Female Friendly Strip Clubs

avatar for Rednight
Over the past five years, it's becoming clear that women patrons in strip clubs is mainstream. Well, as far as mainstream at a strip club can be. Recently there was a celebrity wife swap episode where the wife said that strip clubs are the new clubs. That may more true than I had realized.

There are few friends that know that my wife and I go to clubs together now and again. When we first started some number of years ago, we really had to find out way around. The waitress would always try to put us at a table towards the back away from the action. My wife prefers something a little more central. We used to have to speak up, but now we often get some of the more central tables offered by default.

We like to get dances. My preference is that she gets one first, and, if it is friendly enough, ill get one too. We offer to buy the dancer a drink about half the time. Varying degrees of acceptance. I don't feel gouged by that. It is a nice shared experience.

In the early days would not know what to do, or they would straight out to refuse to give dances to women. I think it was a cross between uncertainty about what to do, and sometimes it was about concerns over the woman getting grabby. Some women definitely do, while others are respectful and only cross boundaries that they are encouraged to cross. Being respectful is king, and not trying to get as much as possible.

Couples can be a good win for a dancer. If I like seeing her dance, I will get one. If I enjoy mine, then odds are I will encourage her to get another, (or two!) and I will then take one more. If this go poorly, we stop at one. But if goes well, it's probably 140 plus tip. The tips vary... they are special occasions but there is something nice about adding an extra 20 or two for a job well done. Plus a drink or two and some conversation and you can get some winning time spent together.

Lately it is rare that we find truly clueless dancers. Most know "it is all about her." Start there and work your way up. She likes to know your cover story, how long you've been working, if you have other plans, and likes seeing you drink with her. It's female bonding.

Some clubs are still suspicious of unaccompanied women so your mileage may vary. I think there are fewer and fewer places. There are a few in the Austin area. P10, Palazzio, and Expose come to mind. While they are quite different from each other, they so have their draw.

Always remember, be friendly, don't be grabby, tip your waitresses, and tip your dancers. Definitely take a few dollars (more than one!) and do the stage interview. Try the beginning of the second song so she is topless. Go early so she doesn't have "overtime" due to the DJ having to extend the song so she can finish with you. At the end you can get on her list of people to visit. That's important when you have brought a lady friend. Few dancers are willing to come up and ask a couple of they want some company. It is a little more intimidating and they are more likely to be told no. If my wife goes to the bathroom, I'll usually get someone to come up right away and offer me company. I always decline so that my SO can have a say. I do appreciate the effort. I can imagine it being more difficult.

Tip your waitress well, and as you go! She can often help you find a willing dancer, and likely one that can cater to your wishes.

If you follow some basic rules, you can have an awesome time. I highly recommend it.


last comment
I took my now ex wife to a strip club 30 years ago because she wanted to see what it was all about. She was the only female customer in the place and didn't like it. That was about the fastest that I ever saw her finish a drink. She didn't like it and as a result I didn't have a good time either. I never took her again, in fact I had to divorce her ass so that I could go whenever I wanted. Take my advice and leave the wives at home. :)
The key to having a pleasant strip club visit with a woman, is to go with one who *actually* wants to go. Otherwise, it ain't gonna work no how.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
I am a female customer that has been clubbing solo for years. I've been to a lot of clubs, but because I club in the daytime I rarely see couples or other solo women. As far as friendliness goes - there will always be girl-friendly dancers at every club, and it is rare to find a dancer nowadays who hasn't danced for a woman at least once.
I am vehemently pro women when it comes to having them in the club as customers, but I do NOT want them in there if they are using it as a nightclub and either not spending, dissing the dancers or acting the fool and/or taking up valuable real estate..
@lopaw, as usual, a great comment. Being a good customer means going to the club with a positive attitude, dropping some money and treating the staff right. Of course, both genders can do that.

Each gender has its own way of being a club asshole. Unfortunately, I've heard way too many negative stories from dancers about female customers acting in just the ways you described. Most common complaints were of them dissing the dancers or acting the fool because they suddenly decided they want to compete for attention with the dancers. Those are the worst.
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
I've had a lot of fun when clubbing with female friends, but when I took my ex-wife (gf at the time) it was horrible. Her deep insecurity came out and we left after only a short time. Never again with a gf.
"… Recently there was a celebrity wife swap episode where the wife said that strip clubs are the new clubs ...”

To lopaw's point – this is what I don't like about females going to strip clubs and treating them as a party club or nightclub – sometimes I see them dancing at their table all night long with their hands up in the air as if it was a dance club; or I often see them as spectators just watching but not spending a dollar and taking up the best seats for hours – not saying all fem custies are this way; but the statement quoted above is how I seen many a fem custy act in some of the places I go; i.e. treating the strip club like it was a nightclub.

“... The waitress would always try to put us at a table towards the back away from the action. My wife prefers something a little more central. We used to have to speak up, but now we often get some of the more central tables offered by default ...”

In most places I visit; one can just walk in and sit themselves wherever they want.

“... In the early days would not know what to do, or they would straight out to refuse to give dances to women. I think it was a cross between uncertainty about what to do, and sometimes it was about concerns over the woman getting grabby ...”

One of the major complains I've heard of dancers w.r.t. fem custies is the female getting jealous and catty when the dancer is getting frisky w/ the male custy as she would for any other male custy.

“... don't be grabby …”

That's the point of going to a strip club – if I could not “get grabby” then I would go to a regular bar – not touching the dancers may have been the norm back in the 80s and part of the 90s; but it's the norm now a days except for certain areas (cities) that have no-contact ordinances.

IMO – most dancers want you to touch b/c the more you touch the more fun the custy is having and he will want to spend more – w.r.t. “touching” I mean boobs and ass; not finger in vagina.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
We need more lesbian and bisexual women members who can drop a dime on the clubs that give a hard time. Bigots are assholes and sooner or later they're trouble for everybody, better to know who they are and steer clear.
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
^^^a good place to start would be Hip Hugger in Kokomo, Indiana. Women are not allowed to get lapdances there. Until fairly recently they weren't even allowed to tip the dancers onstage. Wtf is that? The last time I was there I overheard a couple complaining about the policy but the manager never said why it was so. Now THAT is a fucked up club.
avatar for gregJ
10 years ago
My girlfriend's son and his girlfriend regularly go to a club in Dayton Ohio whereby the place has become a singles, pickup bar for the under 30 crowd. There really are no meeting establishments nearby and so they gather there. Most of the female entertainers are gay. In fact, I have noticed this trend increasing in copious amounts over the past 10 years or so. I have my definite theories about why this is. The under 30 crowd seem to love it and seem to love the girl on girl stripper interaction. Exotic dancers need to sell a fantasy to their customers. A guy getting in the middle of adamantly gay/lesbian dancers is a fantasy that guy is never going to experience so not sure why he would tip stuff like this or allow himself to be bilked out of good money to pay for a private dance from one of these girls? Clients are paying for the fantasy and as a guy if I know for sure the girl is gay then I am gone as a client.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
@gregJ- here's a news flash for ya - gay or straight the chances of any dancer actually being into you is remote, so who cares who she chooses to sleep with off the clock? I get some pretty damn good dances from self professed strictly-dickly straight dancers and you'd never know that they didn't play for my team by the nasty dances I get. Bottom line is that IT IS ALL AN ACT WHOEVER YOU ARE. As long as they make it seem real one dance at a time - who really gives a fuck?
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
Spot on, lopaw.
avatar for DoctorPhil
10 years ago
^^^^^^ i agree with cflock
avatar for FullPress
10 years ago
I swear they ought to hand out wrist bands to gfs/wives that say "I'm into it" so there is no confusion. I love to go and I want action! I try to smile all the time (which makes me look insane) to send off the good vibe. But sometime the dancers are still unsure. It sucks.
^ I’ve always been the type of custy to sit back and wait for dancers to approach me – I’m finally coming around to feeling it’s best to be proactive in initiating things with dancers – I’ll usually grab their attention (gently grab their hand or arm) as they walk by me and ask them for a dance – most are enthusiastically willing and some may brush you off but the latter is normally the exception IME. I have def had a much better and productive time once I’ve started being more proactive.

Dancers are often not that good at reading custies and whom may be interested in them and whom may not and whom is willing to spend $$$ and whom is not – so it’s best to make you own luck by being proactive and trying to get what you want.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
Papi's absolutely right. I also prefer to be approached, but being proactive and going after what you want pays off. It's true that plenty of dancers are clueless about recognizing who is interested in them......I've had quite a few dancers admit that they are blind as a bat and couldn't see well enough to notice customers efforts to get their attention. How sad is that? So get up off your butt and go get that dancer that caught your eye!
avatar for DoctorPhil
10 years ago
i agree with cflock
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
@Papi I don't know if I'd touch a dancer who hadn't touched me first. I've heard a lot of complaints about a-holes who come in the club just to jeer at the dancers, grab at them, say they want a table dance and run out without paying, and generally be jerks. Would not want to be confused with those guys in any way.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
@lopaw right on. As Meg Ryan proved for all time, all you can know is that is seems real.

It can be tricky to approach dancers. When they are not with other custies, they are generally moving targets or sitting and yaking with other dancers or staff. Some of them don't feel like it's OK for you to approach them when they are yaking with the other strippers. When they are sitting alone, it's usually because they are in a bad mood and are just sitting out the shift. If you tip them on stage, and they don't come around, that usually means it ain't happening. Most of the time, they are ignoring you because of the "my customer, your customer" bullshit.
“... Papi I don't know if I'd touch a dancer who hadn't touched me first. I've heard a lot of complaints about a-holes who come in the club just to jeer at the dancers, grab at them, say they want a table dance and run out without paying ...”

Not exactly sure to which of my above comments your comment applies – in one comment where I mention being “grabby” I am referring in the context of a dance; i.e. I feel if I'm paying for a dance I want to get the type of dance I like and not the type of dance the dancer likes; so I'll grab as much as I can (usually tits and ass) and if the dancer does not like that it's fine but it'll be one-and-done b/c I won't pay for dances where I have to keep my hands at my sides “to make the dancer feel comfortable”.

If your comment is in reference to when I grab them as they walk by; I don't grab them in the ass or any disrespectful way; I just gently grab; or more like touch, their hand or arm to let them know I'm interested.

I def feel it's not kosher to be grabbing on a dancer if one does not intend to spend $$$ on her – personally I only grab/touch a dancer to get her attention to get dances or while I'm getting dances – but we all have our different ways of interacting w/ dancers.
avatar for txSOONER
10 years ago
I am a wife that actually likes to go to strip clubs with my husband. Usually, when we go, it is my idea. We have a couple that we frequent the most and I have finally gotten through to a few of the girls that I am INTO it. I like to watch my husband get LD's - it turns ME on.
I like to go earlier in the day (as opposed to night time) when it is less busy, and there is more opportunity to chat with the girls and let them know that it is OK to talk to my husband and sit on his lap. If we see a girl that we like, that we don't know - I go to the stage and tip her, and tell her that I would like her company. That usually works well for us.

Glad to see some comments about women in strip clubs. I always like seeing other women in there.
avatar for sandyfuckme
9 years ago
Brid pull out rheire enjoys strip clubs. .I usually unbutton her blouse and let the Guys see her in her Bra...Owner doesn't mind..I remove all her clothing. She gives Lap dances..gives the Cash to the other gals...Very dark lap dance area..Yes.,some take out their cock..Guess What..&?* She gets Fucked..
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