avatar for daveyray

Comments by daveyray

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15 years ago
avatar for Dudester
Bathroom Troll
DoctorDarby ... absolutely correct.
discussion comment
15 years ago
avatar for neoguy
Free VIP
A few times, yeah. Generally, though, it was a club that I'm a regular at and the bartender offered it. Once, I got the champagne room at half price at the same club. Perks for being a regular, I guess!
discussion comment
15 years ago
avatar for steve229
I want my GFE
I've had GFE a few times. Usually it doesn't happen with a dancer straight off, takes a few times for us to get to know each other a little. And to be honest, it's different with every one. I enjoy DFK a lot, but not all of my GFE's include that and some that include that I don't rank as GFE's. I agree with gatorfan, the dancer has to be focused on me, not bored and just going through the motions. There has to be some level of emotional connection too (or at least faked really well). The eyes have a lot to do with it too, as lame as that sounds. She has to look like she's not just having fun, but having fun *being with me!*
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15 years ago
avatar for Jpac73
Do some bouncers let some dancers get away with more than others?
Dude, I can verify about H-Dolls. I've had some good times there, including extras I didn't even ask for, from a girl I just met. She didn't seem to worry about bouncers AT ALL. St. James, I've been at only once ... but yeah, saw the watchdogs a lot there that night, both with me and when other guys went back.
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15 years ago
avatar for WorldWideDancers
Searching for good clubs to work with for East European Girls
Just a quick note ... Pittsburgh, PA (at least a few years ago), does have dancer agencies. Many (most?) of the dance clubs contract with an agency, which provides the dancers for the club. There are (at least a few years ago) several clubs which use the same agency and you would not be surprised to find the same dancers working on different nights at the various clubs. It was actually a rarity to find a dancer working for a 'club' and not an 'agency.'
article comment
15 years ago
avatar for senatordan
Bachelor Party Mishap; Be Smart
Further, I'd probably talk to them *from inside* your home.&nbsp; Stepping outside of your home, depending on the laws in your state, can give the police officers a bit more 'wiggle room' in some circumstances, most specifically in arresting without a warrant.&nbsp; (&quot;Arrests in one's home for a felony or misdemeanor may only be made with prior judicial authorization in the form of an arrest warrant.&nbsp; (<strong><em>People v. Ramey</em></strong> (1976) 16 Cal.3<sup>rd</sup> 263, 276; <strong><em>Payton v. New York</em></strong> (1980) 445 U.S. 573 [63 L.Ed.2<sup>nd</sup> 639].)&quot;)&nbsp; This has been a bit watered down by subsequent decisions, however.<br />
article comment
15 years ago
avatar for intothemuff
Massage parlor etiquette for the novice monger
Good article, thanks.&nbsp; I have been to a few AMP's but many years ago.&nbsp; One was a fabulous experience that I'll remember the rest of my life, one was a bit ... disappointing ... I got a massage!&nbsp; Thanks for the sites, I'll be checking things out locally.<br type="_moz" />
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15 years ago
avatar for WhIteSidE
My "Top List": Part 1 -- Literature
My absolute favorite experience along these lines was having an intelligent conversation with a dancer regarding Sartre and &quot;No Exit.&quot;&nbsp; Started discussing solipsism, got to &quot;Hell is other people&quot; and just went from there ...!&nbsp; Damn, I'm going to have to go see her again now ...<br /> <br type="_moz" />
article comment
15 years ago
avatar for m6pilot
Etiquette a dancers advice and perspective
As a long-term SC afficianado, I can agree with most of what's posted in the article.&nbsp; I would like to add a couple of observations and comments, though.<br /> <br /> #3 works both ways.&nbsp; Just because I get a private dance with a dancer, doesn't mean that I want her to spend the rest of the night with me.&nbsp; If I (politely) ask them to move on, I really don't appreciate getting an attitude from them.<br /> <br /> #5 ... well hey, even guys on a Chevrolet budget like to test drive a Benz now and again, or at least walk around the showroom.<br /> <br /> #6 ... no, I don't complain about the drink prices.&nbsp; I don't have an unlimited amount of money, though, so the more money I spend on drinks means the less money I spend on the dancers.&nbsp; If the ratio is unacceptable, I leave.<br /> <br /> #8 ... why complain?&nbsp; Dancers will be disappointed if they expect all the customers to like them.&nbsp; If they are dancing for any length of time, then they must be making money there from people who DO like their body type (or personality, or smile, or sense of humour, or whatever).<br /> <br /> #9 ... some dancers seem to find it original.&nbsp; Me, I've never learned anything more complex than a heart.<br /> <br /> #12 ... I rather expect everything said in a strip club to be a lie.&nbsp; I'm not there to bare my soul and find a life partner, I'm there for the fantasy.&nbsp; I have no need to lie about my profession, but I don't believe what anyone else says about themselves, their profession, their education, their background, whatever -- dancer OR customer.<br /> <br /> #23 ... no, it's NOT my &quot;right.&quot;&nbsp; I *do* expect that, however I respect it if a dancer declines.&nbsp; I am not required to get any more dances from her in that case.&nbsp; Lucky for me there are plenty of dancers who enjoy a little spanking ... etc! :D<br /> <br /> <br type="_moz" />