Is There Really A Place Like Diamond Doll Pompano Elsewhere

If you know, you know. Just visited there and have never had a place been so open about the extracurriculars. Apparently, Booby Trap is like that too. South Florida is off the hook. My question is, where else are there clubs that are this open that still function. I have been to a bunch of clubs, but none of them are this open about it. Where else in the US and Canada do places like this exist?
last commentProvidence, RI is close
Toronto, specifically the Mississauga area is very similar to south Florida in regards to openly available extras. are the go to places, especially in Toronto. I get there. Providence, not so much. LA seems to basically be dead.
Providence is Pompano with American women.
The clubs in the Detroit suburbs (near the airport) are very open with extras.
The opposite of an answer to the question you asked, but you should actively avoid the Diamond Dolls in Clearwater FL. The place is just awful.
In my experience, all of the clubs near the airport. Atlantis, Midway, New Loco, Airport Strip, all the same. It's been more than 6 months since I've been there, but last time I was there most girls asked if I wanted a blowjob or sex as if it was a dance. I found the dancer quality to be similar and the prices to be favorable, at least when you factor in the exchange rates.
Aren't half the places in Philly and Detroit like that (but just with fewer latinas)?
@Fenwayfav, please tell me where these places in Providence are that it's $250 all in with 7's and 8's if not 9's. I wouldn't be snowbirding if I thought that would be the case.
Check out COI too sometime.
sfrsox: Anybody who travels to Phila to engage in sexual tourism at the SCs is likely to be sorely sorely disappointed. With one or two exceptions, FS opportunities are much more hit or miss than PVD, and more expensive. There are some shitholes in Central and North Jersey that are cheap and highly reliable, but quality isn't great, Same with CT
I’m going to ask a likely very dumb question. How does this club compare to Tootsies? For me, there isn’t any better in south Florida. But I might be wrong. I’ll admit I haven’t gotten much exposure to other south FL clubs. I’m more of a “find one club and go on repeat” kind of guy.
^Better than Tootsie's, but to me for South Florida extras fans, who want a little more style than Diamond Dolls, Booby Trap Pompano is the best. Personally, I have thought Tootsie's has sucked for the past decade or more, at least compared to what it used to be like.
The two clubs have both changed very much over the last 10 years or so. I would say as it is right now, Diamond Dolls is currently on an upward trajectory. The girls are similar in quality at both places, prices at Diamond Dolls are half or less what they are at Tootsies. Right now, table dances are basically air dances at Diamond Dolls, but I suspect that's a temporary situation in reaction to something. The 3-song situation at Diamond Dolls is their biggest weakness for me, that's just not long enough in the room for me to enjoy it. And it's still a crap shoot on what it'll cost to stay in there a little longer. Many girls want 2x the money, which makes it more expensive than their neighbors.
But Tootsies is fucking huge, the sheer variety of girls is appealing to some. The stage show and constant rotation of girls is also an appeal. The rooms are larger and more conducive to less mechanical interactions. Tootsies has a higher percentage of ROB's, and even when they aren't ROB's the prices are often just insane. 500+ is normal and I've had plenty of girls quote me 4 figures with a straight face.
For me, in Pompano, right now, Cheetah is the best. The girls are by far the best looking to my tastes, which run slim, fit, and natural and don't take off points for tattoos. The room prices are higher, maybe 275-375 ish vs the typical 225-275 you tend to see at the other places. The atmosphere is lively but still relaxed.
BT right now is trending down significantly and fast. Girls for my tastes are really bad. A lot of them are chunky, not the thick shape that I find unappealing and others like, but just plain ol fluffy. The % of bottom dollar BBL's, at home botox lips, and birthday balloon titties is sky high. They're the most inconsistent vibe wise they've ever been. Some days the music is obnoxiously loud and there is a feel of forced attempt at hyping an empty club. Other days its full but still somehow dull and boring. They're mostly catering to the crowd who wants to order a bottle and throw singles, which isn't my style and probably not the TUSCL crowd. They're often doing that shit in the afternoon, when the average customer age is >50.
Anyway, short answer. If you live in south Florida and have never been to the Pompano clubs, they are absolutely worth checking out. Even after badmouthing BT Pompano like that, I'd still prefer it over Tootsies. And Cheetah is substantially better.
You’re not talking about Booby Trap technically in Doral, FL are you? I had a chance to go there last year as it was closer to my hotel than Tootsies.
Tootsies is living off its past reputation, that club is a mess, few serious club fans go there regularly. Like Dolfan says in pompano you’ll find the best bang for your buck with the best club being Cheetah, maybe a bit more pricey than Booby Trap, and Diamond Dolls, but most folks will find all three better than average.
My last visit to the Pompano area were DD and Cheetahs only. BT is more of a make it rain club. I found it too brightly lit, and the music and girls too hip-hop. I was offered extras by every girl that sat with me.
I haven't been to Tootsies in a long while. Every visit since the first two circa 2015 has been downhill. It used to be great, though, girls and mileage and extras offered. There were a lot of ROBs, too. It's worth seeing just to take in it's immense size.
Someone said DD is improving? That would be nice. Going back to my first visits, they had some very hot girls. My last two stops there were 1-2 drinks and leave with no dances bought.
Based on my recent experiences, the first and perhaps only place I would stop on the Atlantic coast is Cheetah's Pompano. It had the best staff (except for ripoff doormen), the best prices, and the best dancers. Great experience all around. Only one ROB. Every other dancer was a true sweetheart.
I agree with Dolfan about Cheetah pompano having hotter dancers. I use there for dances at night and try to hit BT the following day.
All very interesting. My thing still, where else is it like Pomapano and DD. I get that BT and Cheetahs are close, whether more pricey or not, but the pricing and variety of girls for that level of action at DD was wild to me. I was Scarlett's die hard every time I went, but it is basically the same girls as DD, but forget about actual extras.
And nowhere else have I seen extra like that, especially not in places you would think like LA or Vegas. I have heard Canada and Toronto are close. Places like New Orleans, Philly and Baltimore. Nothing. I was trying to see if other places has anything like the DD/BT/Cheetah situation.