fewer reviews on TUSCL?

Are there significantly fewer reviews on TUSCL lately? It seems like some of the top clubs aren't getting nearly the regular reviews they used to get. Some of the midwest clubs I go to haven't had reviews for six months or more. Less traffic on site? Other sites competing? I'm a huge fan of TUSCL, but I'm disappointed that people don't seem to be contributing as much. Maybe it's the damn economy??? Thoughts?
last commentSome clubs are closing. Others have dropped their standards. (I see a lot of fat and lazy dancers in Detroit.) And a lot of guys in the midwest have taken a hit in salary or lost jobs alltogether. This might make for fewer reviews.
FL: Maybe you should answer your own question. You did reviews monthly up until Dec 13, 2008. None since then.
I'm not sure whether there is or not. It seems like there is. There are several places I check out whenever they have a review, only it seems to be less frequent. As for myself, I haven't done any reviews this year yet, at least as of this moment, because I haven't gone anywhere that is entirely new to my experience, and none of those places I have gone to are really changed enough to warrant a good review. I just don't feel compelled to write one every time I go somewhere.
Shadowcat....good point! Travel budget has been cut and the "little lady" has had the same thing happen. Add those two together & it means fewer opportunities to do some clubbing for me. Still writing literally every time I get to a club, including a new one last week. I guess others are in the same boat. And it sucks!
Retirement did it for me. At one time, I was in the Top 10 as a reviewer. Not any longer, and not even close. Less opportunity and funds.
lack of opportunities due to economy and changes to territory have limited me to clubs I know and enjoy. no more stopping to check out new places.
I've been going to fewer US strip clubs since I started making quarterly trips to TJ. I'm afraid that I am what would be called an "extras guy" in US strip clubs. After I first went to TJ, where everything is on the table, I lost patience for "the dance" of US clubs, where you might spend trip after trip in what turns out to be a futile search for a truly satifying experience. As a consequence, my US strip club visits are limited, not by money, but by interest, to approx. a visit a month to a local club, and quarterly trips to TJ. The good side of this is that I have gone from a couple strip club visits a week, at about $200-250 per, to four TJ trips a year, at about $1250 a trip, incl. hotel and airfare.
TJ whorehouses don't cost...they pay!!!
That having been said, I do have about five TJ "bars" to review, incl. the home of the pissing blowjob.
chitown, is that what I think it is?
Is CTL going to review a TJ Donkey Show???
I haven't been visiting strip clubs as much myself and felt even less desire to write about noneventful visits to strip clubs. I remember one evening I was even bored with the talent at one of my favorite clubs and just sat in a chair for over an hour or two. Last weekend it was raining constantly, cold and generally only fit for a duck where I live. I stayed home. The weather has turned much nicer.
I have been going to the same few clubs over the last several months and only felt that I should submit a review if there were significant variances ( + or -) in atmsophere, pricing, quality and quantity of dancers, etc. I will submit a few for the Chicago suburban area. It's been suh-LOW at most of the clubs.
Shadow, here is an exerpt from a recent TJ trip that I posted on another board. The bar in question is La Botana:
After an hour or so, I gave up, and headed into La Botana, where the masero hooked me up with a passable girl whose name I can't remember, nor is it really important. I ended up with her in an upstairs room. We fucked, but by this time my juice was low, so she took my dick out, took off the condom, and started sucking the head of penis, while jacking off the shaft. At one point she stepped back and crouched down in the dark. I heard a familiar hissing sound, and realized that, without missing a stroke on my dick, she had lowered herself on to a tin trashcan, and was peeing while sucking me off. "Chitown," I thought to myself, " unless you somehow fuck a tubercular whore outside in an alley in Mumbai, you have hit the absolute worldwide bottom in paid sex." My disgust did not, however, deflate my wood, and I popped about three minutes later into her mouth.
Unlike the above, Tijuana Donkey Shows are a myth.
Chitown: you are right on two counts. 1) that was disgusting. 2) the donkey shows are a myth. I was in an upscale bordello in Acapulco some 30 or 40 years ago. While having a drink with one of the Chicas, 4 taxi's drove up and out popped 8 well dressed couples. I was told that they were here for the live sex show. That it involved 1 or more putas and 1 of the waiters but no animals. I wasn't part of the party, so I did not get to watch.