First time
Thinking about the TJ trip, I almost never travel, so I don't even know basic shit like, where I would stay, how I can buy proper groceries. Not getting into danger (high corruption) etc.
If I go I would at least stay for 2weeks or so. It's just strange going to a foreign country, who's language I don't speak. Although it is a high tourist area I'm sure English is common.
We're do I even start to plan a trip like this? How much do I set aside for 2weeks?
last commentStart with Tijuana Discussion board and TJ club reviews.
For fuck's sake, child, put some effort into it.
"I almost never travel, so I don't even know basic shit like, where I would stay, how I can buy proper groceries. Not getting into danger (high corruption) etc."
👉 Advice for new patrons: Hong Kong is a level 70 club /discussion/87522
"If I go I would at least stay for 2weeks or so."
This sounds epic, but it would be a long time, and would you have the bank roll to support it? Most Americans, even us east coasters go for like 3-4 days at a time. The flight to SAN is not terrible, and direct from many airports.
"Although it is a high tourist area I'm sure English is common."
That's right. You can get by just fine in English in Tijuana, and maybe with some help from some pantomime and Google Translate.
"We're do I even start to plan a trip like this?"
#0. RTFF! There's a ton of content here and it can be overwhelming but there is also much information of value.
#1. Book a Flight to SAN
#2. Make a reservation at Hotel Cascadas
"How much do I set aside for 2weeks?"
This really depends on how spendy or economical you want to be. Personally, I like the bigger hotel rooms, lots of fichas, doing lapdances in the VIP rooms, long arribas, and with a Vitamin V assist multiple arribas per day. I usually budget around $1500 a day (incl meals and hotel). I frequently spend less but every once and a while a threesome breaks the budget.
Other folks here are much thriftier than I. Cheap hotel room, quick arribas, less fichas, no VIP rooms or privados. You can have a great time here on a budget of $600 a day all-in.
2 weeks to me feels like a long time. A couple days at one of the nice TJ hotels would be good. For longer stays I would recommend Rosarito if you want to be in Mexico, but also San Diego would be good too. There's plenty of 1st timer guides out there so check those out first
You might also check out the 2025 Tijuana Mongering Guide by @OPillini96: /article/60483 - it has thorough answers to your questions about logistics and also details on prices.
in 11years the most I have EVER stayed in Tijuana was five nights. usually I only spend two nights and of course I've stretched that out to three nights a number of times.
reserve a room at Cascada or Rizo hotels online prior to your trip. you don't need to pack food because food is readily available right there at the clubs own restaurants and Street vendors. compared to the USA it's quite a bargain.
Most everything important has been said, but I must emphasize that two weeks is a long time unless you’re in your 20 and athletic. Since you have the time, visit Rosarito and Ensañada where there are a few clubs for the variety. Ensañada has a few other attractions. These cities can be accessed by Uber or bus. Uber is about $100 to Ensañada. Taxis will take you there for a little more than Uber.
San Diego is interesting as well, especially if you have any interest in ships or military aircraft.
I want to be helpful, but you make it hard by not doing more preliminary research.
I will play along and comment on your discussion and answer some of your questions.
You should consider this first trip a recon mission to gain information and see how things are, so pack light, just a carry on or backpack should be fine for up to 3 days, at the Happiest Place on earth.
Left the 2 weeks plans for when Krusty can take you there.
I recommend you take it easy and slow in participating in the Adult Sex Industry Hobby.
Fly to San Diego and then take the Free Airport Shuttle to Old Town and then take me Blue Line Trolley to the border.
Then walk across the border, don’t forget to get the Mexican “visa”, you can get it in the Internet in advance is free if you are visiting for a few days only.
Remember to behave like a gentleman and you will be treated like a gentleman. Dress clean and in normal causal comfortable clothes.
Once in Mexico just walk to the area where there is a FREE Limo service to takes you to Hong Kong, check in the Hotel Cascadas, for which you had made reservations in the Internet with the your VIP Card holder status you will receive discounts on room rates 7 days a week. 80% off every Monday and Tuesday. 20% off all other days.
After “unpacking” in your room, if you are hungry go eat something light at the hotel restaurant Azul, discounted with your VIP card/membership, then go back to your room to rest, sleep well and when you get up around 8:00pm , shower and shave, and get read to walk into the Happiest Place on Earth.
Walk inside the club and look around until you see a girl you like and walk to the girl you like/want and ask her in English, “Hi beautiful; do you speak English?” If she says yes, a little, or not, is up to you to start making it an interesting game to “communicate” that you like her and want to have sex/make love to her.
The only two words you really need to learn is “arriba?” (to the room upstairs) and cuanto? (How much is the cost?)
At the Happiest Place on Earth “Hong Kong”; Technically you are paying for her time; half an hour $140 to 200, for basic Full Service; anything more; anal for example is negotiable and cost more. Since you have your own room you don’t have to pay for the 30 minutes rooms, another $30-40
There are other options like fichas to get a semi private dance and buying the girls drinks so they sit with you, however your goal is to see how things work out for full service so you can get that out of the way and relax for a second nd third visit “arriba” to your room.
If you don’t speak Spanish fluently be prepared for misunderstandings and somethings lost in translation, if you want you can ask one of the waiters (meseros) that speak English to get you a girl that speaks English and is your “type” just make sure that you wont accept the girl if she is not to your liking. Remember the customer is always right.
Don’t overthink things, nothing is going to be exactly like you imagined or were told, just be prepared for the worst and hope for the best that way you won’t be surprised
Just relax stay open to the positive experiences so you can have a good enjoyable time at The Happiest Place on Earth (according to Krusty)
When you are ready to leave,just coordinate with the front desk the time to take the limo back to the border.
At the border they might ask for the paperwork (visa) you are required for o provide when you exit the country.
Take the trolley to the Old Town Station and then the Free Airport Shuttle to the San Diego Airport and go back home.
Like I said this first trip should be a recon mission to get you used to doing this trip as you probably will like to enjoy the Hobby.
Just relax stay open to the positive experiences so you can have a good enjoyable time at The Happiest Place on Earth (according to Krusty)
Remember to be careful out there, and don’t forget Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.
CJ. VIP card discount on Monday and Tuesday is now 70%. been that way now for the last few years
Thank you for the update/correction Jascoi