Advice for new patrons: Hong Kong is a level 70 club

avatar for RonJax2
Recently there's been flurry of activity here on TUSCL from mongers making their maiden voyages to the mecca of Tijuana and to Hong Kong club (also known as the dragon).

I'll admit, I love reading new reviews of the dragon. It's a dose of methadone to read another monger's description of the heroin high that is walking through those black curtains. And I'm sure my own enthusiastic reviews have played a very small part in encouraging other TUSCLers to take the plunge.

However, reading a few recent reviews and after some enlightening DM exchanges with a few people, I realize that some mongers aren't quite yet ready for the challenge. I think to take full advantage of Tijuana, and Hong Kong Club in particular, one has to level up one's mongering skills:

* Negotiating Skills. Before planning a trip to TJ, you should already be familiar with negotiations that happen in a strip club. You should know how to gracefully excuse a stripper you're not interested in, and how to approach one you are. You should know when to bargain, how to ask for extras and consent, and when to say "no". If you're not comfortable with those things in English, you'll stand no chance against in a fight with the dragon.
* Logistics. You should be comfortable with travel (including air travel if you live anywhere other than SoCal) and you should have a passport. You should probably have GE/Sentri too. You should be comfortable and self-sufficient mongering alone.
* Endurance. You don't want to fly across the country to bust a single nut.
* Constitution. La Zona Norte is gritty. It's safe enough if you're cautious, with the biggest risk being corrupt municipal police. But if you haven't already been to a few seedy areas that strip clubs often find themselves in, you might feel overwhelmed here.
* Spending Power. Part of the appeal of TJ is that it's cheap. But if you plan a 3 day trip here with only $300 to spend, you might feel like you're missing out, and that investment in your flight and hotel would've been better spent at your local AMP (level 20).

I think there's a normal arc that most TUSCLers take, and it goes right through Tijuana. Hong Kong is perpetually number 1 on TUSCL's top 40 list, with Chicago Club and Bar Tropical also consistently high up. If you're searching for the best strip clubs, you're going to find yourself reading about these Tijuana gems.

But imagine your mongering career as if you were a character in an RPG. As soon as you unlock TUSCL at level 10, the dragon is marked on your minimap, but you must remember that it's a level 70 battle. If you're new to the game, consider grinding up your skills on your local club. Before rushing in to battle the dragon, consider trying some domestic extras spots like Landing Strip DTW (level 30), Cheetah Pompano (level 40), or Tootsie's (level 50).

Or, if you're still an intermediate strip club goer with the fortune of living in SoCal, maybe you go to Tijuana, but first hone your skills at Bar Tropical (level 45) or Chicago Club (level 55) both of which aren't quite the pressure cookers that Hong Kong is.

I used to advise mongers that due to the rising peso (which has peeled back even if arriba prices seem sticky) one shouldn't wait, because chicaflation is only getting worse. Recent conversations though have convinced me there should be a balance.

There's also no doubt, the dragon's level 70 rating means it offers the best loot if you slay it. If you're playing New Game+, it might be a prudent stop in right out of the gate. Maybe you've got a reason to speedrun the game, in which case, rush in by all means. You'll probably do just fine.

But if you're on a new monger's career and you have the luxury of time, I would advise you to hone your skills elsewhere before trying to slay this legendary beast.


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avatar for RonJax2
2 days ago
Oh, and hopefully none here are feeling impugned by this commentary. I truly did not have any single new TJ-enjoyer in mind when writing this, more of an amalgamation of several of new posters to TJ Mongers that informed this marijuana fueled diatribe.
avatar for silverton3
2 days ago
Some of us can answer affirmatively to all of those points with the exception of being comfortable, crossing the border and physically getting to Zona Norte. I’m considering a trip in late March or late April, but would probably only consider it if I could join forces with someone who has experience with the border. There could be some compensation.
avatar for justinyoo
2 days ago
This is a heck of an article @RonJax2.

Yeah, many come in to slay the dragon but instead of a sword they are holding a pool noodle.

What I mean by that is everything RonJax2 said (money, communication, etc.) and attitude. If you are going to go in meek and overthinking the playground of HK, then honestly you will be missing out. It is a playground for fun, use the equipment!

As I always say there is no right it wrong way, just have fun but to me standing in the corner and worrying about how to approach a chica isn't as fun as just walking up with an inviting smile, tipping a few bucks to flirt with the chicas, then having drinks, laughs and more. It is awesome.

Attitude is key. One can be 1.) meek /overthinking leading to inaction and doubt or 2.) opening up to have fun, relax, having some confidence and respectful charm or 3.) over confident, obnoxious, a-hole, lacking respect. Staying in that middle area is key and I think you will be surprised how many people you meet and the experiences you have.

This isn't a date, they are there to make money and have fun with you. Being a man of culture, I advise tip some dollars and feel since bobbies and heinies!!
avatar for justinyoo
2 days ago
@silverton3 - crossing the border is super easy into Mexico. I think you just remember that you are not doing anything wrong. Everything is legal and you will blend in to a point nobody even notices you. It really is as simple as going though the turnstiles, giving you passport to the customs agent, then they print you out a form and welcome you to Mexico, you walk around to the other side to put your luggage though a machine while you walk through a metal detector, grab your luggage and walk out. It really is that simple.
avatar for RonJax2
2 days ago
@silverton3 The thing is, if you find another TUSCLer to meet up with, you're probably going to need to cross the border alone. I've met up with other mongers a few times (and it's been great) but always crossed the border alone, the logistics otherwise would be a pain. Like, I'm not waiting at the airport for 2 hours for a wingman's delayed flight to get in, when I could be surrounded by latinas in lingerie. Nor would I expect him to do the same.

If you're willing to pay for accompaniment across the border, there's an EASY solution. Book a res at Cascadas or Rizo, and then ask about a ride from downtown San Diego. You can expect to pay about $120 to be driven directly from downtown San Diego to Hong Kong / Cascadas. I've heard people claim on the internet to have gotten it for as cheap $90, so YMMV.

Last time I crossed I did a car service across the border and we crossed at night. They weren't even checking docs, the crossing was like a mini traffic jam with speed bumps and we didn't stop to talk to anyone. It probably took me less than 40 minutes to go from the airport to the hotel.

But also, crossing on foot and taking a cab or the VIP shuttle to the Zona is no big deal. PedWest is literally the largest port of entry in the word, once you have done it, you'll be puzzled as to why you were worried about it.
avatar for PAFBABS
2 days ago
> Before planning a trip to TJ, you should already be familiar with negotiations that happen in a strip club. You should know how to gracefully excuse a stripper you're not interested in, and how to approach one you are. You should know when to bargain, how to ask for extras and consent, and when to say "no". If you're not comfortable with those things in English, you'll stand no chance against in a fight with the dragon.

👆🏻Excellent advice by RonJax2! Just follow his wisdom/ProTip’s ( for Free ), and your FUN in Tijuana will be guaranteed 👍🏻

> * Endurance. You don't want to fly across the country to bust a single nut.

💯 percent agreed. Making the most out of your Tijuana trip is a must, many have done it and are still doing it. Planning is the main key in having a highly successful Chicafilled Tijuana trip. It’ll simply keep getting better each time after your first trip, while simultaneously transitioning you from a newbie into a Pro😁
avatar for RonJax2
2 days ago
> One can be 1.) meek /overthinking leading to inaction and doubt or 2.) opening up to have fun, relax, having some confidence and respectful charm or 3.) over confident, obnoxious, a-hole, lacking respect. Staying in that middle area is key and I think you will be surprised how many people you meet and the experiences you have.

@justinyoo this is spot on. I can't remember who came up with it but there's the old TUSCL mantra of Don't be a bitch, don't be an asshole. Which is exactly like what you're saying.

I think honestly it takes some skill and experience to set that dial appropriately. And if you're not used to flirting with an american stripper in English, it's too early to try flirting with with one in patonmime/spanglish.
avatar for PAFBABS
2 days ago
One more thing I’d like to mention here/ ProTip:

In the past,I always hung out with a wingman in Tijuana. Then, I decided to make a change by going solo.Ever since there hasn’t been a turning back for me, the women I’ve met by clubbing solo has simply been mind blowing. Women love it, and they also tend to take you more seriously. I learnt this secret coz many girls always asked me if I am by myself in TJ or with friends. As soon as they heard that I am alone, their guard totally dropped and a simple introductory meeting will instantly turn into a full blown OTC date ( mostly for the same day ). Try it, and you’ll be amazed at the positive results👍🏻
avatar for RonJax2
2 days ago
> transitioning you from a newbie into a Pro😁

@PAFBABS I am still getting my hands around the OTC game. OTC adventures are like unlocking a whole new area of the game.
avatar for RonJax2
2 days ago
And on having a wingman or not...

I've joked with other TUSCLers that in Tijuana it's not like in Top Gun where you "never leave your wingman." It's more like a WWI movie where you both dive over the top and get mowed down by hot chica machine gun fire. You'll have a wingman at Hong Kong for as long as it takes him to find an interesting chica, then she'll have his undivided attention.

You may find yourself standing at the corner of Av. Niños Héroes and Calle Coahualia at 4 AM and notice that no one is covering your 6, because your wingman is banging a hot 9.

And I totally agree @PAFBABS, chicas are much more comfortable when you are solo! You are much more approachable when you're alone.

That said, having a wingman to commiserate with can be great fun. Things like a late lunch, to regal the previous nights adventures before you start the next day's is clutch. I've also done a double date on a TLN, that was great fun. So it's good to have one sometimes.

I'm certain though, to enjoy TJ, one needs to be capable and comfortable as a solo operator, because even with a wingman, you won't really always have a wingman, in Tijuana.
avatar for PAFBABS
2 days ago
> @PAFBABS I am still getting my hands around the OTC game. OTC adventures are like unlocking a whole new area of the game.

RonJax2 - You are absolutely right about that. Tijuana FUN has different levels, and after experiencing the full blown level of FUN in Hongkong club the next level up somehow always turns into OTC hookups.I too started it all the same way, and now since I am much more comfortable hanging out in Tijuana whereabouts I have entered the OTC game. It took me a few years, but now it’s worth it all for me especially considering I live locally in SoCal👍🏻

avatar for Jascoi
2 days ago
What I'll say to the novice is.If I can do it you can do it!
avatar for motorhead
a day ago
Very nice post. Not likely to ever make the trip but loved reading it anyway
avatar for Rod84
a day ago
"chicaflation" - Great word. Should be added to the Glossary... ;)
avatar for PAFBABS
a day ago
> * Spending Power. Part of the appeal of TJ is that it's cheap. But if you plan a 3 day trip here with only $300 to spend, you might feel like you're missing out, and that investment in your flight and hotel would've been better spent at your local AMP (level 20).

👆🏻 A good point made by RonJax2, and it’s ok to be budget conscious but not cheap. Women will also appreciate your balanced approach to spending on them, and knowing that you aren’t being a cheapskate.
avatar for Aboutown
a day ago
Thanks for your thoughts @ronjax2. All great points.
I wish I had @justinyoo 's zen before I had taken the plunge. Honestly, I forgot about tipping dollars during ficha time. Lol
I trained for 8 months at my local club spending about $5k there. No sex - just training - before hitting the dragon. I'm happy I did. The next time, I'm hoping to unlock another level.
avatar for justinyoo
a day ago
> You may find yourself standing at the corner of Av. Niños Héroes and Calle Coahualia at 4 AM and notice that no one is covering your 6, because your wingman is banging a hot 9.

@RonJax2 - dude, that was almost goddamn If y
ou would have made it 3am (instead of 4am) and maybe add after 12 beers to give it the 3,6,9,12 (turning clock) meaning the passing of time.... Hahaha. You are almost the TUSCL Whitman or

avatar for justinyoo
a day ago
Since this post is more for first timers as @Jascoi was alluding, it isn't rocket science. If I could do it, you can do it. Yes. But to Ron's point you need to set expectations and prep appropriately.

> And if you're not used to flirting with an american stripper in English, it's too early to try flirting with with one in patonmime/spanglish.

To the first timers, although this is true in general, take solice that the language barrier might help a lot because you could always blame the inability to communicate efficiently as the reason for your unease and you can't fumble with words unlike in

I can't speak Spanish well at all but I find it way easier to speak to the chicas rather compared to the dancers in the US. It is a different culture, to me in general the chicas are not as "hardened" but that is a vague generalizing I know.

avatar for WiseToo
a day ago
The last time I was in Tijuana was years ago well before 9/11. Parked at a lot in San Ysidro and proceeded to walk across a bridge which went over a multi lane interstate. The bridge was not in great shape; had some pot holes. I don't recall either the U.S. or Mexican authorities at the crossing stopping me.

I just kept walking and then came across a giant flea market selling all types of souvenirs, aka junk. Next there was a taxi stand with dozens of yellow taxis with drivers outside shouting something I didn't understand. Just by the way I was dressed they could tell I was a gringo.

I walked around, not really knowing where I was going, but it was daylight and I had plenty of time. I came across a business that had a curtain for a door. The curtain was both short and narrow so you could take a peek inside. A group of Mexican men were huddled around the entrance. These guys looked tough so I didn't want to take a chance getting near. The sign in the window advertising "Donkey Shows" piqued my interest. I thought they had some trained donkeys.

Next, I came across a rather well kept nice looking business called Hong Kong. I thought it was some type of Asian restaurant. I didn't go in. Also, there was a business called Chicago. Again, I didn't go in. I thought the names were dumb.

I ended up walking into a Woolworth's. It had air conditioning; the mom and pop stores along the streets did not. I headed back to the crossing in the heat. I was dehydrated. To avoid Montezuma's revenge, I got a bottled soda from a push cart in a real glass bottle that looked like it was recycled too many times. Who knows, it's possible the push cart just filled an old bottle with some cold sugary beverage. Stopped at the flea market and bought a miniature pottery pitcher as a souvenir. A few moments later, I was back in my car with the air conditioning going full blast as I headed to my Motel 6.

Obviously, this happened well before my club days. This trip down memory lane reinforced the difference in the standard of living between Mexico and the USA. Was glad to be back and never had a desire to return.
avatar for RonJax2
21 hours ago
@WiseToo So it's like you went all the way to Mecca but didn't even pray at the Kaaba. You missed the glory days of $60 arribas!

I suspect if you returned to Tijuana you'd be surprised at the city's progress. There's still poverty (and fucking markets, everywhere you go in Mexico there's streets closed for markets.) But Baja California's GDP is one of the highest among Mexican states. The cost of living and standards of living are better in TJ than most cities in Mexico. La Zona Norte is definitely still gritty, but there's also really nice trendy neighborhoods like Zona Río. Tijuana these days is more like a slightly poorer spanish speaking San Diego with a vibrant red light district.
avatar for RonJax2
21 hours ago
> To the first timers, although this is true in general, take solice that the language barrier might help a lot because you could always blame the inability to communicate efficiently as the reason for your unease and you can't fumble with words unlike in

@justinyoo I agree it's a thing. With no common language, your primary mode of communication becomes physical and in some ways that's easier than drunkenly fumbling over giving her a fake compliment.

If I were to graph Spanish Skill (by CEFR levels) versus a subjective assessment of Value of Experience at HK, my data points might look like:

{None, 6} <-- Not knowing any basics, like how to say hello, is a small liability.
{A1, 8} <-- This is kind of the sweet spot you're talking about.
{A2, 7}
{B1, 6} <-- Value drops as you are capable of asking questions but not understanding the fucking answers.
{B2, 8} <-- At a conversational level proficiency, value improves.
{C1, 10} <--- I'd imagine being fluent in Spanish would be fun at HK (But I'm guessing, my Spanish isn't that good.)

We could call this phenomena the "The Valley of Intermediate Proficiency".
avatar for Jascoi
14 hours ago
My Spanish-speaking abilities is really bad. I've tried a few different lessons like Rosetta Stone duo lingo and babble and I just can't seem to get beyond the absolute first lesson.

But even with my poor Spanish abilities I do have a blast down there with the ladies! and I really love the selection and the constant change of girls.
avatar for Garfield84
12 hours ago
@RonJax2 This has got to be one of the most interesting discussions I have ever read. First off, I was a gamer in my younger years playing everything from Mega Man (NES), Atari racing and I have a PS5 now. I mainly just play Madden. But I despise RPG games (Role Playing) like Final Fantasy. I'm still trying to figure out how are you rating hong kong a level 70 club. I would like an explanation on how that works. Anyway. Great fun discussion. I'll be there at "the Dragon" next 3 days - Monday to Wednesday. There is a bikini contest on Wednesday.

My top 10 clubs in the world (to me)
1. Hong Kong Tijuana
2. Club Globe - near Zurich, Switzerland
3. FKK Sharks - near Frankfurt, Germany
4. La Isla - Medellin, Colombia
5. Loutron - Medellin, Colombia
6. Vivide - Atlanta, Georgia
7. Tapanko VIP - Zapopan, Jalisco (near Guadalajara)
8. Cheetah Hallandale - Hallandale Beach, Florida (SoFlo)
9. FKK Oase - near Frankfurt, Germany
10. Tootsies - Miami Gardens, Florida.

This is my current top 10 without going to Brazil, Asia or Africa. So much more mongering to do.
avatar for RonJax2
3 hours ago
> I'm still trying to figure out how are you rating hong kong a level 70 club


I'm thinking of an open world game like The Witcher Series or Elden Ring. You can go wherever you want in the game, but that might mean you can choose fight a really hard boss with beginner's equipment and skills. Usually there's game mechanics that warn you that such a fight might be beyond your level.

So for this rating, I'm thinking about "Difficulty", not necessarily what's the "Best" club.

Ranking by "Difficulty" is more like: How likely is it you get scammed, or get a shitty experience if you don't know what you're doing? How hard is it to get there, are the logistics difficult? How safe is the area?

Compare HK to some of the other clubs on your list. If we ranked it by "Difficulty" the order changes. Like I haven't been but I'd guess The Globe is probably like only level 35. It's just easier for a new monger than HK: the ladies at the Globe charge flat rate, so you don't need to negotiate. They all offer the same services so you don't need to ficha 3 girls to find one who will DFK. You don't have to play judo with the front-desk over bar fines. You don't have to worry about corrupt police officers in Zurich.

And, I'm guessing La Isla and Loutron would rank much higher on the difficulty scale. I would not tell an inexperienced monger to go to Medellin.

I would be comfortable telling a relatively inexperienced monger, "Visit the Globe, you'll have a blast." The point of this post was, Hong Kong is a "difficult" club, consider waiting until you have some other experience patronizing strip clubs.
avatar for Garfield84
2 hours ago

I never viewed Hong Kong as "difficult" as the experience goes. I look at the overall experience.

If a bitch has too many restrictions or is too expensive. I move on. I'm not negotiating with a bitch because once it becomes that transactional, the GFE is gone.

These are the components when I look at strip club/brothel

How easy is it to get to?

How is the setup?

Quality of the hoez?

The number of hoez?

And a few miscallaneous things.

And by that criteria. There is nothing like Hong Kong. It's open 24/7 for your nut. You can sleep there and watch all the games, movies and 3 different porn channels. The internet wifi is pretty good to where you can actually work on. With me, I still use my hotspot because I don't want my company to look and see I'm on a Cascadas Tijuana wifi.

Then it's easier to get to Atlanta to Tijuana faster than Most of those destinations on my list. There is no direct flight from Atlanta to Medellin. You have to either stop at FLL or MIA OR Bogota then take a connection to Medellin. It's an all day trip to get there. Compared to Tijuana, I can jump on a plane at 4pm East and be there at 4:30 Pacific (time change of course).

Then the layout of HK is unmatched. Everything I need is right there. I can walk to downtown Tijuana. I can walk to TJ Fitness and get my lift on. I have 2 restaurants I can go to that I can get a discount at (Senda Norte, Azul).

I like to sports gamble, so I can cross over cheap street and lay some bets. If I want to go to a nicer sports bar or sports book (i.e. Pueblo Amigo or that one in Hippodramo) it's a short taxi ride away.

The convenience to the hoes, food, gym and sports gambling and American TV/Sports.

It's all I need.

Good luck watching the NBA or the Saturday Night fight in Germany, Colombia (specifically Bogota), Switzerland.
avatar for RonJax2
an hour ago

I totally get what you're saying. We're definitely in strong agreement that HK is the best club in the world, in a class of it's own. Everything you wrote about why it's unmatched is exactly right! There's nothing better than being surrounded by 100+ lovely latinas in lingerie!

I think there's a simple reason you never thought HK was "difficult". You probably had plenty of experience at ATL clubs and others before you made it to Tijuana. So by my RPG analogy, you were already a level 70 monger by the time you took on this level 70 club.

My advice here is more aimed at really inexperienced guys. Guys in their twenties or thirties who maybe have only been to a few clubs for bachelor parties. The dudes who have just discovered TUSCL, guys who have never been to an extras club.

I'll single out one new TJ-enjoyer in particular @Aboutown. (And I'll single him out because he told me over DM it would be OK to mention him, haha.) If you read his recent reviews, it's clear at at times it was overwhelming for him and he admits, he's newer to scene. He was probably not quite ready to take on the dragon yet. (Though not surprisingly, in spite of his roller coaster of the first trip he reports to me he's planning to get back there, haha.)
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