
Mileage in SF Bay Area?

I am doing a lot of traveling these days. Next week is San Jose, CA. Are there any clubs with decent mileage or extras in the Bay Area? Especially black clubs, but that may be too much to hope for...


  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Gas Milage? I guess that depends on what kind of car you driving...

    Strip clubs I dont know. I bet somebody on here knows though.

    I am lots of help, i know
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    PM San_Jose_Guy. He knows the entire history. More than you want to know, in fact
  • kevinmac
    9 years ago
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Try subraman I believe he is in the SanFran bay area
  • kevinmac
    9 years ago
  • Subraman
    9 years ago

    I expect that this week, being superbowl week, to be an absolute clusterfuck at the strip clubs. So do the clubs themselves, they're gearing up for huge crowds, and the girls are all expecting big paydays.

    As a general rule, if by "mileage" you mean extras, the only places I generally even remotely suggest you try are Mitchell Brothers and Crazy Horse. Even when it's not superbowl week, both places are crapshoots at best. MB sometimes has super attractive lineups, but prices are incredibly high even for locals, and sky high if the girls smell out-of-towner on you; I don't even want to think about what they might charge superbowl week. Crazy Horse is inconsistent across the board ... only some of the girls do extras, and those that do, it's mostly just HJs. Lineups are mostly 6s and 7s, but you do find 8s and 9s in there occasionally. Prices are lower than MB but still far higher than what people in most areas are paying for. CH has more black, latin, and asian girls than MB does ... but the black, latin, and asian girls that MB does have, are far better looking.

    There are no black clubs that I know of. The closest I can think of are the little dives on Broadway -- Roaring 20s, Garden of Eden, etc. I normally suggest people run far away from those clubs, the girls are unattractive and as low class as you can get, but if you want a mostly ethnic flavor, those are the places.

    Sorry I can't give you better news!
  • kevinmac
    9 years ago
    Believe it or not, I keep forgetting it is super bowl week, this trip was planned by my boss a while ago.

    I guess another week that I am there, I will have to try MB once just to see the girls, whether I spend money or not. And I will try CH too.

    Thanks for the advice.

  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    I am absolutely no help
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    This is just a guess, but I'm guessing that SJG has some opinions on the world famous strip clubs in and around the San Jose area. No need for a sleeping pill tonight.

    On a serious note, subra knows the clubs a lot better than me. But SF is one of those cities where I usually just don't go to the clubs because they aren't worth it. Whenever possible if I'm traveling to SF I just bring my own stripper with me.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    ^^^ along those lines, years ago I moved from extras clubs, to meeting girls in no-extras clubs and taking them OTC. Not always a good option for someone who just wants a no-hassle BJ or whatever, but the prices and/or quality in the extras clubs here, plus a change in my personal preference for the type of experience I'm looking for, drove me to switch from ITC extras to OTC.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I spend a decent amount of time for work out that way and sadly I never club. I am never close enough to downtown San Fran to make a run and it's too much of an effort to make a trip into town when I'm always way north or way south of the city.

    There was a decent site that linked all the escorts and masseuses out there, and I occasionally used that but it got shut down last year.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    On the Barbary Coast, the rate structure in the cribs varied by race/nationality

    American women $1
    French women 75 cents
    Blacks and Chinese 50 cents
    Mexicans 25 cents

  • minnow
    9 years ago
    Are you for real, dude ? Eight years as a lurker before submitting 1st review or post. Four prior fishing expeditions (threads started) similar to this, and you only returned the favor in one if them.(Vegas). How many TX (your apparent home state) club visits have you had in the last 4 years ? Are there not any satisfactory ones for you ?
  • kevinmac
    9 years ago
    Actually, I think I reviewed Stillettos in Fort Worth as well a couple of years ago. You are right, I should do more reviews... I did the Lacys review because it was so hard for me to find info about that club. But for the most part I don't really have much to add to the reviews of other clubs. I have not been very active in clubs for about 3 years because I live with a former stripper now, and if I went local she would hear about it and be embarrassed (not angry, just embarrassed with her friends). But I have been traveling to KC a lot for the last year, and starting this year my job takes me to a lot of different cities, which is why all the fishing expeditions all of a sudden. But like I said, you are right, I should do more reviews. Sorry, no excuse except it did not really occur to me. I will try to review Arnies and Jimmys in Chicago, and Club Baccula in KC, as well as Stillettos and Dallas Cabaret here in Texas, all of which I have visited recently when she and I were fighting :-).
  • Tiredtraveler
    9 years ago
    How's about you read the reviews. Mitchel Bros is a good bet if you have the money but you best bring several grand if you want to have a really good time. From what I have read: what you pay there you could drive to Reno and hit the Bunny Ranch.
    I have never been to any of the brothels in Nevada but I have been to Mitchel Bros and Crazy Horse in SF and left because I was unwilling to part with that kind of money for a 15 minute quick ride. It would be very easy to leave Mitchel Bros several thousand lighter, these girls expect $5, $10 and $20 tips at the rail! I went twice and never went back(thought that I went on an odd night the first time). I did not due a private dance. When I was there the girls take you to the room to negotiate and you put $100's into a money slot for the booth time and tip the girl direct. If you go back she will be all over you promising ...promising. The dances range from tits in you face in a chair along the wall to a curtained private room with a futon and sink.
  • minnow
    9 years ago
    Two items, TT

    1) Brothels are actually around Carson City, NV. Probably 20-30 minute drive from downtown Reno.
    2) Driving to Reno without chains or snow tires might not be a good idea this time of year. I think some mountain passes on I80 are over 7000' elevation. I recall one mid September drive to Reno where I saw a little bit of snow on the grassy area alongside the road.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Subraman is right about staying away from Bay Area strip clubs during this entire week preceding the Super Bowl.

    But do be at the stadium when the football game ends, because this is when my Christian Eating Lions will make their debut. Once they do, no one is even going to remember the football game. Mark my words. You won't need to have a ticket because screaming people will be pouring out of the stadium, initially. In the total pandemonium, you'll be able to get in. But in following weeks, feeding Christians to lions will outsell the NFL by 10 to 1.

    Can anyone suggest other cities I should take my lions to?

    Only a few areas in the Bay Area have a large number of blacks. Oakland is one, but it sounds like they don't have strip clubs anymore. Do they have hooker bars? I would suspect that they do, as their strip clubs probably weren't much more than that anyway. Does anyone know about this in Oakland.

    Some people say that Club Fantasy in Sacramento is mostly Black and UHM.


    Deep Purple-Child in Time
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