
This is an excerpt of a review I just rejected for Oz in Clearwater

"At this point, I knew it was over. I told her that I was going to talk to the manager and get the word out on her... and that she should also be careful leaving the parking lot after her shift was over. I talked to the door guy afterwards, but it was clear he wasn't going to do anything. I walked outside for a bit to relax and decided it was best to just go somewhere else."

This motherfucker threatened a dancer and is dumb enough to brag about it. I am not a white knight incel who sycophantly sucks up to every dancer to post on here, but this is beyond the pale. You had a bad experience. You met a ROB. It happens in this business. You get the word out. You name names. If, in the heat of the moment, you said something incredibly stupid, then you keep it to yourself or express some regret when you discuss it.

We have enough terrible people on this site. We do not need any SJGs or ThatXGuys who brag about threatening and endangering women.


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Avatar for Mr Monger
Mr Monger

He wasn’t going to do anything. He’s not stupid. Unless he wants to go to jail or get murdered he wouldn’t dare touch those girls. These girls always got somebody in the background remember that. Like my pops said “act a fool if you want to”.

Avatar for IWantHerOnMe

The guys name is samella2, a guy I already muted. The review got posted, I don't see your name as a rejection on the review, I never saw the review. Maybe you didn't get to it in time. The door guy should've bloodied his mouth.

Avatar for skibum609

^You advocate violence as a response to a verbal complaint? How fucking inane.

Avatar for sinclair

Unfortunately, a lot of the people approving reviews will blindly approve anything. Read through any club's reviews and eighty percent of them are trash.

Avatar for skibum609

^I suggest we start a fund and have OWG travel the land reviewing clubs so that we get the truth in detail.

Avatar for IWantHerOnMe

@skibum609 the guy threatened a dancer. did you read the quote? but how I am surprised, the review wouldn't have gotten posted if they're weren't guys on the board who thought that way. gammau doesn't but I'm starting to feel there aren't as many of us as there should be.

Avatar for skibum609

I understand that the guy is a penis, but while 2 wrongs don't make a right, this board is here to expose R.O.B.s. I have to admit I am confounded by those offended by verbal threats to a crook, but fine with having one of the ape-like bouncers smash the guy in the mouth.

Avatar for WiseToo

There was no threat. He said that he was going to talk to the manager and get the word out on her. Isn't that exactly what you should do? Report the ROB to the management! He told her to be careful leaving the parking lot. He was informing her that other guys might take matters into their own hands rather than reporting her to management. She was probably too dumb to realize this, so he informed her. He talked to the door guy who wouldn't do anything, so he left. He provided valuable information in his review. There is a ROB in this club and the club did nothing about it. Good to have this information public.

Avatar for Studme53

He definitely made an implied threat. He should hope nothing ever happens to the dancer because he’ll be a suspect.

His reaction of “I’m done with this place” and to spread the word on a ROB is really the best you can do.

Avatar for Icey

The worst people on here are that darkblue giy who brags about stalking strippers. Liwet who asked how easy it is to get away with rape in mexico amd has been banned from how many clubs for trying to do shit with dancers against their will. Georgemacrodong who talks about beating up dancers who have pimps and anyone he calls a rob.

Avatar for JimGassagain

Virtue signaling on a website dedicated to pervs?


Avatar for Cunnbunn

No, threatening strippers isn't cool, and neither is "vice signaling." Dumbass shit.


Avatar for samella2

What a f*king moron SIMP this gammanu95 is.

The fact is, I didn't lay a finger on her and there was no legitimate threat of violence. For this to qualify as LEGAL or actual threat of violence, it takes more than just empty and angry words--you MUST show some kind of intent to do harm.

I'm not even 50% sure she actually heard me because I was walking away from her looking for a manager to talk to. Fuck her, she can go to hell, but especially FUCK THIS SIMP and the small handful of simps who are backing him up.

He is the ABSOLUTE reason why these scammers exist in the first place!! They think all dudes are simps.... what's more, is this nut-less coward doesn't have the balls to message me first and tell me he thinks I was wrong, he "reports me" to the message boards hoping to do what, form some kind of male support group of other SIMPS who are just enough less SIMPY than him to come kick my ass? He must be the guy I saw at the club with a pink purse, and I'm guessing the ROB is actually his pimp.

Avatar for gammanu95

There is nothing less manly than bragging about threatening a woman and then whimpering like a scolded dog when you get called out on it. Nut up and take your medicine.

Avatar for skibum609

^^ Hysterical overreaction. No wonder you were targeted.

Avatar for minnow

I think I'll keep this sam2 guy off my list of tuscl members who I'd want to have a meetup with, based on this and other postings.

Avatar for rickthelion

Well, this lion thought gamma was confessing to something, but it appears that he was simply trying to deflect by throwing a different douche under the bus.

Imma just say this to samella. You’re starting a bit in the hole when your handle makes it seem like you’re tryin’ to call yourself Salmonella but couldn’t spell. Adding pointless threats to your resume doesn’t make you seem like a big ape. Now, yours truly can pull off threats because I’m a frickin’ lion! I say a certain word that rhymes with “schmildebeest” and you goofy hairless apes tremble.

Anyhoo, where was I? Oh yeah, just remember the first rule of rickishness: it is okay to be an asshole but you shouldn’t be 100% a dick. And, Mr. Salmonella, you’re not a rick so you should be 50% an asshole at most. ROAR!!!

Avatar for wld4tatas

IMO, the winner of the title of this thread is none other than the OP himself. Gamma has a long, long history of attacking other people on TUSCL.

Avatar for Icey

Samella2 ....youre saying sex workers need to be threatened with violence or assaulted to let them know all men arent simps.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

I haven’t read the review at all, but someone mentioned the dancer being a ROB.

And i know theres different definitions of what a ROB is. Guys like Icey think dancers are never ROBS unless they pickpocket you or flat out steal.

I would define a rob as a scammer. Theres nothing morally wrong, nor cowardly, with beating the hell out of a scammer, or a thief, man or woman.
It may not be legal, but that doesnt mean its inherently wrong or cowardly. For most of human history, thieves and scammers faced severe punishment including mutilation, or slavery to repay debts owed. The Abrahamic religions, I think all of them, likewise have severe penalties for stealing.

Obviously its different if a starving or deprived person steals food or clothing…

Strip clubs/extras clubs, and escorts, are an illicit industry, which means scamming will likely be more common than in legit industries. i think at any given moment, easily 30-50% of the escorts posted online are going to be some sort of scammers.

It is a fairly simple concept. If you get ripped off on any product you buy, even a house, you have legal action you can take, you can contact consumer protection agencies or attorney general, you can sue, you can file credit card disputes, etc.

The only thing you can do with a drug dealer who screws you, or a dancer or escort who does so, is talk to their manager or boss, or get physical and take back what was stolen/beat the hell out of them. Just like clients are afraid to involve cops out of fear of getting in trouble, escorts or dealers are likewise also afraid. An escort with a pimp is even more afraid, because pimping is a felony unlike soliciting which is usually a misdemeanor.

Avatar for rickthelion

Fake rick said => The only thing you can do with a drug dealer who screws you, or a dancer or escort who does so, is talk to their manager or boss, or get physical and take back what was stolen/beat the hell out of them.

Fake rick, you seriously need some pot. But not the kind Skifredo smokes. He’s like the angriest pothead on the frickin’ planet. That post indicates that you need something to make you less angry. This rick may threaten going all wildebeest on idiots but it’s only the male idiots - never the females. ROAR!!!

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