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joined Jul 2009last seen Feb 2010
They said love takes time, but I learned that time takes love.
"Do not arouse or wake love until it so desires."

Comments made by Azray59

article comment
15 years ago
avatar for Azray59
What I learned by going to strip clubs
Thanks for the comments. You know when I was on my quest to find words to say to a stripper to get her attention, I realized that there were not much information on this subject. Oh yeah there were the,&quot;How to lay a Stripper&quot;, and &quot;How to take a Strpper home&quot;. but really nothing that was to me REAL answers.&nbsp; I admit that I have not layed any stripper, but outside the stripper scene I have been getting some pretty good nights to remember ever since my newly converted confidence.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> Here I was a normal Joe (I am no fabio), who could not look at a beautiful girl in the eye, now holding conversations up the wall making them laugh....shit yeah. <br /> I agree that &quot;eye contact and humor make great impressions&quot;. Oh and good hygene, not too much colonge I wear &quot;Joop&quot;, it's sweet and does not smell the house up when you enter. For those&nbsp;on the same quest like pothead wrote the hardest step is out of your comfort zone and into the challenge zone.&nbsp;<br /> KOOL&nbsp;