
R.I.P. Gene Hackman

Avatar for whodey
whodeyFat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers

Another legendary Hollywood icon has passed away along with his wife.


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Avatar for motorhead

RIP. One of the legends of acting. He was a great actor.

Avatar for ClubFan81077

R.I.P. 😢

I hadn't heard the news before seeing your post. I was definitely a fan, and one of my very favorite movies is Crimson Tide. Whenever I think of his career, the first thing that comes to mind is his performance alongside Denzel in that film. Very sad to hear this news.

Avatar for motorhead

I’m glad you mentioned “Crimson Tide”. All the articles mention his Oscar wins and nominations - The French Connection, Unforgiven, Bonnie & Clyde.

But my absolute favorite performance was in Crimson Tide.

Avatar for ClubFan81077

^ I'm with you...that movie is probably in my personal top 5. His performance was great, Denzel was great also, and man, that film just had me on the edge of my seat the entire time!

Avatar for rickthelion

RIP. But seriously…foul play not suspected? Really?! Hackman, his wife, and their dog were all found dead. This rick thinks the Hackman cat paid the Santa Fe sheriff to look the other way. ROAR!!!

Avatar for skibum609

He was evil personified in the Quick and the Dead. Saw the French Connection in the theater after dinner out with my dad for my 14th birthday. One of those days you never forget.

Avatar for gammanu95

I agree that Crimson Tide was some of, if not his absolute, best work. He lived to 95, which is amazing and makes me want to take a second look at Santa Fe. I cannot understand why the authorities would state that foul play is not suspected when a 90-year old man, is 30-years-younger wife, and their DOG are found dead. CO poisoning? Rattlesnake infestation? A zoonotic disease poised to be the next pandemic?

Also, yesterday Michelle Trachtenberg from Buffy the Vampire Slayer was found dead in NYC at 39. Also no foul play. RIP Michelle. Is it standard police procedure to tell the press "no foul play suspected: even if there is?

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

Get Shorty, Hoosiers, No Way Out and Superman.

IMO, no foul play means it was a gas leak or something similar, but it’ll take a little time for the toxicology to confirm and they don’t want to put something out there until they’re sure.

Avatar for motorhead

OT: I was surprised to hear he lived in Santa Fe. I just assumed he lived in California. I’ve thought about Santa Fe for retirement- but it’s at over 7000 feet and not real sure I’d like that. The climate seems ok. I’m a Great Lakes boy so I can handle a little cold. Looks like they get some snow but nothing outrageous

Avatar for Muddy

Santa Fe is a really cool unique place imo. You gotta like that adobe but NM is a super underrated.

Avatar for Muddy

But Gene Hackman, that French connection chase scene, legendary. real and all illegal.

Avatar for twentyfive

Terrible the news today is they died from carbon monoxide poisoning, I hope it wasn't a suicide, it sounds like an accidental death.
R.I.P Gene Hackman

Avatar for shailynn

Hoosiers. What a great movie.

Another good but forgotten movie. Enemy of the State with Will Smith. Hackman did a great job playing a grouchy “crazy” old man.

Avatar for Jascoi

Wow. how weird.

Avatar for Studme53

Come on. He was great in everything, but tremendous in Hoosiers. The scene where he told Barbara Hershey about getting fired from his college coaching job and banned for loosing it and punching his best player - even though he loved the kid - really touched my heart. The regret and shame, but being a man and being truthful about it was really powerful.

Avatar for rockie

Great actor! Praise for "French Connection" and "Hoosiers" is well earned. Like Shailyn, my personal favorite is "Enemy of the State." Liked Hackman as Avery Tolar in "The Firm" as well.

Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

RIP. Crimson Tide is one of my all time favorites.

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

More info is coming out.

They are now saying deaths are “suspicious.”

They were dead for some time. Space heater found near wife. Open prescription pills on counter. One dog dead, 2 other dogs alive, including one inside the house near the wife. No signs of a gas leak, which was my guess. Reiterating “no foul play is suspected.” Curiouser and curiouser.

Avatar for skibum609

Door of the house was left open too.

Avatar for misterorange

It's surprising the two living dogs didn't attract some attention from passers-by, especially with the front door open and the run of the yard. It's a gated community, so must have sidewalks and neighbors out walking, one would think.

Avatar for WiseToo

"I'll bust you for picking your feet in Poughkeepsie" is forever embedded in my head. Great movie, great actor. RIP

Avatar for minnow

John Wayne Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman, Robert Duvall, and Tom Hanks are the few actors that I wouldn't hesitate to blind buy/rent any movie that they are in. RIP, Gene Hackman, and +1 on Crimson Tide Comments.

Avatar for motorhead

Oh no, don’t mention Clint Eastwood. At 94, I fear he might be one of next TUSCL RIP posts

Avatar for gammanu95

Most of John Wayne's films have aged pretty poorly. The same can be said for Clint Eastwood. That "slow burn" style of the 60s is boring af to me- High Plains Drifter, all three Sergio Leone films, etc. Not to mention the cinematography is weird as hell and all of the dialog looks dubbed. I have tons of respect for those two actors, but those two just made films in an era where I find most of them unwatchable. Robert Duvall is a supporting actor- his name in the credits is not going to incentivize me to watch a movie. But Tom Hanks- there is a piece of shit. He had done some decent films in the past, but he turned into a self-righteous turd after Forrest Gump. Sully - hardly compelling filmmaking. NYC hysteria and sensationalism. Captain Philips is the worst. He was the villain in the real story. His crew told him repeatedly that he was being reckless and needlessly endangering their lives by sailing right through the pirates' hunting grouds, but he refused to listen. If Tom had continued with movies in the vein of Bachelor Party, that would have been fine. As he is now, I am more likely to skip a movie because I see his name in the credits.

Avatar for motorhead

Thread has taken a twisting path. I watched a bit of Captain Phillips yesterday and each time I watch it I still wonder why there was not a private armed security service on board. It would have been satisfying to see those Somali pirates get their heads blown off.

Avatar for gammanu95

Private armed security on a boat is too expensive. Extra bunks, extra food, extra energy usage. They have to serve additional crew duties outside of security rotations to even make it worth considering.


Not sure what they hell this has to do with Gene Hackman but, fuck it.

Avatar for motorhead

Getting back to Gene Hackman, one movie I don’t think we’ve mentioned is “Behind Enemy Lines” which takes place during the Bosnian War.

The critics didn’t seem to like it, but I’ll usually watch it again if I run across it. I like Hackman’s performance. At first, he doesn’t like the Owen Wilson character but then later almost becomes a father figure to him.

And this is the best scene in the movie. I love the soundtrack and the girl is gorgeous. She’s so cute when she rolls her eyes when the guy is talking about NWA and Public Enemy


Avatar for misterorange

Private armed security? What more do you need than two guys in the crew who can shoot a rifle with reasonable accuracy? Start ripping rounds of 30-06 through those pirate boats from a couple hundred yards out and see how fast they turn around. And just in case they don't, have the pots of boiling oil ready.

Avatar for twentyfive

^ Even better an Armalite .50 caliber sniper rifle can disable a motor at 2500 yards, bet it would tear up those little boats that those pirates are using to catch the container/cargo ships and the splash would be satisfying to watch.

Avatar for motorhead

Yep. From the high advantage point they had on the ship those skinny dudes should never have gotten close

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