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Comments by driver01 (page 8)

discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for chitownlawyer
A difference of kind...or merely degree
Driver01: "I hope you also observe that they usually get the same pass when using that same language to describe others whilst in their sphere of influence. Dancers calling other dancers "whores" comes to mind..." Doc- "When a dancer describes another dancer as a "whore" for the purpose of differentiating and distancing herself from that dancer's choices, I don't believe that the dancer either deserves or receives a "pass" on the use of the derogatory term" Well, Doc maybe we live on two different planets. Perhaps you can enlighten me on exactly how a dancer does NOT get a pass when referring to a fellow dancer as a "whore" while in her sphere of influence(meaning with other dancers or within the confines of her club). This type of language is so common amongst dancers that I am amazed that you would suggest otherwise. Additionally, there are a myriad of other words and phrases that are commonly spoken and acceptable inside the confines of a stripper's domain that are clearly unacceptable outside of it or within Fondl's so-called "polite company." We hear DJ's using the word PUSSY so often in clubs down here that the word has lost it's shock value. The girls do the mandatory all call to the stage and parade around preparing to offer the top of the hour special, a 3 for $50 in the VIP- the DJ is offering his encouragement to the crowd saying things like "we've got the finest pussy in town" or "come on guys, check out the pussy we've got lined up on stage." I have yet to hear anyone let alone a dancer raise an objection to this "demeaning and derogatory" terminology. In fact, most dancer's play to it. It's all about the $$$. Come on Doc, propriety has pretty much been thrown out the window inside a strip club. How many times have you or anyone else for that matter objected to that sort of language routinely used in the clubs. Even if YOU are uncomfortable hearing words like pussy or whore or fucken ey or whatever, inside a strip club they ROUTINELY GET A PASS for what in other places would be inappropriate. BTW, I dusted off my Bible and found the word "whore" is used almost 100 times in both the old and new testament. Shakespeare used the word 75 times in his works. I still maintain, an anonymous stripper message board does not qualify as "polite society." The language here is more in line with what one would hear inside of a club not what you'd hear in church-unless God is talking in which case WHORE is OK. I'm not gonna argue with the almighty--LOL.
discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for chitownlawyer
A difference of kind...or merely degree
Doc-"I don't object to the word "whore" on grounds of either crassness or frankness. I only raised the issue of use of pejorative words to inflict pain and to advance/enforce societal prejudices." So let me see if I understand you-- A man with a microphone referring to women with the statement "we've got the finest pussy in town" does NOT advance societal prejudices of women as nothing more than sex objects but a dancer telling you in a private conversation that another dancer will blow you in the vip for $100 and calls her a whore IS advancing societal prejudices??? Wow!
discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for L0LA
stripper names?
I met a smokin hot dancer once whose stage name was the proverbial "Candy"...After a few dances and a few more $$'s, she shared her "real name" which was Adriana. The next time I saw Candy(about a month later), I could tell she remembered me but clearly did not remember what we talked about. So after a few dances and a few more $$'s, she shared her "real name" which was now Anna. I played along. Came back about 2 months later. Same scenario with "Candy"...a few dances- a few more $$'s and now her "real name" was Aleya. I was in town for 3 days this trip and made it a point to go back the very next night. "Candy" was SO HAPPY to see me again. After several dances and a few more $$'s I said to her something like, "Now that we are much better acquainted and you know my real name is DRIVER01, what's your name...her answer? Oh, I use my real name to dance--it's CANDY...lol
discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for pittsphil
Mons Venus- for eye candy and those who enjoy public displays of lap dances(no VIP) in a totally unimpressive and very small building. 2001- across the street from Mons and also has a strong talent pool of attractive women. Also offers private areas that range in price. Can be a very expensive proposition(pun intended-lol) but again, very good eye candy. Ybor Strip- generally considered to be rather laid back. Some good looking women but not on the scale of the 2 clubs above. You can have a VERY good time here if you get the right dancer. Usually a good bang for your buck, relatively speaking. (see my latest review) Bare Assets- agree with poster above. A long drive but unlike the Tampa nude clubs, BA is in another county that allows full alcohol bars. So, you can sit a have a drink or two with the dancer of your choice. Also have Vip area and a community lap dance room. Usually have a good number of attractive dancers. There are a number of others in the Tampa Bay area. But if you are traveling here for a limited number of days, these are the places I would start with. If you can't find what you're looking for with the above mentioned clubs, you MIGHT find it elsewhere, but I doubt it.
discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for jablake
What I'm Not Pretty Enough For You?
I try never to be difficult or rude with any dancer despite the fact that it is sometimes a bit difficult when the girl is pressing too hard--Rather than say no, you're not my type or anything of the sort, I typically will just say "No Thanks" and if I'm waiting for someone in particular, I'll tell her that. If not, just no thanks. There have been those times though when the dancer will persist using whatever stripper shit line works best for her. It's at these times that rather than be rude, I'll come back with customer shit along the lines of: "Darlin, I'm afraid if you took me back there for a lap dance I'd never come out alive. I'm thinking you be may be a bit too much for me too handle and I just need to sit here a while and gather my strength. If I feel up to it, I'll let you know-- and thanks for the offer, really"... Kind of a compliment and a rejection all rolled into one...
review comment
12 years ago
avatar for skywatch99
I was pleaseantly surprised by my...
Scarletts has no "upstairs room"...