
Comments by curiousted

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What other x-rated activities do you regularly engage in?
    I'm with Nigel. Strike that. I agree with Nigel. Strip clubs are a fantasy. The mystery is what will happen? You know what is going to happen with an escort. Both are good. When I realize I'm going to too many strip clubs, it's time for one of my favorite escort gals. Nothing like someone that wants to do everything in every way. It is also fun to go to a strip club with one of my escorts, have fun and then go home and have more fun.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    What are your best clubs for best lookers?
    Hmmm. Eye Candy vs. Tasty Candy? My limited experience has been that the absolute stunners aren't very accommodating. They've been taught since childhood that they are important, not you. The above average lookers are very accommodating ....except in my limited experience Mon Venus has about 75% stunners and 75% of those are pretty nice to you.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Situational Virtue
    I always listen to what the girls are saying. At any club, it is the girl that matters. Girl A pans the club down the street because "the guy I was with was offered a hand job right in front of me by another girl. That's gross!" But girl B describes the same club by tell me "It is a fun club but the bar staff, bouncers, etc. just take too much money from the girls," I'm taking girl B every time.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    I knew a shaved escort who frequented a nudist camp in FL. I asked her if it attracted attention or comment. She said, "No. Shaved is more common than you think." personal poll says differently. By the way, I think kitties are beautiful. I can't be in the minority. Otherwise, all those kitties would be wearing furs.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    What's the most trouble you've gotten into in a strip club?
    As long a this has drifted off topic, I'll join in. Besides the importance the city/state gives to rules, the club is next. Girls who need the protection of very restrictive rules migrate to those clubs. Girls who enjoy some extra fun or want to compete migrate to the clubs that allow latitude. I enjoy the latitude clubs. When in one, I have no problem with gals who send signals when my hands or mouth start to roam. But it is our last dance. When I am with a dancer in a latitude club, if I enjoy the first dance, we have another. I do whatever she is comfortable with. I like it when they position themselves so they can see the club policy police. When the police get interested, the gal just casually move out of contact. Then I'm Mr. Straight Citizen. I know they will be back for some contact when the coast is clear. I think I like clubbing because it is fun to play with the gals and the rules. I had one gal who came up to me at my second club visit who told me she enjoyed dancing for me because she felt comfortable. During my first visit to the club, I broke more rules with her than anyone else. I did it by responding to her signals, whether they were "illegal motion" or"first down".