
Comments by CCRiderm (page 9)

  • article comment
    14 years ago
    Tacoma, WA
    Stripping is a Business, keep it that way.
    Men follow the best blow job.&nbsp; You can't beat talent.&nbsp; <img src="/editor/images/smiley/msn/tounge_smile.gif" alt="" /><br type="_moz" />
  • article comment
    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Balance of Power between Strippers and Customers
    On the topic of the &quot;Long Con&quot;, here is an article about a really sad situation from Philly back in the late 90's:<br /> <br /> _____________________________________________________<br /> Main Line Murder was once again the headline when Merion attorney Stefanie Rabinowitz was found on April 30, 1997, dead in the bathtub of the home she shared with her husband Craig and their baby daughter. At first, it was thought to be an accidental drowning&mdash;but then an autopsy report found her death was actually due to strangulation. Craig Rabinowitz was charged with murder. Then, the truly sordid details began to emerge: evidence of Craig Rabinowitz&rsquo;s double life. His business, supposedly in latex products, never actually existed. He was heavily in debt; he had pawned everything down to his wife&rsquo;s engagement ring and had defrauded their friends and family. He frequented prostitutes before and during his marriage. In the four months before his wife&rsquo;s death, Rabinowitz had spent $29,000 at a Philadelphia strip club, Delilah&rsquo;s Den, where he had been seeing a stripper named Summer&mdash;real name: Shannon Reinhart&mdash;for a year. He spent thousands more buying gifts for Summer, with whom he had apparently grown obsessed. The clincher was, the couple had taken a $1.8 million life insurance policy on Stefanie just weeks before her death.<br /> In the end, the story Craig Rabinowitz told was this: Stefanie had grown suspicious of his spending and began questioning him. He snapped. The day Rabinowitz&rsquo; trial was set to begin, he confessed to the murder and was sentenced to life in prison without parole.<br /> _____________________________________________________<br /> <br /> Twenty Nine THOUSAND dollars PLUS gifts....she must have been a master.&nbsp; This is in a club that at that time was a complete &quot;No Touch&quot; club.&nbsp; You were expected to almost sit on your hands or some gorilla of a bouncer would remind you of that fact.<br /> <br type="_moz" />
  • article comment
    15 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Maximizing OTC Options When Traveling
    Nicely done....hypothetically of course.&nbsp; <br type="_moz" />
  • article comment
    15 years ago
    What I learned by going to strip clubs
    You know AzRay, I agree with you.&nbsp; Once you are interacting at a very personal level with incredibly pretty women, you tend to do it more in real life.&nbsp; The only thing you need to be careful of is that crossover thing that you mentioned.&nbsp; That can get you in some incredibly uncomfortable spots if you're not careful what you say when.&nbsp; I was on the crowded subway one afternoon standing next to a pretty young thing who smelled incredible.&nbsp; I almost commented on it out of habit....then had a quick flash where we were and realized that I would sound like some perv on the train.&nbsp; Close call there.&nbsp; Not to say that I'm NOT a dirty old man, but I just don't have to prove it.&nbsp; <br type="_moz" />