
Comments by mark94 (page 8)

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    a year ago
    Will Joe Biden be the Democratic nominee in '24? Does Trump take GOP?
    Here is one reason I’m comparing Desantis to McCain and Romney “Ron DeSantis megadonor Robert Bigelow is already into the failing DeSantis campaign for $20 million. Billionaire donor Bigelow tells Reuters that he has told the DeSantis managers the candidate needs to take moderate positions, or he will not donate any more money. Ron DeSantis is then questioned by reporters in Iowa about the Trump indictment and the claims of the 2020 election being stolen. Immediately DeSantis changes his talking points. “All those theories that were put out did not prove to be true,” Mr. DeSantis said in response to a reporter’s question after a campaign event at a brewery in Northeast Iowa.”
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    a year ago
    Will Joe Biden be the Democratic nominee in '24? Does Trump take GOP?
    The RCP average of polls has it Trump, Desantis, Ramaswamy, then Pence. Ramaswamy is rising and some polls have him in second place.
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    a year ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Recommended podcast: The Trump indictment
    “declaring a low value of properties for taxes, and a high value for getting loans. “ If Trump was convicted on this, they’d have indict every property investor in America.
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    a year ago
    Evil Lair
    So Let Me Get This Straight On Corruption
    The problem with China is Xi. He is an absolute dictator who has killed or imprisoned anyone who could be a threat to him. There is no one left who can provide any sort of wise counsel. Invading Taiwan would result in a blockade of mainland China. Without imported oil or food, their society would collapse in 6 months. But, no one is going to tell him that.
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    a year ago
    Will Joe Biden be the Democratic nominee in '24? Does Trump take GOP?
    From Charlie Kirk Politico reports that Biden World is feverishly working to stave off third-party challengers including Cornell West, RFK Jr., and No Labels. On demand, The Daily Beast published a hit piece on West alleging he has $500k in unpaid taxes. Now you see why. Emerson has Trump winning Michigan by 2% in a three-way race if West runs. If Trump wins Michigan by 2%, he wins the whole thing.
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    a year ago
    Evil Lair
    So Let Me Get This Straight On Corruption
    “You need to shrink government and reduce its power to pass out special favors. “ That’s why Vivek intrigues me. He would issue an order that all regulations issued by the federal bureaucracy must be approved by the Whitehouse. He would also eliminate departments and cut headcount by 75%.
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    a year ago
    So let me get this straight on voting
    Voter ID. In person voting. Paper ballots. This would eliminate any chance of vote fraud and restore faith in the electoral process. Can anyone explain why this doesn’t make sense ?
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    a year ago
    Evil Lair
    So Let Me Get This Straight On Corruption
    One of the under reported bumbles on Biden’s part was a couple weeks ago when he said the US military is low on ammunition because of Ukraine. That one comment made it much more likely that Russia and China will become more aggressive.
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    a year ago
    Evil Lair
    So Let Me Get This Straight On Corruption
    For 6 years, the media has repeated lie after lie about Trump ( starting with the Hillary paid-for Steele Dossier ) and downplayed the web of crimes revealed by Hunter’s laptop ( Russian disinformation ). One third of the population has bought into this media fantasy. They view themselves as the smart people. They reject any fact that threatens their view of the world. As a result, these smart people have brought us war in Ukraine, invasion at our southern border, inflation, and urban crime. Somehow, the media portrays all this calamity as having nothing to do with Biden.
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    a year ago
    Will Joe Biden be the Democratic nominee in '24? Does Trump take GOP?
    Since being re-elected Governor, then immediately pivoting to run for President, Desantis has shown himself to be a Billionaire donor backed, Rino advised, calculating politician. He is exactly like McCain and Romney.
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    a year ago
    Will Joe Biden be the Democratic nominee in '24? Does Trump take GOP?
    “Donors and others need to move decisively behind the scenes“ That’s how we got McCain and Romney.
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    a year ago
    Evil Lair
    So Let Me Get This Straight On Corruption
    The judge in the latest Trump indictment has warned him that if he attempts to influence the jury ( by speaking about the indictment ? ), he will be held without bail.
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    a year ago
    Evil Lair
    So Let Me Get This Straight On Corruption
    “Biden supposedly had dinner with a company exec - is that it ?” Well, there is also the little matter of the $40 Million paid to the Biden crime family.
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    a year ago
    Evil Lair
    So Let Me Get This Straight On Corruption
    This has been going on for decades. The corruption is deeply embedded throughout the government. It took Trump derangement to smoke them all out. I’m beginning to think we’ll never clean this mess up.
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    a year ago
    Scottsdale vs Houston
    BSC: 7-up (usually ), $20 VIP ( no extras ever ), no floor dances, friendly, low key, uncrowded. HL: a few 7s, lots of heavy Cubans, $10 lapdances ( some grinding and grabbing ), $30-$40 VIP ( more contact, not really extras ) visible through glass, can get crowded, fucking bathroom troll. S44: Cheers with tits. 6s and 7s. Dancers enjoy drinking and talking. $10 lapdance. $25 VIP with $20 admission. Friendly, uncrowded, locals. Some dancers give great VIP, most are just okay.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Will Joe Biden be the Democratic nominee in '24? Does Trump take GOP?
    Universally, each side is allowed to assign members to Congressional committees. Pelosi rejected the Republicans that McCarthy assigned, which was unheard of. That’s how Liz Cheney ended up on the committee.
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    a year ago
    Will Joe Biden be the Democratic nominee in '24? Does Trump take GOP?
    In 2016, when Trump said he would drain the swamp, most people, including Trump, thought thought swamp was about 300 Democrat politicians. Four years later, we knew the swamp was all the Democrat politicians, half the Republican politicians, all the media, and hundreds of thousands of federal bureaucrats. I just wonder if it’s too late to take this country back from all those crooks. There is no limit to what they would do to keep power.
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    a year ago
    Do you notice yourself becoming more or less apt to spend over the years?
    The high spending point for me was 10 years ago. I had about 5 faves, all good looking, all personable, all gave great dances. No matter when I went to the club, 2 or 3 of them would be working and they would quickly join me. Plus, there would always be 1 or 2 extremely hot new dancers to try out. And, the club was never too crowded. Now, there are lots of overweight Cubans, lots of other 6s, and you have to compete to get the attention of a handful of 7s. Many times, I leave without getting a dance, having failed to get the attention of the 2 or 3 good looking dancers.
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    a year ago
    Do you notice yourself becoming more or less apt to spend over the years?
    I never get dances from anyone below a 7. Nowadays, it seems a lot of clubs have lowered their standards under the theory that the more dancers you have, the more money the club makes. I spend a lot of time saying no to 5s and 6s. It makes going to clubs much less fun. The dancers in these clubs always seem pissed off. There is exactly one local club that maintains its 7-up standard. Their dance prices are higher, as you’d expect. The club is less crowded and more fun. My guess is this is the one business model that will work long term.
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    a year ago
    Will Joe Biden be the Democratic nominee in '24? Does Trump take GOP?
    Found on Twitter Outside of the bank records, the suspicious activity reports, the wire transfers, the Privat bank transactions, the LLCs, the texts, the emails, the WhatsApp messages, the photos of Joe with Hunter’s business partners, the voicemails to his son, the two business partners saying Joe is the “brand,” the “big guy,” and “the chairman,” the two whistleblowers testimony, the recorded phone calls between Biden and Poroshenko, the video of Joe Biden bragging about firing the Ukrainian prosecutor, and Hunter’s statements that he’s giving his dad half his income, there is NO evidence of Joe Biden being involved.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Will Joe Biden be the Democratic nominee in '24? Does Trump take GOP?
    Editorial from Association of Mature Americans “Conservatives looking to expose the full extent of the Biden family’s corruption have a problem: the scandal might be too big to break. Typically, there are three main entities involved in taking down a politician over a corruption scandal. First, there is the media, which broadcasts the details of the scandal, eroding public support. Second, there is law enforcement, which investigates and, if necessary, presses criminal charges. Third, there is the party establishment, which ultimately abandons the politician as a matter of self-preservation, signaling that it’s “game over.” But what happens when a scandal is so big that the people responsible for breaking it are implicated in it as well? That is the situation which now faces the mainstream media, the federal intelligence bureaucracy, and the Democrat Party. For years, they have all parroted Biden’s lies and created an echo chamber of denial about wrongdoing by the president and his family. Now, with it all beginning to crumple around them, they’re seeing that the downfall of the president spells the end of their own reputations and careers as well.”
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    a year ago
    Will Joe Biden be the Democratic nominee in '24? Does Trump take GOP?
    At this point, the oversight committee has Joe and Hunter dead to rights. Millions received. Meetings held. Favors done. Most of this is documented. They still need documentation being hidden by Treasury, State Department, FBI, DOJ. But, they’ve got enough to prove corruption to any open minded person. I think the Committee will keep adding evidence. Whistleblowers. Documents slowly turned over. They’ll take whatever time it takes to build a bulletproof case. Several more months. Then, an impeachment trial in the House. That will bring all this evidence to the public’s attention. At some point, the Democrat party will realize it’s in their best interest if Joe goes away. Maybe he resigns under pressure or with some health excuse. Kamala becomes President but won’t win the Primary. The fix will be in for someone else, probably Newsome.
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    a year ago
    Is Brevity a virtue?
    Hemingway 👍
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Will Joe Biden be the Democratic nominee in '24? Does Trump take GOP?
    Victor Davis Hanson explains the entire Joe, Hunter, Kamala situation. Democrats know that neither Joe or Kamala can be President in 2024 but they also can’t remove either from their offices before then. https://victorhanson.com/the-biden-presidency-is-unsustainable/
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    a year ago
    Will Joe Biden be the Democratic nominee in '24? Does Trump take GOP?
    The NYT is trying to protect the Big Guy “It has long been known that the elder Mr. Biden at times interacted with his son’s business partners.” But business was never discussed. For those old enough to remember, it’s the sergeant Schultz defense. I see nothing.