avatar for sctripper

Comments by sctripper

review comment
5 years ago
avatar for sctripper
Real Lap Dances on a Friday
I think there was one Asian dancer. I did not know her. There was one dancer here who I thought was Thai.
review comment
5 years ago
avatar for sctripper
14 Dancers on a Friday Night
I was just charged $30 a dance.
discussion comment
8 years ago
avatar for gawker
Older than dirt
I'll bet this has never happened to you before
I did have that happen before. One time years ago. I helped with a car insurance payment. I got the money back within two weeks.
discussion comment
15 years ago
avatar for dcdoubleentendre
Baltimore Area clubs....To Block or not to Block?
the Block is E Baltimore Street and is surprisingly just down from police headquarters. I find the place a bit scarry. I have been there once. Many of the girls are not that pretty and many have drug habbits that you can see by just looking at them. I am still surprised that a city's red light district is just down from police headquarters. The full menu is available almost anywhere. I would say go in the daytime and be careful. Do not use any credit cards.
discussion comment
16 years ago
avatar for bornloser
If you could bone a pornstar
Just saw this-I have to respond with Raquel Darian. I know she is now 40 (I am a year younger) but she is still hot. I met her in 2003 at Al's in Reading PA. I have the autographed picture to prove it. Pornstar of now is Faye Reagan/Faye Valentine. I am not sure what name she is using now.
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for AbbieNormal
Features, ever see a good one?
Yes-August 1 2003 at Al's Diamond Cabaret in Reading PA:Racquel Darian (my all-time favorite adult movie star). She is even more sexy in person than on the screen. I waited in line for 30 minutes and paid $20 for a polaroid picture. Worth every penny.
discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for chitownlawyer
If you could go to one club that you have not yet visited, which would it be?
Sundowner and Seduction in Niagara Falls, ON.