JUST IN: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has just released his plan to carry out..

avatar for Meshuggah
JUST IN: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has just released his plan to carry out President Trump's MASS DEPORTATIONS after Jan. 20 in the special session.

Will this mean deportation of any of the thousands of cuban dancers in FL?


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avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
Please put in Political Forum, kthxbai.
avatar for Meshuggah
2 months ago
I don't see how I can do it.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
Click "Forums" on the left, the "Political Discourse", then post there.
avatar for Hungryhunnypot
2 months ago
DeSantis can suck my plumbers balls in his three inch kitten heels. Trump can have his dirty diaper smushed in his face.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ Lib cope squad in the HIZZOUSE!!!
avatar for gammanu95
2 months ago
Unfortunately, I believe Cubans are still protected by the "wet foot/dry foot" policy, which is outdated and counterproductive.

On the other hand, how fucking blindly stupid can you be to have any surprise at all that DeSantis is amongst the first to go all-in on any MAGA policy? I love watching lib crybabies lose their minds. This is going to be a very excellent and entertaining four or more years!
avatar for Meshuggah
2 months ago
Puddy Tat but shouldn't I delete it from front room and I don't see how to do that.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ Ask Founder
avatar for rickdugan
2 months ago
===> "I believe Cubans are still protected by the "wet foot/dry foot" policy, which is outdated and counterproductive."

Obama ended this policy in January of 2017, when he was sucking up to the Castro regime. Anyone who arrived before then kept their special status, but any Cuban arriving after that is in the same boat as every other illegal immigrant.

Which is probably why we've seen a surge of Cuban girls swarming the clubs over the last several years. New arrivals can no longer get work authorization and seek regular jobs, so they work the clubs instead.

Many clubs don't give a shit about legal work authorizations since most of them don't pay the girls directly or do any tax reporting for them anyway. As long as the girls can prove legal age, which a valid passport issued by a foreign government will accomplish, they are good to go.

It's pretty much the same playbook that the Russian girls used to spread out over clubs in the northeast. Except instead of arriving by boat, the Russian girls come over on tourist visa and then just never leave. In some NYC, Philly and CT clubs, a high % of the girls on shift on any night are Russian. You'll notice that nobody is complaining about Cuban girls swarming the northeast clubs that the Russian girls are already working, lol.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
Are there more than 3,000 Cuban strippers in Florida (who don't have citizenship or permanent residence)?

Maybe Trump will require Cuban strippers to earn their green cards by going to Greenland and pussy whipping Greenlander dudes into acknowledging US rule.

Generally Cuban strippers are legal immigrants. They are fine, unless Trump does mass cancellation of immigration parole. But that would be expensive. And, many immigrant strippers have green cards or are naturalized citizens. But I couldn't guess at the percentage breakdowns.

DeSantis could block entertainer licenses for those on immigration parole perhaps. But, if he had that intention, I think he would have done it long ago.
avatar for rickdugan
2 months ago
===> "Generally Cuban strippers are legal immigrants."

No ilb, they are not. Not anymore. Your intel is dated. The ones who came here before January of 2017 are, but those who arrived after are not. Which is likely why they have been moving across the southern states like locusts over the past 6-7 years to work in clubs that don't care.

Oh, and Florida doesn't have a state-level dancer licensing requirement, so DeSantis would have to create one first before barring immigrants.

avatar for rickdugan
2 months ago
===> "Maybe Trump will require Cuban strippers to earn their green cards by going to Greenland and pussy whipping Greenlander dudes into acknowledging US rule."

But this isn't such a bad idea, lol. 😆
avatar for TheSingularity
2 months ago
For fucks sake leave the Cuban strippers be
avatar for twentyfive
2 months ago
At least DeSantis picked Moody to replace Bondi, over Lara Trump, maybe he’s getting a little spine.
avatar for gammanu95
2 months ago
I'm tired of drive-by "wana dans" chubbies who specialize in being ROBs. Good riddance to them.
avatar for sfrsox
2 months ago
If a stripper doesn’t speak English, I kinda assume she’s undocumented
So Cuban strippers are probably like 75% undocumented
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
I have seen the Georgia driver's license of a Cuban stripper (to show me the picture she hated). She is not fluent in English. Georgia doesn't give driver's licenses to people in the country illegally.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
This claims that Biden's loose border policy has been good for the economy: https://www.fwd.us/news/immigr… . FWD.us is a lobbying group, co-founded by Mark Zuckerberg. So, far from unbiased. But, what contradicts it? All I've seen from Trumpers / Fox News is anecdotes and hysteria. You have to go with the side that doesn't assume you're a complete idiot, that makes the effort to provide some data.
avatar for rickdugan
2 months ago
Ilb, so you met a single Cuban stripper with a driver's license so you assume that they are all legal? Interesting. 😉

But I do agree with the other stuff you posted about the benefits of welcoming immigrants. The simple fact is that we need more of them to keep our economy from stagnating like that of Japan, Russia and a number of European countries.

We just don't have enough children anymore. Our population is aging. Not only do they provide young workers that we need in a number of industries that our home grown young people simply don't want to work in, but they give birth at much higher rates than people born here.

So I say legalize as many of them as fast as we can. The added bonus is that they'll also be kicking into the Social Security/Medicare system that our old people rely upon.

But the way Biden did it is asinine. We definitely need a way to let larger numbers in faster, but we also need to vet out the criminals in the process.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
@rick d - that's where a guest worker program and _merit-based immigration would come in handy. Democrats, who, as usual, favor the lawbreaker over the law-abiding citizen, have made legal immigration into a joke.

Speaking of doing it the wrong way, the UK is being overrun by militant Muslims (particularly Pakistanis) who are creating no-go zones and gang-raping British women, and the country is so PC that even mentioning it online is a jail sentence.

Come in the right way, contribute to society (whether you're picking strawberries or designing AI GPUs), and obey our laws, and we'd love to have you. Jump the border, overstay a tourist visa, or no-show a hearing, and we should ship you off to Pyongyang, first class.
avatar for skibum609
2 months ago
No one earning under $60,000.00 per year provides an economic benefit to others. The idea that bringing in as many low-wage workers as possible helps the economy is asinine. No different than closing the kitchen door, because it's on fire and the glare is ruining your t.v. viewing. Short term great, you get to watch t.v.. Long-term bad, your house burns down. Bringing in illiterate low-level workers, the ones that collect public benefits 2-1 over native born and that includes legals as well, the ones who's kids suck up massive amounts of school budgets, because they are illiterate in their own language, the crime, the fires, but thank fucking God iceberg lettuce (nutritional value of a paper bag) isn't $10.00 a head. When they retire, having no assets, social security will be crushed. I won't be alive when this happens, but I will still be laughing at those who support this bullshit.
Hey if we live in a fucking hi tech, college educated, computerized world why the fuck do we need 90 million janitors and maids?
avatar for rickdugan
2 months ago
@Puddy, I don't disagree with any of that. The problem is that we've made it way too hard for certain classes of immigrants to come in legally and work.

Like it or not, those immigrants that Biden let flood in will be quickly soaked up by a low skill labor market that very much needs them. Farms, fish and meat processing plants, domestic services, office and factory cleaners, restaurant kitchen workers, dangerous construction jobs - the list of dirty hard jobs that our home grown kids just don't want to do is very long.

Heck my own housecleaners and lawn people are immigrants. It always seems to work the same way - they are fronted by an immigrant who has legal status, but the crews they bring with them are made up of fellow immigrants without status.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
@rick - Yes, we're agreeing. _Legal_ immigration has always been one of our secret sauces. Skimming the best and brightest, particularly from cultures that value learning and hard work like Chinese, Koreans, Indians, and Nigerians. Somewhere there's a picture of our Math Olympiad team and all of them are Indian or Asian.

If we don't, India and China are going to overwhelm us on numbers alone, even before accounting for more American teenagers wanting to be YouTube stars than engineers. As long as they respect our laws and principles, and want to live as Americans, welcome home.
avatar for rickdugan
2 months ago
Agreed Puddy. I definitely want the best and brightest. But I also want all those multitudes who cut my lawn and clean my house too. And I want them to all pop out 3 or 4 children so that the number of active workers to retirees starts trending up again.

In 1960, there were roughly 5 active workers for every retiree. Today that number is 2.8 and dropping. By 2050, it is projected to be at 2 to 1. This is unsustainable from both Social Security and broader economic standpoints. We need young workers and we need them to keep popping out even younger people.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ Agreed. Though birth rates are declining just about everywhere in the world except the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa. Even in Catholic Latin America. We're all gonna need to start BBFSCIP again.
avatar for rickdugan
2 months ago
The median age of the U.S. population is currently 38.6. When that number creeps up above 40, economic stagnation starts to set in.

In the EU it's 44 and they've been mired in an economic malaise for many years. In Japan it's 48.4 and its economy has been a shit show for a long time now.

When a young couple comes into the country from, say, Guatemala and pops out even just 2 kids, that's two young workers who immediately contribute to our economic output, two more in the future and 4 people in total bringing that median age down. It is a multi-prong effect.
avatar for Muddy
2 months ago
Hey Americans can't afford to have any kids, let's just replace them. Soon you will wake up and not be living in America anymore. But hey "the cost of labor" What a fucking joke.

Europe is way ahead of on this stuff and it's been a complete and utter fucking disaster. The inn is full. We're full. How about we stop sending all our money overseas and start investing in our own people. The kind of bullshit our taxes go to has to end, and the answer isn't to just replace the natives.
avatar for twentyfive
2 months ago
We need garbage men and cleaning women, problem with American society is we have raised a generations of children that don’t know how or care to learn about working, especially this last generation of lazy entitled people. If we shut down all immigration our shared lifestyle will end, as there are very few people that are willing to perform the basic tasks required to create a well integrated community. Or we’re going to need to pay wages beyond the ability of most to get the basic needs of life taken care of.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ Remember the Oompa Loompas from the Veruca Salt song.
Blaming the kids is a lie and a shame, you know exactly who's...to...blame
dun dun

I have one friend like that. Mid-40s like me, never had a real job (one min wage thing for 3 months that he quit), never been kissed let alone sex or a gf. His father still works and provides for most of the family. Oh, and he wants $300,000 in student loan forgiveness for his graduate program.

We need to make it fucking hard for NEETs to exist. If it's a 12 hour shift in the meat processing plant or you sleep outside in the New England winter, he'd be a lot more motivated.
avatar for twentyfive
2 months ago
^ I blamed the parents read what i said, it’s got nothing to do with making it harder, its already quite difficult, and if you were paying attention to my comment you’d read “ we have raised a generations of children that don’t know or care to learn about working, especially this last generation of lazy entitled people.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ I was agreeing with you, calm your fucking tits.
avatar for twentyfive
2 months ago
It would make sense to say you agree, instead of the words you used, which were, ‘were blaming the kids is a lie and a shame , you know exactly who’s to blame’
But fucking fine calm your own tits, mine are calm thank you.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ Because doing so via a cultural reference would sail over your head.

Instead of "Living well and enjoying my retirement" perhaps your tagline should be "a day without a TUSCL fight is like a day without sunshine."
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
In Northwestern Europe, the governments give people solid guarantees that their basic needs will be covered. But they have lower birth rates. I think the stresses and risks of pregnancy and child birth seem less scary, when life in general is stressful and risky.

It was claimed the micks, the wops, the slavs were going to ruin the country. Funny that their descendants seem just as likely now to be saying the Latinos are going to ruin the country.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ The European and Asian social democracies have lower birth rates than we do. The big correlate of amount of reproduction seems to be level of religiosity. The Haredi Jews in Israel still reproduce like bunny rabbits.
avatar for twentyfive
2 months ago
^ You’re a bit of an ass I don’t know what your problem is but try to express your point clearly, what you said was at best, not agreeing with what I said, actually it was intentionally argumentative.
avatar for rickdugan
2 months ago
The issue is a cultural one. Women in developed nations are increasingly opting not to have children or to only have one. There are a number of countries that are trying to increase birth rates through financial incentives, but it has not been working.

The notable exception is Israel, where both moral and religious imperatives to multiply exist. When you live in a country of a mere 10 million people (only 9 million of which are Jews) surrounded by enemies and with a culture that only a few generations ago faced potential extinction, you're motivated to propagate.

I do agree with Puddy that religion also plays a role. As religious observance declines in so many countries, so too does birth rates.

The one advantage we have over almost all of those countries is that lots of young people want to immigrate here. Even better, they tend to have higher birth rates than our native born women. I just hope we get our heads out of our collective ass and start making it easier before we start looking like stagnant EU countries or, even worse, Japan.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^^ Whatever you say, gramps

^ They say Italy and South Korea might be in an irreversible decline. I know Italy is trying to incentivize people to move to certain dying villages. I guess Italy has a culture where guys live at home well into their 30s. Shit, I read a story where a 61 year old Italian guy called the police on his mother for cutting his allowance.
avatar for twentyfive
2 months ago
^ Last word is all yours, sonny
avatar for gammanu95
2 months ago
Pathetic tit for tat driven old man. Angry, lonely, bitter with nothing left but the chip his shoulder.
avatar for Owlyoung_ggofv
2 months ago
This is all political posturing. It's just like all the states raising flags for the Inauguration.

Only God knows what will actually happen. I highly doubt we are getting club raids or anything of the sort. Most likely it's just going to be people who came in very recently (like a year ago) and maybe a small downturn in Cuban dancers in some areas. It's not going to shift population enough to make a dent in the industry. Keep in mind many dancers already have to have an adult entertainment license to work where they are.

The industry isn't as unregulated as popular culture makes it out to be.
avatar for twentyfive
2 months ago
^ Florida has cracked down before, the economy seems to have more effects on the clubs, than any other issue, there’s always plenty of Latina ladies in the clubs I visit. I doubt the ability of any administration to make any difference in the availability of ladies needing quick cash.
avatar for gammanu95
2 months ago
It seems that you do not understand what political posturing means. I will teach you.

Gov. DeSantis is 100% behind the MAGA principles of America First (but not America alone), stopping all destructive woke sedition - BLM (and black lives only), CRT, ANTIFA, DEI, agenda media, et al, posturing against Chinese and Iranian aggression (without their support, Russia is moot), secure borders, and a justice system which impartially enforces the law as it is written. Flags are being raised for the inauguration to pause mourning for the passing of a past President to celebrate the installation of a new government. They will be lowered again after the inauguration, but should fly high and celebratory for our political tradition. Only the muckrakers who try to sow fear and uncertainty by lying about Project 2025 are spreading rumors of ICE raids in random workplaces. There would need to be multiple substantiated reports along with corroborating investigation to obtain a warrant for that. Many adult entertainment licenses are not worth the paper they are printed on as they are issued by municipalities and states which are known not to cooperate with ICE.

The industry is pretty unregulated. Most of the actual enforcement happens at a district or precinct level, and only when the clubs cross the line or fail to grease the right palms.
avatar for JamesSD
2 months ago
I will be shocked if Florida spends a lot of money deporting illegal Cubans.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 months ago
Good thing a single mass deportation will solve this problem permanently.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
Polls show that 20% of the public think immigration is the country's #1 problem. No MAGA politician can stay viable it they are not seen by these people as tough on illegal immigrants. I think DeSantis understands macroeconomics better than Trump does. He'll be more cautious about ramping up actual detentions of illegal immigrants. But, that may change if he gets criticized for not walking the walk. He'll take more risks, with the state's economy and its budget.
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