Shaken down by police in TJ (no joke)

Never posted but this is for peoples' safety. Third time in TJ. Was riding back in cab around 10pm and stopped by the police at a busy intersection. Asked for ID, told to get out of the car, was patted down, asked what I had on me and I emptied my pockets. Cop might have taken a $10 bill, as I emptied my pockets and after I couldn't find the bill, just a few $1s left. But all I had on me was a a few bucks, a quarter of a viagra, and some tic tacs, but if I had anything harder or if I was drunk I think I would have been f*****. It ended there. This was a Monday night, but plenty of people were around. The cab driver let me pay less because I had almost no cash; he didn't speak English but he was definitely trying to tell me in Spanish he knew what the cops did was wrong. My advice is be very careful and stay away from anything that could be contraband. Also, probably spend the cash you bring.
last commentI don’t know why anyone would go there.
I do know why people would go there...
It's called girls!
yeah. I've already planned around this. But it's helpful because it means I may need to carry even less in one pocket.
The way I carry my big money now in Mexico does not utilize zippers... I just use a little velcro Dot to keep any money from working out from the pocket of my underwear.
Always put cab fare in my shoe