reddit strip clubs

avatar for Muddy

The subreddit ran by our own PaulDrake and Subraman (great dudes btw) How many of y'all on there too? I check it out from time to time and I see a lot familiar handles over there. A lot of "oh that's where that guy went" While nothing is going to take on tuscl when it comes to review side of things, could r/stripclubs overtake the tuscl discussion board, they got way more popular over there over the years, really on the come up. Has the constant bickering and personal vendettas chased everyone away from here? Used to be no place else to go, now people got a place to run to.


last comment
avatar for Muddy
1 mo ago

I've been meaning to contribute over there, I gotta start a new profile I've been lazy with it. I've been banned off almost every subreddit you can think of I gave up on posting overall.

avatar for IWantHerOnMe
1 mo ago

Is this r/stripclubs because if so then yes

avatar for rickdugan
1 mo ago

I post over there under a different handle.

The big pro is that the discussions are more focused on club and stripper concepts.

The cons, however, are also big. A lot of the topics are 101 type stuff and I feel more constrained because I use the same reddit handle to post in a few other forums. I'll never feel free to have a conversation about bending a stripper over my hotel bed with a bottle of Jack in one hand while I'm smacking her ass with the other, by way of one example. 😉

avatar for shailynn
1 mo ago

Subraman is just cruising over there for gay bath houses.

avatar for JamesSD
1 mo ago

I lurk there but don't post. I agree with rick that a lot of it is strip club 101 stuff. Dudes asking what it means when a dancer gives her number.

It also leans much younger than this site and is less political, since it's Reddit, you can just go to different parts of reddit for politics, usually under a different alt.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
1 mo ago

The reason Paul Drake started that sub was to escape the trolling, constant bickering, and personal vendettas that is everyday life here on TUSCL. I was invited/encouraged to join him, but I actually like that Founder has kept TUSCL unmoderated and mostly uncensored. I have lurked the sub and think Paul achieved his goal by starting it.

avatar for gammanu95
1 mo ago

I've tried reddit and don't like the interface. There is just too much clutter.

avatar for PAWG_Patrol
1 mo ago

@gammanu95 If you use "", it reverts Reddit to the older more minimalist layout.

@SirLapdancealot "escape the trolling, constant bickering, and personal vendettas that is everyday life here on TUSCL" Hmm... that sounds kinda nice 😂

avatar for SirLapdancealot
1 mo ago

@PAWG_Patrol It is definitely nice! I'd be over there more if I still clubbed.

avatar for TFP
1 mo ago

I'm over on that reddit page mostly now. And the move was mainly because of the bickering and vendettas that for a while seems to overtake all the other useful conversation. But looking around here now it seems all the bickering is gone. I don't see Icey or SJG and all seems calm.

5 years ago TUSCL was the first page I'd open up if I had some down time. Now it's reddit. I agree with Rick that the newbie posts are much more frequent. But it's quite easy to ignore those and move on.

avatar for motorhead
1 mo ago

Never visited that subreddit but Reddit in general is a nothing but a liberal circle jerk, so I tend to avoid it. Some of TUSCL’s most liberal members would be accused of being fascists. The mods hate Boomers and Conservatives and are the biggest pussies in the world. I guess that’s what a world run by Gen Z is gonna look like I’ve received temporary bans more times than I can count and permanent bans from a few subreddits for comments similar to what we see daily on TUSCL.

avatar for Icey
1 mo ago

Ive seen it.... Some of the threads on there read like tuscl articles.... 😂 😭 🤡

avatar for twentyfive
1 mo ago

^ you’re only here because founder is too lazy to enforce his own rules If you were posting on Paul Drakes forum the same way you post here you’d get banned permanently.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
1 mo ago

I'm pretty sure I lurked a thread over there a few months ago where someone with the same exact avatar and writing style and passive aggressive trolling as Iceydodo got either deleted or banned....😂 😭 🤡

avatar for nicespice
1 mo ago

Even if they are in the minority, there are conservative subreddits. They just tend to be more small than their regular (often, more liberal) counterparts. (For example r/texas vs r/texasconservatives

Heck, I think the red pill subreddits are still doing their thing over there? Some of the meme focused subreddits seem to have a pro-Musk/antiwoke bent in the tone of a lot of posts.

And as others have said, it’s definitely a good idea to have more than one handle on there for different subreddits. You can make another account easily and switch them from one log in.

avatar for 8TM
1 mo ago

Reddit nowadays is overwhelmingly Gen Z, so you're going to see a lot of dumb questions and general cringe

This site is mostly the same 10 people posting over and over about politics and their favorite extras clubs

avatar for Icey
1 mo ago

The problem with the political diacussions here is that the forum was hijacked by a few right wing extremists using it as a soap box for their tinfoil hat bs. Those people do that with any forum.

The general discussions have degenerated into whining about hookers being too expensive

avatar for SirLapdancealot
1 mo ago

^ Hey Iceydodo is that you bickering about bickering? ... 😂😭🤡

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