
Comments by john80202c

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Has easy money spoiled many dancers?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Has easy money spoiled many dancers?
    Wow. So, if I'm reading it right, she wanted $1500 for dinner? Or "just" $1k? Help me out - where is this "Pink" site so often mentioned? I'd like to read that thread. JC
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Bangkok Option" being offered
    Virtually all the working girls I've talked to enjoy their work - sometimes. Sure, there are the generally unpleasant fellows they have to work with (once?), and it probably is not _all_ that fun getting schtoinked by a bunch of strangers day in and day out. I don't know why some go without. Ehh. I think it is kinda like OTC - if you -ask- for OTC (with an implication of "I want to get laid"), many/most will flatly deny their involvement in such hijinks. If you lead that direction, those that do go OTC let you know, if they're comfortable with it. I think the condom thing is kinda the same. JC
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Bangkok Option" being offered
    "If the provider sample includes streetwalkers, that makes some sense, however I cannot fathom how many upscale providers (particularly w/o testing) would let random clients go w/o protection, because what's really in it for them?" Great question. FWIW, my sample does not include streetwalkers, never have, never will. All are either strippers or escorts. I've never been one to _ask_ to go without - seems as though that gets the PC "no way" answer. Don't ask, don't tell? Repeat business as a motivation? No idea, but my sample is fairly large (30-40), and 75+% will go without. In fact, of the remaining 25%, I'm of the opinion that only one or two will truly never go without. Can't substantiate that, but I believe it. JC
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Bangkok Option" being offered
    In my experience, most providers are willing to go without a condom. No, they don't admit it, and most won't on the first "date," but if you look clean, don't seem like a carrier, most will go without, quite willingly. I realize that "looking" clean is stupid, but take it for what it is worth - that seems to be the mentality. JC (seems as though I look clean - PC or not, I like it)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dagger Eyes . . . Shrimps . .. Large Dancers
    What's the "key?" I don't get it. I was sitting with a new-to-me dancer (one of the "big" girls you mention - 5'8", societally hot, but I'm with you, ehh....), and one of the other dancers, whom I recognize but have never clicked with, pulls new-blondie aside, turns from me, whispers in her ear. New-blondie returns, I asked what that was all about. She stumbled, umm, "she needed a handy-wipe to clean up." Huh. Lie. I don't know what the other one said - I don't think I have a -bad- rep in the club, but it is possible that the girls I've not contributed to financially talk more than those I have (there are far, far more that I've turned down than not). I don't typically spend much - $3-6 on stage tips per dancer, will buy drinks when the need arises - but when I do, I'm pretty generous. 1 out of 5 visits (1-2x/week), I'll spend a few hundred, but they see me FAR more than they get paid. Hmmmm. I typically spend $80/hr in the club, unless I buy table dances - I don't just sit at the closest table to the stage an leer. I think the girl that pulled my tablemate aside was cluing her in that I was cheap. New-blondie sat around for 5 more minutes (she'd been there 2-3 minutes), I gave her $20 for her time. Dunno. I don't think I'm a total waste of time at the club, but "hi, my name is Platinum, want a dance?" typically does not get the wallet open. JC
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer Desperation
    I went to a club in Kansas a few weeks ago. A dancer sat down, 7/10, started chatting. Tried to sell VIP access, where we "could talk and see what else happens back there." I eventually bought - $20 vip access, $60 tip, one of her FIRST questions was "do you want to cum?" Huh? Wow. First time ever in the club. OK, umm, no thanks. Wound up unzipped and nosing into the hangar. FS was _absolutely_ on the menu. I'm not really a "regular" or "hobbyist." I've heard of such things, but I figured you'd have to spend $$$$ and build trust with the girl, DJ, staff, etc - absolutely not the case, in this case. I'm not a lap-dance guy, either, I think I've bought 4 or 5 in 15 years. JC
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Phoenix Strip Clubs
    Phoenix USED to be very, very high mileage (96 or so). Use your imagination. It was out of hand, literally and figuratively. JC
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    WHGHLOST - you nailed it: "I am just a lonely guy who hopes to change this one day." I'm sure you're a great guy. You made the girl uncomfortable, you get that now. I feel bad for you - not being condescending, mind you, but she probably took a LOT of your hard-earned money. Yeah, that's a stripper's job. I get that. I married one. She's still good at it. Strippers are fun, but if you start falling for one, MOVE ON. She's just going to rape your wallet - I've known way too many of them, and ALL have admitted to me that they feel a little bit bad about taking advantage of people like you - and many of them have told me stories that COULD be yours (I thought I "knew" who you were until later in the thread - I do not). Dunno. Give them their money, but don't make it so easy that they take a deep breath and take it from you - make sure they're enjoying something other than just robbing you blind. .02c - best of luck! JC