Comments by mark94 (page 86)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    So how are things at your Home Club these days?
    It seems like an entirely new group of dancers at the clubs after a year of CoVid. What happened to all the familiar faces ? Maybe it’s just normal turnover that I wouldn’t have noticed if I’d been going to the clubs regularly.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    A catch-all account
    The Mechanic!!!
    What time were you there ? I was there from about 12-1 and I guarantee it was absolute shit.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    The Nordic model of prostitution laws?
    If you believe all acts of prostitution involve men trafficking women, then the Nordic approach is rational. If you believe most acts of prostitution involve two consenting adults, this approach is bonkers.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Remember Afghanistan ?
    You obviously don’t understand, but I’ll try to explain. There are many ways to discuss/debate an issue. Perhaps the least effective, but the one requiring the least brainpower, is to label the other side with some insult. You don’t need to know any facts or to describe your position. Then, if you are lacking any self awareness, you can smugly assume you’ve won the argument. It protects your belief that you are morally superior and an intellectual giant.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Remember Afghanistan ?
    Some more epithets. Warmonger. Violent. Bloodthirsty.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Remember Afghanistan ?
    The sum total of lefties debating skills is to point to their opponent and call them a name. Usually, it’s racist. But, there’s a whole tool box of epithets available. White supremacist. Hypocrite. Homophobe. Uncle Tom ( reserved for Black conservatives ). And so on. That’s it. In the past, that’s been enough. For most of the nation, recent events have exposed the weakness of this response.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Remember Afghanistan ?
    According to the Daily Mail “More than 30,000 Afghans are still living on seven military bases in the US three months after botched Afghanistan withdrawal: US has directed more than $13 BILLION to accommodate refugees to date”
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Remember Afghanistan ?
    “I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.” –Hillary Clinton, speech at George Washington University, March 17, 2008
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Remember Afghanistan ?
    One of the powers that the left claims is to decide who has the right to voice their opinions. Abortion. Race relations. Foreign policy. Whatever the topic, someone on the left will chime in if someone weighs in with a non-conforming opinion. Your opinions are not valid !! Stop speaking !!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Remember Afghanistan ?
    Taiwan is the source of much of our computer components. If something happens to it, our tech industry will take a decade to recover. By then, China would have an insurmountable lead. It would be checkmate.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Remember Afghanistan ?
    “And if we did send aid to innocent women and children, nuts like @Mark would accuse Biden of supporting the Taliban.“ The alternative to withdrawing our troops, leaving behind $80 Billion in equipment and 80,000 Afghan translators and aid workers, was to keep Bagram Air Base and keep 2,500 troops there giving air support. This was essentially what we did for 18 months without the loss of a single American life. Estimates were this would have cost $3Billion per year. A bargain compared to the $3Trillion Build Back Better ( new Green deal ) being pushed by Biden. Of course, it’s too late to pour aid in now. It would just go to the Taliban.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Remember Afghanistan ?
    “I remember that Donald Trump also wanted to pull out all the troops from Afghanistan during his administration. “ Trump reached a CONDITIONAL agreement with the Taliban. If they met 7 conditions ( which would have led to a smooth transition ), we would pull out our last 2,500 troops. The Taliban only met 1 of the 7 conditions. In spite of that,Biden pulled the troops out in a chaotic manner.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Chickens coming home to roost for universities
    “Mark94, is this new University of Austin Texas State Universities System, a private not-for-profit school, or a for-profit private enterprise “ The University of Austin is organizing as a private school with no affiliation with the Texas State university system. They are seeking not-for-profit status as well as pursuing accreditation. They are still in a formative stage and haven’t even secured a location for the campus. However, they’ve raised $10 million and have an impressive list of backers guiding them ( including people on the left like Larry Summers who value free speech).
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Chickens coming home to roost for universities
    Keep an eye on the new University of Austin. It’s an attempt to start a university that returns to a time when they were places of learning, free speech, and questioning all doctrines unlike the indoctrination camps that all modern universities have become.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    OT: What fast food do you actually find good?
    Baja Fresh Mexican food.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Something is wrong with me
    Pre-pandemic, I had several faves. Going to a club was comfortable. Fun. I enjoyed their company and always had a good time. One or two reappeared for a while, but now they are all gone. It seems like every dancer I encounter has a hustle. Some are straight ROBs but most just have a cynical way of extracting money. As the saying goes, maybe I’m just too old for this shit.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Electric vs Conventional - What Happens Over the Next Decade?
    The new Hyundai Kona Electric starts at $34,000. That’s about $27,000 net of the federal rebate. Basically, the same as a comparable ICE vehicle.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Can the average income of a TUSCL member really be $350K
    The vast majority of “ everyday millionaires “ ( from $1M to $10M net worth ) did it exactly the same way: - learned a trade or profession - made good wages ( as little as $50,000 would work, $100,000 is better ) - stayed out of debt - saved 15% of their income each year - invested in the stock market, especially index funds Do all this and you are guaranteed to be a millionaire at some point in your life. On the other hand, if you try to live like a millionaire before you really are, you’ll never make it.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Good Bye Democrats
    Both parties have tried to carve up the vote and build their majority by targeting specific races, religions, classes etc. Some years, they cobble together 51% of the vote and win. Other years, they get 49% and lose. The populist movement ignores all that and represents people who work for a living and resent government telling them how to live their lives. People who are tired of all the lies from politicians of all stripes. That’s about 80% of the population. Trump, with all his flaws, tapped into that. Imagine if a more likeable candidate takes his place with the same “ drain the swamp” policies.
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    3 years ago
    Can the average income of a TUSCL member really be $350K
    Yup, Ramsey talks about generational wealth. The ability to leave your kids and/or grandkids enough money that they can be financially independent. The risk is that if you hand a young adult a million dollars, either something very good or something very bad can happen. It’s tricky.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Good Bye Democrats
    The conventional narrative is that Trump came along and created the MAGA populist movement. The reality is that the populist movement was there before Trump. He simply recognized it and became its figurehead. If Trump doesn’t run in 2024, someone else will be smart enough to step in and use the movement. Five years ago, there were 70 million Americans who were pissed off at those in power. Thanks to Biden, that number is 100 million and growing.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Can the average income of a TUSCL member really be $350K
    A rule of thumb is that you can ( and, probably should ) spend 5% of your investments every year and never run out of money. As you get past age 70, it’s more like 7% or 10%.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Can the average income of a TUSCL member really be $350K
    As Dave Ramsey says, you spend decades building up your earning and saving muscle but never learn how to spend and enjoy it. It takes some effort and practice to make the transition from saver to spender.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Good Bye Democrats
    The Democrat party is corrupt. The Republican Party is corrupt. Federal bureaucrats are corrupt, including the DOJ, FBI, State Department, IRS, CDC, NIH. Now, even the Defense Department. The teacher’s unions are corrupt. Media is corrupt. The entertainment industry is corrupt. College administrators are corrupt. The Race hustlers, like BLM, are corrupt. Many local school boards are corrupt. Big city mayors are corrupt. State legislatures are corrupt. Big corporations are corrupt. Basically, we are fucked unless enough people get sufficiently angry to clean all these Augean Stables.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Can the average income of a TUSCL member really be $350K
    People like ICEE think that millionaires inherit their money and don’t deserve their wealth. Here’s a typical description of how millionaires are made. Someone becomes an apprentice plumber (or electrician, or another trade ) at 20. They work hard and by their mid twenties, they are making $60,000. They live within their means and manage to start saving a nest egg. By their mid thirties, they have a base of repeat customers and a couple employees. They are bringing in between $100,000 and $200,000 and building that nest egg. By their mid forties, they have a real business. A dozen people working for them Annual income of $200,000 to $300,000 and a net worth over one million. By their mid fifties, they have a business worth several million dollars. They sell the business ( or put their children in charge ) and retire. The end.