Whay could be bettah???

What could be bettah than pretty athletic women and a classic folk song from a very underrated performer.https://www.bing.com/videos/riverview/relatedvideo?q=melanie%20roller%20skate%20song%20reaction%20video&mid=B3F02651C06C19FA505DB3F02651C06C19FA505D&ajaxhist=0
last commentSo, you're guy who uses bing? Wow.
I’d rather be a librul than use Bing
I'd rather be dead than be a closeted homosexual liberal.
I'd rather have jumper cables clamped to my balls and nipples, and get zapped at 15 minute intervals all day every day for a month than be a liberal OR a homo.
^ that’s dedication 😁
cute video.
C’mon folks, let’s give lil’ Fredo what he wants: https://www.bing.com/search?q=grand+funk+railroad
Ewww. ROAR!!!
Folk music blows
Folk music is for smart people.
Some cuties but roller skates are so 50s.
I couldn't become a liberal unless I had an extensive frontal lobotomy.
^ Roller skating was so fucking huge in the 1980s that Ronald Reagan declared october to be "roller skating month".
Any one from Long Island remember the Levittown Roller Rink, we went there every Friday night from junior high school to high school (grade7-12). It’s not there anymore it was on the north side of Hempstead Tpke, just a bit east of Newbridge Ave.
A lot of them look too manly
I went to probably 100 skate parties at the roller rink in CYO as a teenager in the late 70s. It was really fun - everybody loved it. It was less pressure and better way to interact with girls than dances.
Those pretty women would look great on a Roller Derby team.
This is folk music? The acrobatics remind me of some of the early Playboy videos that had playmates jumping on a trampoline. Of course they were nude, and the sight of weightless boobs was pretty cool!