Woolly mammoth on the way

Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
You damn dirty apes are trying to resurrect the frickin’ woolly mammoth and have started by creating the woolly mouse.
This lion would like to say two things. First, if you want a bunch of creatures you can hunt running around, just import some wildebeest. They’re delicious.
Second, that frickin’ woolly mouse looks ridiculous. If they wanna make a friickin’ mouse look cool by changing its fur they should give it a dignified mane. Or maybe a cool pompadour. If I saw that woolly mouse hangin’ around my crib I’m setting out some traps. But I could be buds with a pompadour mouse. ROAR!!!
last commentThe Woolly Mammoth is an interesting animal. One thinks of it as an ancient, pre-historic animal but it co-existed with early humans. It still existed on mainland Siberia as recently as 10,000 years ago and on some remote, isolated Russian islands as recently as 4000 years ago. That’s like a blink of an eye in geologic history.
4000 years ago, humans had already invented musical instruments and sails for boats and Egyptian numerals. That’s modern history.
Maybe Raptors roaming in a Jurassic Park is movie fantasy, but I could easily see Woolly Mammoths introduced to some remote area in northern Canada
_🤠 Fun Stuff Rick, ROAR!!!
Some Really Good Science & Earth @
I wonder if you’ll still be ROARing if/when they bring back the saber tooth tiger.
Maybe rtl dreams of dropping the soap for a saber tooth tiger.
@TCabot Ape, this rick could definitely be buds with a saber-toothed tiger. As long as he shares his Jack and treats me with proper rickspect it’s all good. But if he gets all bent outta shape by the non-saber-toothed I might have to put him in his place. ROAR!!!
@rtl you better have them CRISPR you in some cave lion DNA before you get tough-guy with a saber tooth tiger.
Q) What time is it when a wooly mammoth sits on your fence? A)Time to get a new fence!
_👽 Found *******Stargazing Stuff
I Wish I Had Binoculars For More Sky Viewing. Pretty Interesting How Da' Stars Show With Formations, Size, Color Etc......
Libby ape (or whatever the fuck his handle is) said => @rtl you better have them CRISPR you in some cave lion DNA before you get tough-guy with a saber tooth tiger.
This rick replies => I’ve got frickin’ lion blood running in my veins. I don’t need no stinkin’ CRISPR. ROAR!!!
@rtl that's just the jack-soaked ass tampon talkin'.