Daytona Bike Week strip clip intel or advice?

Anyone out there who knows the Daytona Beach club scene well enough to provide any intel on the slim chance of getting extras in the clubs? I know the extras scene has has mostly dried up.
But with big events come visiting dancers and female talent looking to make some quick cash. I’m looking for intel on which clubs are most likely to accept and benefit from short term new dancers? It seems like diamond dolls, Biggins, and Dixie’s in deland would benefit. Not to mention Bottoms up in NSB?
Anyone local to or knowledgeable that area please advise the rest of us poor PLs!
last commentIt’s usually a busy week, I haven’t been there in years, but it’s usually a pretty good crowd, but a bit rowdy though . I don’t remember a lot of out of town dancers for bike week.
Yes, dancers flock to Daytona for bike week. But good luck finding heavy duty extras when so many of these girls are already making bank for doing very little. For a lot of those bikers it's their one big vacation of the year, so they come loaded for bear. Basically it's a big party scene.
Tbh I hate bike week, lol. Daytona is only 90 miles away from the clubs in Jacksonville, so a lot of the girls hit the road for the week and work down there.
I'm not a regular in that area, It's been at least 6 months or more since I've been to a club up there. And even that was a pretty quick visit to kill an hour or so. But historically Bike Week is not a good strip club week for extras hounds or strip club regulars in general. As rick mentioned, for a lot of the guys there it's a big deal. Maybe their once year indulgence or even for some it's a once in a lifetime thing. They come, they spend.
I'm about 3 hours south, some of our girls will trek up there for the weekend. I don't miss the girls from here, as they're generally the girls who thrive on fleecing tourists. In my limited experience, I'm gonna guess many girls from nearby areas with similar specializations also make the trip.
I'd avoid the strip clubs that week to be honest, or at least temper expectations and go in prepared to deal with a higher than usual percentage of scammers or at least entitled dancers. There might be better than average stage shows and plenty of girls to get regular dances from though.
For about 15 years our golf trip to Cocoa Beach/Orlando fell during bike week. Early one we discovered that if you want extras, just hang around your hotel pool and one of the biker's girlfriends will accommodate you in your room.