
Comments by mark94 (page 17)

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    a year ago
    Living in a Red State vs Blue
    Minnesota students who are undocumented immigrants will be eligible for the state's new tuition-free college program. Blue State
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    a year ago
    Living in a Red State vs Blue
    In 2008, California approved $9 Billion for a high speed train between LA and SF. Fifteen years later, not a single foot of track has been laid. The $9 Billion went mostly to “consultants”. I suspect some of that money found its way back to Democrat coffers. The current estimate for the track from LA to SF is $129 Billion. Blue State
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    a year ago
    Living in a Red State vs Blue
    Democrat politicians tend to brag about how much money they pour into programs. They seldom talk about whether those programs are effective or efficient. For example, blue states spend a lot on education but most schools are failing the students. That’s partly because teacher’s unions have all the power and influence.
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    a year ago
    Living in a Red State vs Blue
    California has high taxes. Miserable services. Same with New York. Illinois. New Jersey.
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    a year ago
    Living in a Red State vs Blue
    California is a great place to live if you are in the bottom 10% or the top 1%. One group can live off welfare and the other can afford luxury property in safe neighborhoods. Everyone else will eventually leave. The highest population growth over the next 10 years will be in south Texas. A manufacturing renaissance is taking place there.
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    a year ago
    Orange Man Going Down
    I can understand why so many people hate Donald Trump. He is rude, crude, and has a huge ego. In the other hand, he gave us No wars Middle East peace Strong American Economy No inflation Growing 401Ks Market profit Low gas prices A secure oil reserve Lower taxes A strong dollar And, all this, while much of Washington lied and spied to undercut his efforts. Meanwhile, Joe Biden has destroyed the economy and gotten us into a proxy war with Russia. On the plus side, he has supported the transgender community. It will be a tough decision in 2024.
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    a year ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Strippershit or toxic boss?
    Whether or not it happened as she says, there is no reason for her to tell you this unless it is part of a game she is running on you.
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    a year ago
    Do teachers get paid enough?
    There are different reasons that someone might become a teacher - They want to help others - They want to be admired - They want to be in control - They aren’t bright enough for other jobs I’d like to pay teachers enough, a living wage for a family, so that we could fill all teaching positions with the first category and get rid of the rest.
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    a year ago
    Thinking of quitting
    I second what Ishmael said.
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    a year ago
    Orange Man Going Down
    The way democrats have been pursuing him with false legal charges for 7 years, it wouldn’t surprise me .
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    a year ago
    Do teachers get paid enough?
    Most teacher pay is based on years on the job and degree level, not on how well they do their job. That’s how the union likes it. So, some teachers are overpaid and some underpaid. Overall, the structure of the performance and pay system stinks.
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    a year ago
    Orange Man Going Down
    More detail The Burisma accountant who was a cooperating witness set to testify in the Biden bribery scheme has been found dead. The woman, who was the wife of former executive Mykola Lisin, was found dead before she had a chance to testify. Her Husband also died in 2011 in a mysterious car accident when Biden was VP. Their son was also beaten and kidnapped in Kyiv, Ukraine. Also, even though Lisin was an MP in Ukraine and prominent businessman, his entire history has been almost completely scrubbed from the internet.
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    a year ago
    Orange Man Going Down
    Burisma Energy Accountant, Who Blew Whistle on BIDEN BRIBERY SCHEME Found Dead.
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    a year ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    One Million Years B.C.
    Ann Margret dance scene is not bad. https://youtu.be/270KKGpvqTU
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    One Million Years B.C.
    Raquel Welch in a fur bikini was the reason they made the movie. If it was a 75 minute music video with her dancing in that costume it would have done better at the box office.
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    a year ago
    Orange Man Going Down
    Statement from Judicial Watch First, we learn of FBI allegation (buried) that Burisma involved in bribe scheme that may have included "$5 million for one Biden, $5 million for the other Biden." And then today we learn from @ChuckGrassley that the FBI was told of allegedly 17 taped audio conversations between the Burisma source and the Bidens (including two with then-Vice President Joe Biden). This is on top of bank records evidence, Hunter laptop evidence, eyewitness testimony (Tony Bobulinksi) that implicate Joe Biden and his family in a broad and ongoing racketeering operation. The Justice Department and FBI have long suppressed all this evidence and obstructed any investigations to help Joe Biden win election. There is no reason to think the FBI and DOJ will stop their election interference (see Trump indictment). Judicial Watch will continue its numerous FOIAs and lawsuits to uncover more the truth. But when will Congress step up and launch an impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden (and, frankly, complicit DOJ/FBI officials)? If all this evidence isn't sufficient for impeachment action, it is hard to imagine what would be...
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    a year ago
    Tucker Carlson
    What those on the left have always gotten wrong is that the populist platform embraced by Trump preceded him. Remember the Tea Party ? The idea of smaller government and personal freedom is the Shibboleth. Trump is just someone we trust to support these values. Trump did not invent populist conservatism. Populist conservatism invented Trump.
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    a year ago
    Tucker Carlson
    Tucker’s 2 videos on Twitter have 150 million views. His program on Fox averaged 3 million viewers.
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    a year ago
    Orange Man Going Down
    Breaking news Senator Grassley floor speech: Foreign national allegedly has audio recordings. 17!! 15 audio between him and Hunter & 2 audio with him and then VP Joe Biden. Kept as insurance policy!
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    a year ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Left versus Right
    Including biological males in female sports will result in an effective end to women’s sports. We will have only male sports, whether they are dressed as men or dressed as women.
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    a year ago
    Tucker Carlson
    Support for transgender rights is the Shibboleth of the progressive Democrat party.
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    a year ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Left versus Right
    The term liberal is used very differently than its original definition. From wiki: “Classical liberalism is a political tradition and a branch of liberalism that advocates free market and laissez-faire economics; civil liberties under the rule of law with special emphasis on individual autonomy, limited government, economic freedom, political freedom and freedom of speech. “ The modern progressives, once known as liberals, believe in the exact opposite of what liberalism once meant. Weird
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    a year ago
    Orange Man Going Down
    Joe Rogan: “….Rogan agreed - but argued that Biden is lucid enough to understand what's going on. "He kind of does, and he’s kind of a cunt ... He's always been a cunt, though. You go back and listen to that guy lying about his education record and lying about his accomplishments and — like, he’s always been a problem." "All the fucking stuff with his son and the ties to Ukraine and China and the money. The family, they got paid millions of dollars and everyone was trying to obscure it because, ‘Well, better than Trump. Better than Trump,’" Rogan told comedian Theo Von, adding that he "can't take it anymore." "If that guy was a Republican, they would be up his ass with a microscope." "I mean, it’s wild stuff, man. They even got the FBI involved in telling Twitter to censor the information about the laptop. It’s crazy," Rogan continued, adding: "The media is overwhelmingly left-leaning, and if you have a left-leaning politician or a left-wing Democratic politician, and then you have this media that essentially works to support that person."
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    a year ago
    Orange Man Going Down
    You can’t put a former President in prison simply because you disagree with a decision he made while President. If you allowed that, every former President would be in jail. That would make it impossible to govern. IMO, that’s what Biden is trying to do to Trump.
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    a year ago
    Orange Man Going Down
    Vivek explains “The hard truth is that our laws vest *tremendous authority* in the President to make severe and sometimes awful judgments - to drop nuclear bombs, to invade Iraq in the name of WMDs, to botch an Afghanistan exit that leaves our weapons in the Taliban’s hands. That also includes deciding which documents are or aren’t Presidential records & federal courts have repeatedly said so including in the Clinton Sock Drawer ruling in 2012. If you don’t like the law, change the law. If you don’t like the President, elect a new one. That’s how our system works.”