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Comments by kevinmac

discussion comment
8 years ago
avatar for larryfisherman
Significant Other
My experience would be more like 50%. I took one home and kept her about 4 years ago, still with her. But I now know how incredibly unlikely that experience is. I don't think I could repeat it. Sometimes it is better to be lucky.... the youngest and newest ones are often uncommitted. The 90 to 95% number is the answer to "how many have young children?" ;)
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for kevinmac
Black strip clubs in houston
I am looking forward to Montreal, definitely. Chessmaster, I cannot find a follies strip club in Houston. Is it in a surrounding city or something?
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for kevinmac
Mileage in SF Bay Area?
Actually, I think I reviewed Stillettos in Fort Worth as well a couple of years ago. You are right, I should do more reviews... I did the Lacys review because it was so hard for me to find info about that club. But for the most part I don't really have much to add to the reviews of other clubs. I have not been very active in clubs for about 3 years because I live with a former stripper now, and if I went local she would hear about it and be embarrassed (not angry, just embarrassed with her friends). But I have been traveling to KC a lot for the last year, and starting this year my job takes me to a lot of different cities, which is why all the fishing expeditions all of a sudden. But like I said, you are right, I should do more reviews. Sorry, no excuse except it did not really occur to me. I will try to review Arnies and Jimmys in Chicago, and Club Baccula in KC, as well as Stillettos and Dallas Cabaret here in Texas, all of which I have visited recently when she and I were fighting :-).
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for kevinmac
Mileage in SF Bay Area?
Believe it or not, I keep forgetting it is super bowl week, this trip was planned by my boss a while ago. I guess another week that I am there, I will have to try MB once just to see the girls, whether I spend money or not. And I will try CH too. Thanks for the advice. Kevin
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for kevinmac
Mileage in SF Bay Area?
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for kevinmac
Mileage in SF Bay Area?
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for kevinmac
Black clubs in or near Vegas?
Is Lacy's still open?
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for kevinmac
Black clubs in and around Chicago
Thanks Mr Deuce. All of your posts in this discussion have been very helpful. All the best.
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for kevinmac
Black clubs in and around Chicago
Thanks. What does OP mean in your previous post? From reading the review, red diamond sounds like no place to sit, my back is not up to standing a long time. Thanks for your advice, and to the previous gentleman as well.
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for Clackport
Have you ever fallen in love with a stripper?
I am the exception that proves the rule. Yes. I went to clubs a lot, I even lived behind a brothel when I was 17 in Thailand. I watched so many woman manipulate so many men. But I walked into a club one night, and a woman sat on my lap and lay against me like 100 had before, and something clicked between us. I paid her for some dances, met her outside the club a few days later, and I have never been in a club with her since. It is 3 years later now, and I have lived with her for most of those three years. When I moved in with her I thought I was going to have a stripper roommate, but she stopped dancing immediately. It took 18 months for me to believe I was not being played. I will marry her soon. You will not believe me. I would not believe me if it was not happening to me. She stripped to survive, since she was 13. But inside, she wanted nothing more than to be unconditionally loved by a decent person. To have a "regular" life. She has mental disabilities that make it very hard for her to do other work, and interact with other people, but I took the time to learn who she really was, and we found our way. She found a regular job she could succeed at outside the club, with my help. So now I live with and am in love with a younger woman (30) who is definitely beautiful, and to me the sexiest woman I have seen or can imagine. And for reasons that it took me a while to understand, she loves me as much as I love her. She's black, I am white, another thing that made it "impossible". But there could be no other woman for me now. I guess it should bother me that she was a "working girl", but after a previous marriage where sex did not work well, I just count my blessings that I sleep with a beautiful, sexy young woman that really, seriously knows how to fuck. Like I said, I would never have believed this story. And I don't think it could ever happen again to me, the odds are hugely hugely against it. But if it happened to me, maybe it has happened or could happen to someone else. K
discussion comment
12 years ago
avatar for kevinmac
Safe black strip club in east st Louis for white guy
Yikes. Does that apply to Roxie's and the Hollywood Show Club? Reviews of those do not mention safety issues...
review comment
7 years ago
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Nice Surprise at Clubhouse on Thanksgiving evening
Full review is up now
review comment
7 years ago
avatar for kevinmac
Weird, things have changed at Lacy's
I was wondering the same thing. He was white, so I don't think it was him not letting a white guy in, but who knows...