.

    Thanks for the article and details of your experience.
  • FullPress
    9 years ago
    SJG I am not saying it's impossible but I have never once seen anyone sitting with a SG in a restaurant (unless she has changed clothes and I did not know) In some of our longer stays in different areas, despite the fact that it's legal, the girls can get harassed by cops. We had one girl in the car with us, taking her home once, and were pulled over for making a wrong turn.
    Scared the hell out of the girl who asked us to please say she was our maid, if asked.
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    No offense to anyone.. but I'm hitting the FKK scene with LG long before I consider TJ.
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    SJG -- can't wait for your article when you finally actually go.
    Toomuch -- thanks for sharing. Enjoyed reading of your exploits immensely! Sounds like a GREAT time!
  • rogertex
    9 years ago
  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    @mjx01 Germany and Mexico have a lot in common, I wanna be in Hamburg Reeperbahn looks like Tijuana
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago

    Your accounts of your exploits are fantastic! I know that in Mexico they run escorts out of public places, like hotels and restaurants. Of course none of us would ever stand for that in the US. But in Mexico we best not stand up to authorities.

    Driving the girl home! So this one does live in or around TJ? And you found her in the Hong Kong Bar?

    So they don't all go for 2 or 3 weeks at a time, eating and napping with customers and running around the clock, and never going outside, then to depart back to their home place until the next moon?

    You must be very good at functioning in Mexico, driving around in your car and all, and traveling all the way across the country, and engaging with so many of their girls..

    It is probably the more GFE oriented girls who would be good with a couple too.

    But the idea of inviting a street girl to lunch; first of all, I think it would be a lot more fun than eating lunch alone.


    The idea would be to get to know her some and soften her up, as one might do with front room GFE in the Hong Kong Bar. So I would flirt with her on the sidewalk, tell I was going to go to the HK Bar, tell her why I am in TJ and who I am and ask her if she ever dances in the HK Bar, and then suggest that she should because then we could sit together and get to know each other.

    I'd be setting the stage to being able to give her sidewalk fraternizing tips, but without her thinking I'm trying to low bid a session or to brush her off.

    I might try to take her hand and lead her away from leaning against the wall. Then I would take her place against the wall myself, and bring her up face to face with me. I figure that is the safest way of engaging in sidewalk GFE.

    As far as lunch, I meant in the Zona. She has to eat somewhere. I'd ask her if she's had lunch. I figure that in the Zona anything goes. It might even be in one of the bars, but I'm not intending on introducing alcohol. That the street girls aren't drinking is a big plus for them.

    So paying her $60 or $80 for lunch would be fine. I'd just try to flirt with her some and see what sorts of things she says and what happens, and then hand her the money and tell her I want to take her to lunch. As she probably would not be expecting that, the effect could be profound.

    I'd get to know her as much as possible and look for ways to turn it into GFE, and then see if she wants a session. That session should be much improved, since she and I will by then know each other about as well as most people do when they embark on a civilian date.

    Someone had posted before about a session with a TJ escort. Someone had referred him and she was good. She dressed the part, high heels and stockings and a garter belt. He posted a picture from her ad. He calls her an escort. But I wanted to ask him if when holes open up in her appointment schedule, if she goes out and stands on the sidewalk.

    @FullPress, I love it how you do 2hr and 4hr, and maybe longer sessions? Maybe sometimes the girl is just tired and will snuggle up with you after? It takes more than just 30min or 60min to really let go completely with a girl. I'm gentle with them, lots of letting air get out and vacuum form and shallow strokes for g-spot massaging, and using the deep strokes sparingly but purposefully. It's not really me that makes them tired, it is their own muscle contractions which turns them into a pile of over cooked noodles.

    So we've had lapdancelover123's article:

    And I encourage toomuchcover to read the above. I see it as extreme, really extreme. Where as toomuchcover's article is moderate.

    And then we have FullPress's accounts which I like much better.

    We also have someone here, I'm not going to advertise his name, but he was talking about buying border property. I assume on the Mexican side, obviously:


    But he has posted about going additional rounds with girls in the Jacuzzi, and stuff like that.

    @Papi, so you like GFE. I'm glad to hear that. Does it go that way with the girls at your home clubs? Reading your previous posts, it had not sounded that way.

    @mjx01, Why FKK instead of Tijuana?

    @pensionking, I'll be in Mexico, extensively. But it won't sex tourism. I don't have any interest in that. It will be to expand a business. So my first visit will be the first of regular visits, and the girls I engage with will be candidates for being part of my organization, and for being on the payrole too. They'll be meeting my other people, both men and women, and including native Spanish speakers. They'll be talking with them on the phone, probably within the first hours of knowing me. And then they'll be meeting with them face to face in Tijuana. And it will be like this with each place I go in Mexico.

    I've still got publicly visible and contentious political, legal, and business obligations right here at home, for a while more. So I can't be out with this sort of stuff and I can't venture very far, yet.

    Before being on this forum I had never known that strip clubs in the rest of the country were going as far as they do, beyond San Francisco, and I had never known what a cool set up TJ is.

    Some people say that I romance sex workers. I have never said that and it is not true. It's just that I treat them no differently than I would treat any other woman.

    But because of this they often want me to take them home with me, from AMPs and from our Sunnyvale no touching strip clubs. And sometimes girls from each have wanted to immediately move in with me. It shouldn't be that much different in Mexico. Better I expect.

    And @Nemesisk7, I always learn so much each time you share some of your extensive experience. Thanks.


    Stones, Gimme Shelter
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    FullPress, I greatly admire you, setting up 2 and 4 hour GFE's with girls from HK and some of the other TJ bars. I love it!

    Sounds like sometimes it gets into some overtime napping too.

    It takes a nurtured and cultivated talent in each of the participants to make it go that way. I think the best lovers do like the afternoons better. Save the falling asleep until much later.

    Your view of TJ and the women is the diametric opposite of SoCals Chicano Lapdancelover123, and quite a long way from Toomuchcover and many others as well.

    I am very grateful that you have shared your experiences on these threads. What sort of food and drink do you have, and in an ice chest? That is of course important if you are going to be entertaining a lovely girl for that much time.

    I've though about it. When I'm there and decide to approach a street girl. I'll wait before checking into the hotel. Get friendly with her and have lunch with her and all, and then just take her right up to the desk with me when I check in. This way if it doesn't work out with her, and can still change plans. Also, she might have some very sound advice about how to handle the hotel.

    If it is a source of sexual gratification, being done on a regular basis, then I could have more sex than I could afford to pay for. But I don't do it that way. It is more sexual education, learning sexual aesthetics, and likely becoming quite close to someone. So then I could pay for more sex then I could do. The money is no longer a real limit.

    So if I take one girl to lunch, plus paying her an un ratito fee for that, but it doesn't really work, like maybe she doesn't like long sessions and doesn't want to get really GFE and really open up to me, then I can still back off and wish her well. Some of the girls will even have husbands. They have their reasons why they work on the street, and not in the HK Bar. I'm sure a lot of it just has to do with the scheduling and wanting to maintain their own private lives, as opposed to always being ready anytime day or night to bed down with some wealthy overseas sex tourist.

    So if it doesn't go the way I want with one girl, and I've not checked into the hotel, I can still go some place else and select another and start over. In that kind of a situation the money is in greater surplus than my jism.


    Stones, Montreal
  • Toomuchcover
    9 years ago

    Yeah, as I mentioned in my article the hotel on the U.S. side wasn't my best option but you can't knock out a homerun on your first at bat. Saving money wasn't my primary goal. Having Raul and his friend get me chicks to fondle and kiss all night wasn't a big deal. I have no idea what I tipped, maybe $50 over about 8 hours? Not a big deal when you look at all the pussy, tits and kisses I received in exchange for the drinks and $1s I gave the girls.

    Glad you enjoyed the article. It was way hotter than I can write it. I don't have John Smiths skill with words.
  • Toomuchcover
    9 years ago
    Thanks for the comments guys. My Spanish isn't as good as pappi's but I had the time of my life.

    Yeah I overspent in Tijuana standards, but I had the equivalent of 10 really good U.S. club visits. I didn't write a lot about the downstairs interview process due to article length.

    I might be ruined though. I can't see going back to my normal club for a while. The pace will be too slow and the cost too high.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I am sure that you could do better if you approached the girls yourself. That way they can see that you have initiative and aren't chicken. It still goes a long way if the girl can see that you are the one selecting her, and so that you must really like her.

    Where did you get that idea of asking a waiter to supply you with lap mates?

    Downstairs interview? You mean the fraternizing and building report with each girl? That is of course the best part. It isn't just going to be the kissing, it's also the emotional tone you can create with her. It has to be gentle and easy, not just a girl so psyched up that she can DFK strangers. She can start it that way, but to make it really good you will need to take over and lead it. Please do tell us more!!!!

    There are Latinas here in San Jose California who would give you 4hr afternoon and toda la noche GFE's. You could have done about 4 of these sessions for what your TJ trip cost. They won't let you leave until you've been drained dry in everyway imaginable, and until they've spent about 20 min giving you send off kissing under their apartment stair case. These girls are beloved.

    Thanks for your article!

    We need to create our own HK bar's right here in the US. The reason we don't have them now is not the economics and not the law, it is because the people think differently here, because their heads are full of shit.

    So here is my thread to discuss how we create such places here in the US. Please jump right in!

    Hong Kong Bar Quality

    I also encourage you to look at the discussion prompted by an article I find to be extreme and disturbing, lapdancelover123's

    And again I am blown away by FullPress, talking about the 2 and 4 hour GFE's, and for understanding the male situation, 'you dont pay them for sex, you pay them to leave' .


    Quicksilver Messenger Service w/ Bill Graham introducing
  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    San Jose guy I don't need the waiters as far as I'm concerned they can get the fuck out of my way when I'm in the club I only need them when I want my picture taken with the girl that's gonna give me her love upstairs
  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    (: Prostitution needs to be legal here in the states , Jose guy I have envy and so should you of all the men living in Tijuana they have so much available pussy all around the city especially las paraditas street whores who are not stuck up like all the women in the states that want way to much for GFE , and plus Tijuana has the new body gentlemens club that give magnificent service first class Mexican pussy
  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    It is worth becoming a Mexican citizen , I would renounce my U.S. citizenship, would you Jose guy ? Mexico has everything food , drinks , females ,culture , sports etc
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    @Nemesisk7, I agree with you completely about not needing to use the waiters. Better if you select the girl yourself and approach her yourself, and that she sees that you are doing this. And I might say, with Latinas this will carry even more weight. That it is an extreme P4P venue makes no difference. Nothing they like better than to have a guy select and approach them.

    I agree with you that TJ is an awesome set up, the heavenly paradise here on earth. It is not just that the cost is lower, it is that the people think differently. I my opinion this is the main difference. The legal difference flows from this, but is not the cause of the difference in thinking. If we can get people thinking differently here, then the law will follow. First of all, guys need to stop treating their P4P women like shit. Don't treat them differently than you would treat any other woman.

    No I have not been there yet, and I am not interested in sex tourism. But I will be there and be there regularly and build a permanent presence. I've lived here in San Jose side by side with Mexicans and I think very well of them. I have also enjoyed some of their women in a P4P context. Now I want to connect with the source, and have it available to me right there out on the sidewalk.

    Have you partaken with the street hookers, want to post about it? Was it good GFE? Ever engage in any sidewalk GFE with them? Ever see any of them a second time by making an appointment over the phone?

    I'm not going to renounce my US citizenship, but I do understand your position. I am planning on being heavily in business activities which cross the border, and on having permanent presences in multiple Mexican locations.

    Do you know anything about this place Purple Rain?

    Always with the masks. I kinda like that. Does the place have it's own hotel with the hot tubs? Or is there one shared hot tub in the club somewhere? Is the club called something else now?

    This New Body Gentleman's Club, is that a massage parlor? Less front room GFE that way, right? Still great though?

    @Toomuchcover, by downstairs interviews I am assuming you mean GFE auditions. I hope you can tell us about that. I am convinced that the quality of the rest of it depends on that. And did you actually decline some girls, even though you were making out with them?

    I don't think I would do that. If I've gone along and am making out with her, I think I would feel obliged to continue and give her whatever she wants, like a session which could become toda la noche, and then continuing return contact and involvement with my other people. This is of course why girls always like it best when the guy picks them, they want him to feel obligated for what he has started.

    It is also a point of principle. I want all the other girls to always know that front room GFE gets unlimited results, whereas verbal approaches get nothing.


    Quicksilver Messenger Service
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago

    This Las Chavelas looks good to me. But I'll admit that there's much that I don't yet understand.

    $48 for dances, but that means one hour alone with the girl in the VIP room, and anything, or almost anything, goes? And the girl gets no other money except a cut of that $48?

    They advertise it as a nude strip club, but mostly it sounds like guys slow dancing with their girl on the stage? Not much of a strip club then. Actually dancing with the girl is more the Mexican style for brothels. Easier to talk with them that way.

    Maybe Tropical would be better, hotel a bit lower cost?

    I discount the Gallery photos. But most of the events photos for Las Chavelas are of male band members, not girls.

    Talk of spending hours talking with a girl in the main room, for just a few drinks? Hard to believe.

    Ideal, in my view, would be front room GFE auditioning, then more time and maybe a first round FS in some VIP room, then maybe some food to prepare for hotel time, then if it still looks like you and she are getting on well, then check into the hotel with her and spend a whole night, and with Jacuzzi time too.


    Poison, live
  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    Jose guy I just love that all the girls in the Tijuana red light district will open their legs to anyone
  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    The states will never have that
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago

    I know, it is not just the economic and legal divide, it is a difference in attitude. Being able to be open with strangers is a gift from God.

  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    good read!
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