Hot women in videos

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Anyone remember when hot women in videos had no tats, no enhanced asses, no enhanced boobs?…


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Yo Skifredo, if you’re dissin’ modern videos you better keep Princess Tay Tay’s name outta your mouth because this lion is a major Swiftie and I just might have to go all wildebeest on you if you insult my Princess.

Also, what is wrong with you using frickin’ bing all the frickin’ time? I understand that cars used leaded gasoline when you were growing up and that probably caused some damage.

But sheesh… this insistence on making bing a thing makes this rick think you started every morning when you were growing up with a breakfast of wonder bread and exhaust fumes from your father’s Model T! ROAR!!!
There was a time when women didn't talk publicly about their plastic surgery. But, ever since Botox, nobody raises an eyebrow.
The hair makeup and coke head thinness in the video looks as natural as heroin chic
I had forgotten about about Buster. Excellent, and a Bill Murray cameo to boot. I do not like tats and silicone.
1979, France Joli was 16 when she did this. When I DJ'ed in college this was very popular:…
Yeah... I like looking at naturally beautiful women with no tats or excessive piercings...
Surprised no one mentioned that David Johanson, lead singer of the New York Dolls (They made Kiss look sedate) passed away this weekend, since he was also Buster Poindexter in this video.
Women used to not need it as much. Something changed in our diets in the 80s as processed food spread across regions and cuisines exponentially. With video games and sedentary past times taking over our recreation in the 90s, our young peoples' BMIs began increasing drastically. Now, with the internet, streaming services, and social media as the main entertainment and free time outlets, the fight to make Americans' healthy again is an uphill battle. Compound that with influencers who use strictly their physical assets to gain fame and portray wealth, and who can blame women for taking any and all "easy" avenues to look what they see on their screens?

Who am I to complain? I want them to look like that, too.
Lately they've been replaying game shows from like 30 and 40 years ago. Seems that half the women contestants back then were fit and trim. Now it's a rare thing to see a fit and trim woman on a game show as a contestant.
I'm grateful for my free antenna TV. They got some pretty good programming available. And it's free!!! No satellite or cable or phone line or internet required!!
I use that too. I get like 172 free channels.
If you truly want to get an idea of how fucking obese this country has become, but a grandstand seat at Fenway Park and go watch a ballgame in a 1912 stadium. 50% of the populace will not fit in the seat.
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