Comments by wildman22
discussion comment
10 months ago
A few years back I had the best club experience of my life at Scarlett's during the day shift. Went to the VIP with Kitty and Vicky. Wish I knew where Kitty is today. Hasn't been there in a few years now. Lately the day shift has been hit or miss, and mostly miss. There just aren't a lot of great looking girls there. But occasionally, I find a gem and it is one of the best clubs for mileage if you find a girl you like.
review comment
10 months ago
ZDGTDF555, you should definitely visit Palomino next time you are in town. I too gave if a poor review during Covid. But lots of clubs were struggling with how to adapt to the strange rules that were implemented then. My last two trips to Palomino were great. Not quite as great as some of my trips a decade ago, but definitely the best game in town right now.
review comment
a year ago
First rule - just because there is a sign on the table that says "reserved" doesn't mean you can't sit there. I just assume its reserved for me. I have been asked to move when someone came in and it was their table, but I just moved to the next table.
review comment
a year ago
Next time go to Palomino. Sapphire's VIP rooms are insanely pricey for little mileage. At Palomino the girls are fully nude, the mileage is better (but varies greatly with the girl you pick, so choose wisely), and the prices are a quarter of what you pay at Sapphire. Sapphire has one thing going for it - lots of very beautiful girls. If you are going to just stay on the main floor, it is the best place in town for eye candy. But never get suckered into going to the VIP.
review comment
a year ago
A question about "L". I was with a girl named Elle about two years ago. Been trying to find her ever since. Was she on the short side? The description is pretty close. But the Elle I was with had no limits on where I could touch her. Thus my desire to find her again.
Hey Minnow, is there a button that you just automatically push that says incoherent? You post this all the time on reviews that make perfect sense. This was a good review.
review comment
2 years ago
OMG. By my math, you spent $5500 ($1500 for bottle, $2000 for each dancer for 2 hours). That's insane. I've found no shortage of dancers in Vegas who will meet OTC and for $2K they will go to dinner with you and then spend the evening in your room. Then you can control the lighting any way you want it. LOL.
review comment
2 years ago
The Rhino is a great club for eye candy. But the dances there are for suckers. Way over-priced for very little. For your $2000, you could have had a great looking dancer to come to your hotel room for an hour. I met my current favorite OTC girl there at Rhino.
If you prefer to have you fun in a club rather than your hotel, go to Palomino. You can get a half hour in a completely private fantasy room for $550 ($400 to the dancer and $150 for a bottle of booze). And its fully nude.
review comment
2 years ago
I did not see any floor dances downstairs. The 3 for $100 is the test drive.
review comment
2 years ago
Minnow, I can assure you that nothing about my intelligence is artificial. If you had just clicked on my user ID, you would see that I have posted 89 reviews on clubs all over the country, and a few in Europe.
dha, last time I posted a short review, I was slammed by an adjudicator for not giving enough details. Ya'll need to make up your mind.
review comment
2 years ago
Yes, as Etsutwig222 surmised, we were in the last cubby on the right hand wall. And yes, the price was a bit high. But overall worthwhile because she was about the best looking dancer I have ever hooked up with and she doesn't give out her number for OTC unless you do one round in the club so she can make sure you are a legit customer.
review comment
3 years ago
In Vegas its $1000 on the lower end, $2000 for a 9 or 10. You can get the same in Florida for half those figures.
review comment
3 years ago
LOL> Desertscrub, C'mon man, you know my reviews are legit. After my post on Scartlett's in Tampa, you called me a trusted reviewer. I think you're off your game tonight. I've reviewed 4 different clubs in Vegas this week. I'm certainly not a shill for any of them. I've criticized them all at one time or another.
review comment
3 years ago
I'm tempted to go to CH3 this week just to see if some dancer is really asking $2700 (and it said nothing about tip included). That is truly insane. I laughed so hard I nearly spit out my bourbon when I read "She had a nice body, but wasn't my ideal type, so I didn't take her up on that. She mentioned at one point that some of the girls there are "shady" and will "screw you over." Really? That's why you didn't take her up on the ridiculous offer - because she wasn't your type. Hint: There is no type worth $2700 in a club.
I'm still arguing with myself over a dancer at Rhino who offered to come to my place for $2000. She is an absolute 10. Probably the single best looking dancer I have run across in 30 years by my standards. Took her for a 3 for $100. Great mileage, which is somewhat unusual. The general rule is the better looking the dancer, the lower the mileage. Not always true, but usually. I asked if she did private dances and she said, "Sure, I'd love to come over to your place. My fee is $2K." That is double what most girls are quoting. She gave me her number. I know I should pass. But one side of me says splurge just this once. On the other hand, I got 3 for $100 dances from two different girls from Belarus. One a 7 and one an 8. Turns out they are cousins. They offered to both come to my place for $2K. What a dilemma. Is a 7 and an 8, the equivalent of a 15? Anyway, the point is that $2700 in a club is just plain stupid no matter how hot the girl is. Walk away man. Walk away.
review comment
3 years ago
I'm a little suspect of this review. I wrote a review of Palamino in November after one of the dancers took me on a tour of the newly remodeled private rooms upstairs. They were a great improvement over the old ones. So the comment about it being exactly the same with no remodeling is not true. I don't know where the small stanky old room is that he is talking about. And I found the prices to be pretty much the same - 3 songs for $100 fully nude upstairs in a semi-circular booth with a curtain. There's one bouncer up there. Tip him and you will never see him. I will be going there later this week, so will report on what I find.
review comment
3 years ago
I agree with Razarus09. Have a girl come to you. The strip club VIPs are high priced and lack any semblance of privacy. The good thing is that many of the girls in the clubs will come to you. Before Covid, I had several regular girls that I could text whenever I came to town. They all disappeared over the Covid break. So a few months ago I began building a new list. I typically draw from the Rhino, Sapphire, and Palomino. I take them to one of the less expensive semi-private areas like the Rhino's 15 minutes for $100 to get a feel for whether they are a good fit for me. If so, I simply ask do you do private dances? I have only had one say no. So now I have a list for my next visit. The only hard part is deciding who to invite over. So do yourself a favor and skip the VIP.
review comment
3 years ago
It was closer to $500 than $1000. She was an easy 9 in my book. I've been clubbing a long long time and this was by far the best value I have had from the standpoint of looks of the dancer and the fun we had. I don't want to be too specific on a forum. Girls get in trouble if they cross certain lines. I've done 80 reviews on TUSCL, so you can see what my standards are by reading those. But hey, if you want to pass, by all means go ahead. I simply shared my experience so that others can make their own choices.
review comment
3 years ago
Champphilly - Not sure what you mean by "next time add overall stuff". In paragraph 2, I described the overall club layout and I gave you drink prices. In paragraph 3 I described the private rooms and the fact that the club was recently remodeled. And in paragraph 5 I described the other dancers on shift that night. In the last paragraph I summed the club up - nicely remodeled place with great private rooms, but a lack of overall talent at this time. The description of my encounter with one dancer was given so that customers understand that if they do happen to find that one "diamond in the rough" at the club, a good time can be had. So what "overall stuff" were you wanting me to provide? A detailed description of the restroom?
review comment
3 years ago
Hey, I get why some guys don't like this club. It has had some down times. And there are often girls who are pushy and promise the moon just to get in your wallet and them fail to deliver. But if you know how to work the clubs and don't fall for the hollow promises, you can have a good time at this club with the right girl. If all you want out of a club is extras, this ain't your place. I have been offered extras there, but its more the exception than the rule. But if you want a club where you can enjoy a good stage show and some good two-way laps at a reasonable price, I have not come across a better place in Tampa.
review comment
3 years ago
Grand 1511 - It's hard to write a review on a club that is totally dead.
review comment
3 years ago
I did not use names because the dancers offered to meet OTC. Clubs want their dancers making them money in the club. So I do not disclose names in order to protect the girl from being fired.
review comment
3 years ago
It was $100 per girl for 3 songs. Or $150 for 15 minutes. And yes, the laps in this area are nude.
review comment
3 years ago
By the way, the 15 and 20 aren't "real Pappys" either. Yes, they say pappy on the bottle, but they are produced from the Buffalo Trace wheated mash bill, not the Stitzel-Weller mash that was used for the original Pappys. So from a pure lineage standpoint, only the 23 year old is proper Pappys. Happy to share a glass with you sometime.
review comment
3 years ago
Didn't think there were many bourbon connoisseurs on the site, so just collectively refer to all of the Van Winkle bourbons as "Pappys". Takes way too much time to write out that they had Old Rip Van Winkle Ten Year Old and Old Rip Van Winkle Special Reserve Bourbon 12 Year Old. Was just trying to emphasize the point they had some high end bourbons unlike most clubs that have Knob Creek and Makers and Bulleit.
review comment
3 years ago
It is my favorite too, but right now the talent level is way down. hopefully it will pick up soon.