What I learned by going to strip clubs

avatar for Azray59
First read the top paragraph of TUSCL on the Las Vegas page: <br />


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avatar for CCRiderm
15 years ago
You know AzRay, I agree with you.&nbsp; Once you are interacting at a very personal level with incredibly pretty women, you tend to do it more in real life.&nbsp; The only thing you need to be careful of is that crossover thing that you mentioned.&nbsp; That can get you in some incredibly uncomfortable spots if you're not careful what you say when.&nbsp; I was on the crowded subway one afternoon standing next to a pretty young thing who smelled incredible.&nbsp; I almost commented on it out of habit....then had a quick flash where we were and realized that I would sound like some perv on the train.&nbsp; Close call there.&nbsp; Not to say that I'm NOT a dirty old man, but I just don't have to prove it.&nbsp; <br type="_moz" />
avatar for stripclubspy
15 years ago
AzRay's point seems to be that the familiarity with beautiful (nearly naked) women you get in SCs can carry over well to &quot;real life&quot;.&nbsp; The waitress obviously thought he was being sweet.&nbsp; CCRiderm's warning that you have to be careful not to be inappropriate is also true, but it depends on what you're trying to accomplish.&nbsp; If you're trying to pick up women, the ease you can learn in a strip club can come in handy.&nbsp; It's especially handy if you just want to have some fun flirting (and maybe more).&nbsp; Of course you might get slapped from time to time, but that just means you're not being subtle enough or that you don't truly understand the game yet.<br />
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I read someplace that the only compliment you can give a woman in a work environment without fear of getting sued for sexual harassment is &quot;you look very professional today.&quot;&nbsp; Of course if you say &quot;Wow, that dress really accentuates your tits to great effect&quot; or &quot;you look hot today!&quot; you're going to get into some trouble... but there are much more subtle ways to let a woman know you're aware of her beauty.&nbsp; Just saying &quot;nice shoes!&quot; in passing if they're unusual, or &quot;nice change&quot; if her haircolor or style changed, let her know you notice and appreciate these things.&nbsp; And no, CCRiderm, you don't have to sound like a perv on the train... you can say something like &quot;Excuse me, I really like the perfume you're wearing.&nbsp; Can you tell me what it is?&quot;&nbsp; or just &quot;nice perfume&quot; with a smile as she walks by to the door, or you walk by to the door.<br />
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I think the most important quality you need for flirting is confidence and comfort in a beautiful woman's space.&nbsp; If you can make and hold eye contact with a smile, you can make a very good impression.&nbsp; Hanging out in SCs can definitely give you a chance to &quot;practice&quot; this skill.<br type="_moz" />
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
<p>You're totally right. I tend to be pretty quiet outside of my comfort zones. I'm in the medical field, so I have to be able to talk to patients. I'm good at the gym, because it's&nbsp;a comfortable place for me. Other than that, I'm not sociable. I've gone whole weekends without talking to another human being. Since I've been going to strip clubs, however, I find myself more willing to initiate conversations with people. I flirt with girls, just like I flirt with dancers. <br />
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A dancer I know is a really cool girl. Veteran dancer, rock chick, and has really lived life. She's been giving me plenty of good advice about women. And she's a pretty good therapist, actually. So for $40 bucks and some drinks I get to ask advice on improving my social skills. And she's hot. LOL</p>
avatar for Azray59
15 years ago
Thanks for the comments. You know when I was on my quest to find words to say to a stripper to get her attention, I realized that there were not much information on this subject. Oh yeah there were the,&quot;How to lay a Stripper&quot;, and &quot;How to take a Strpper home&quot;. but really nothing that was to me REAL answers.&nbsp; I admit that I have not layed any stripper, but outside the stripper scene I have been getting some pretty good nights to remember ever since my newly converted confidence.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
Here I was a normal Joe (I am no fabio), who could not look at a beautiful girl in the eye, now holding conversations up the wall making them laugh....shit yeah. <br />
I agree that &quot;eye contact and humor make great impressions&quot;. Oh and good hygene, not too much colonge I wear &quot;Joop&quot;, it's sweet and does not smell the house up when you enter. For those&nbsp;on the same quest like pothead wrote the hardest step is out of your comfort zone and into the challenge zone.&nbsp;<br />
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