If the point of American society isn't to care for each other and make things be

CJKent_bandThe truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
Title couldn’t say it all.
If the point of American society isn't to care for each other and make things better for American people, and the planet, then what's the point?
Primarily, the point of society is to ensure that, when you make something, no one can use or threaten violence to take if from you. Otherwise, our lives are much more about violence than making things, and we have much less stuff.
It would be nice if we were all saints. If we found fulfillment living by Marx's slogan "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need". But we're not.
American society is worse than feudalism at this point. Its an end stage capitalist dystopia. It took rome almost 300 years to end. Hopefully the US demise wont be dragged out that long and we can reinvent society. Learning from our mistakes.