Why even bother with having disruptive attendees at congressional hearings?

avatar for gammanu95
I have a serious question for our spoon-sharp political minds. I'm listening to the SecDef nominee hearings and, since Mr. Hegseth began his opening statement, there have already been three hysterical fools shouting from the gallery. The first sounded like the fat fuck who went viral during an American Communist convention for losing his shit about gendered language a few years ago.

I am sure this is being simulcast on most networks, especially the 24-hour news channels. I'm listening on Sirius radio. If we can hear it on the radio, watch it on TV, and stream it online, what is the benefit of having a live audience in the chamber who can disrupt and interfere with the serious business of confirming (or not) the cabinet of the next presidential administration?


last comment
avatar for skibum609
2 months ago
Social media is poison and ruins everything it touches. Just loser assholes thinking they're getting famous. Typical progressives, loud, meaningless and impotent.
avatar for mogul1985
2 months ago
Then the question that begs to be asked: There has to be a limit on who is in the the chamber: How are they selected?
avatar for mogul1985
2 months ago
Aside from the outbursts, Gillibrand was emotional and acted like a Karen. She went right into her Woke/DEI agenda. Her "feelings" are the only thing that stuck with me, just unprofessional and stupid.
avatar for Stu815
2 months ago
I didn't see much of the hearing but it was easy to identify the Democratic senators from the Republican senators. and one of the Democratic senators kept asking the candidate what he was most likely to do or advise in the future and he kept talking about his stellar performance for Veterans in the past. Of course ihe did not mention that one of the Vet groups found $400,000 missing after he resigned. My concern is alcoholism. I have only known one heavy drinker who was able to stay sober for 4 years even after he promised to do so. (And he made a valiant effort at it.) But what happens when China attacks Taiwan at sunrise (our sunset) and the current candidate for DOD is "unavailable" like he was in the newsroom at Fox News? Who covers for him then? Donald? We need some serious questions from both sides -- something more substantial than the question about referring to your parents as "Mom and Dad" at the Air Force Academy. Just my opinion. I lived through the Cuban Missle Crisis and 9/11.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
I don't think Hegseth is up to the job in terms of either experience or character, but it's funny to watch Dem Senators beclown themselves.

The military's job is to impose our will on our enemies via killing people and breaking things. Not to "look like America," not to "celebrate diversity," not to "promote inclusion," not to "understand white rage." Our military is not a social experiment.

If a woman can pull a wounded 200 pound man wearing 100 pounds of kit out of harm's way, fine. Last thing I'd want is to wonder if the soldier next to me qualified on a lower level of fitness.
avatar for gammanu95
2 months ago
To correct the lies and propaganda repeated by Stu: anonymous claims that Hegseth was ever drunk on the job have been clearly and loudly debunked by Fox News employees and colleagues. It's a false smear and never happened. Likewise, the rape claim from an anonymous women was refuted by her own husband, hotel video, eyewitness, and the police. She cheated on her husband and smeared Pete to try to save face. Can he do the job of SecDef? Probably as well or better than most senators and absolutely will be better than Lloyd "AWOL" Austin.
avatar for mogul1985
2 months ago
I'm way less focused on what the "Generals", "leaders" and holier than thou senators who cheat on their spouses and use Millions of slush fund taxpayers' money to payoff sexual "misconduct" and discrimination "settlements" (both parties), and those that have never run a business acting like they are qualified to be a senator. I'll focus on those that served under and with Hegseth way more any day.

Wait until the Karen Generals are taking orders from a retired Major. Some will be fine, others got where they are by being political animals.

And, if Hegseth screws up, Trump will fire him. The next 4 years will be interesting especially 2025.
avatar for skibum609
2 months ago
I have never asked my physician if he drinks or cheats on his wife.
avatar for misterorange
2 months ago
^^ @skibum 👍
founder - bring back the love/hate button
avatar for Mate27
2 months ago
Is this their way of saying they’re going to be utilizing the filibuster often this cycle?
avatar for wld4tatas
2 months ago
One of his main claims seems to be the US military has been weakened by so-called "woke" policies. Where's the evidence of that?
avatar for mogul1985
2 months ago
^ Mandatory DEI classes.
avatar for TheeOSU
2 months ago
'One of his main claims seems to be the US military has been weakened by so-called "woke" policies. Where's the evidence of that?'

WOW! wild4testes like to think of himself as enlightened yet this oblivious post once again proves how braindead he actually is. LMAO
avatar for gammanu95
2 months ago
proof? Consistently missed recruitment goals, low readiness ratings, accelerating attrition, skyrocketing program costs, morale in the ditch, and I could go on.

Apart from the hard facts and numbers showing the negative impacts of the leftist DEI and CRT policies, there are several common sense reasons to kill woke policies in national security. DEI does nothing to improve the ability of our warfighters. The strongest military is meritocracy, not quota-driven. Women are weaker than men. They can serve, but not as front-line combatants. They cannot carry as much, run as fast or as far, and are often too short to serve basic functions. Pilots, drivers, rear echelon, they can mostly do; but even as pilots and drivers they may meet biological shortfalls if separated from their vehicles. DEI and CRT teaches that white people are evil, America is evil, and instructs division and suspicion. That is also counter to all basic military principles of love of country, devotion to your fellow servicemember, unity, and inherent trust. Finally, CRT was introduced into leftist circles by the USSR. When the cold war was in full swing and communism seemed to be receding, no one paid it much mind. However, with communists like Warren, Sanders, Obama, Van Jones and others in key government positions and communist professors receiving tenure in higher education, CRT has been mainstreamed and has become an existential threat to American exceptionalism.

Hegseth was correct when he said that partisan politics has no place in military matters and that achievement by the military should be based on equal standards and expectations, not equitable.
avatar for Muddy
2 months ago
lol yeah that one dude dressed like Elton John, gotta be ready for that dude
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
@gammanu with a great summary.

LA DEI-ed, citizens DIE-ed.

One of the lesbian LA fire chiefs said people want to be rescued by those who look like them (WTF no) and when asked how she'd carry a man out of a burning building, said it was the man's fault for being in that position.

But hey, LA at least got to fund the Gay Men's Chorus, Juneteenth celebrations, and the homeless needle exchange programs!

DEI is evil.
avatar for skibum609
2 months ago
DEI is ignorance, racism, sexism, but above all classism. California is so much better than us that my tears at seeing what is happening will put out the fires. Feel so bad for rich left-wingers who look down on rural white people.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 months ago
Still waiting to see the evidence of DEI as anything more than a blip on the strength of our military.

Without evidence, it looks like a gimmick to stoke MAGA rage and sell books.
avatar for gammanu95
2 months ago
^willful ignorance and denial aka liberal cope.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ @wld4tatas aka First Officer of the TUSCL Liberal Cope Squad is going to keep moving the goalposts until you can show evidence of a parallel universe where DEI never occurred. Libs see the military, as well as LA's emergency services, as a social experiment to make people feel "represented" rather than doing vital but dirty work.

To the non-pea-brained, the numbers speak for themselves.
avatar for skibum609
2 months ago
When the left asks for evidence, it is simply their impotent, cuckold admission that the right is correct. Then again, these douchebags are blaming climate change for Bass' vacation in Ghana as the city burned, expenditure of firefighting funds on DEI bullshit and empty water supplies.
avatar for mogul1985
2 months ago
The Frankfort School, formed in the 1930s Germany to promote Marxism, the core of Marxism and still exists today, uses CRT as a key component to promote and advance Global Marxism. I give you the Leftists & radical Dems who swallowed CRT hook, line and sinker.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 months ago
Not a shred of evidence, nothing? Wow what a pathetic bunch of kool-aid quaffers. This tells me this particular right wing lie is especially empty.
avatar for jaybud999
2 months ago

What are you talking about? These guys all have their sneakers and bibles. It's all good. Maybe a little DJT stock lube to stiffen those shafts that haven't been seen without a mirror for a decade.
avatar for gammanu95
2 months ago
Clearly, wld4testes and his liberal cope squad are becoming increasingly despondent and lashing out impotently as Trump's inauguration approaches. You can see it here, in the senate hearings, in the Biden/Harris spin speeches, and on liberal networks.

Liberal fact checkers are in a terminal tail spin as Facebook cut their contracts for failing to remain neutral. TikTokers are in sheer panic as we may finally cut off the CCP from using their social media to influence and gaslight generations of Americans. Left wing media is still completely shellshocked that Americans cast off their lies and misrepresentations and used facts and critical judgements to guide their ballots.

Liberals in society and leftists in government have and continue to show that bipartisanship is not going to solve all of the disasters that they have created, largely because they want to keep the disasters they have created ongoing. Bipartisanship can occur later after a couple of conditions have been met. First, the Republican party and our leadership need to fix the problems- the border, national security, global order, and the economy. There are only three years to do that (the fourth year will be a campaign to tout our accomplishments). The second condition is that the democrat party seize back control from the radicals, leftists, elitists, globalists, and hacks which have been using their platform to destroy America. When the democrat party has a platform based on true morality and American values and prove they do so through honest debate and the introduction of constructive bills and initiative, then bipartisanship can be used to bring them back to the table and engage in the business of growing American prosperity. However, as long as the democrats in DC behave like the liberal cope squad on TUSCL, all of them can be laughed at and sent to the childrens' table.
avatar for mogul1985
2 months ago
"Liberal fact checkers" best oxymoron of 2025.

Our Nomenklatura are being exposed along with their MSM cohorts. People are slowly waking up hence the Trump win plus the utter disaster seen in Palisades caused by incompetent policies and leadership; the Three Stooges could run CA better than what is there now.

Yesterday when Biden took credit and smirked if Trump helped get the Hamas Ceasefire, that 3 seconds said it all. And now, it is stalled; 5 days, tick tock tick tock. Netanyahu knows Trump will back him 100% to crush Hamas, and the other ME Terrorists including neutering Iran again.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ Biden's own State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller said Trump played an integral role in getting the deal done.

I'll love seeing Incompetent Jake Sullivan and Warmonger Victoria Nuland sent packing. I hope all the Obama/Biden Iran dicksucking gets reversed soon, too.

Let's get back to Abraham Accords which send a message that the Palestinians can either renounce terrorism and live in a peaceful Middle East, or get spanked again. Let's give Ukraine the peace deal that _they_ want now. Let's see LA rebuilt--on the condition that California unfucks itself, actually clears out underbrush instead of the nature worship that demands nature be "untouched" (shit, Native Americans had been doing controlled burns for centuries), fills the reservoirs because fuck the delta smelt, and doesn't chase out insurers for the crime of not wanting to take it up the ass because of their failed policies.

Libs and their fulminant Trump Derangement Syndrome will find negatives in everything he does, because he is who he is. No use trying to placate them.

Time for Trump to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and he's all out of bubble gum.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 months ago
That Fox News reporter didn't just ask if Trump helped in the Hamas deal, she worded it as : "Who in the history books gets credit for this, Mr. President, you or Trump?"

Biden had the perfect response "Is that a joke?". Love it. What a clown question.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ According to Joe's own people, Trump was integral. Biden had 15 months and couldn't get it done. Now even the _threat_ of Trump is a boot in the ass!

No more sucking mullah cocks and giving them money that they funnel to Hamas. More Abraham Accords.

Four more days!
avatar for wld4tatas
2 months ago
One guy from Trump's team, working with the rest of Biden's team. There were hostage release deals in the past without any help from Trump, so hard to make the case that Biden needed any help from Trump now. The suggestion from the reporter was completely laughable. It probably seemed a normal question to her though, working at Fox News.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ And the _threat_ of Trump, silly. After the way Biden relaxed sanctions on Hamas' Iranian terror masters, taught them that a kidnapped American can earn a billion, freeing up their cash, and groveling to get back into the nuclear deal, they know the party's over. Biden's own guy said Trump was integral.

With no Iran, there's no Hamas.

Monday can't come soon enough. It will take years to undo the Obama/Biden missteps in the Middle East alone.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 months ago
And there will still be 61 hostages remaining after this deal. Trump will unleash hell if they aren't released soon, we would expect.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 months ago
Military recruiting.... From what I can tell, aside from expected reasons like the possibility of physical injury/death/PTSD and leaving family and friends, another top reason has been the strong economy and more options for young people. This makes sense with an average starting salary of just 43K. Haven't seen any evidence that the military becoming "woke" was a reason.

Military recruitment is down. Why don’t young Americans want to join?
avatar for Icey
2 months ago
People have s right to oppose fascism
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
"Trump will unleash hell if they aren't released soon, we would expect."

Yes, unlike "red line" Obama who got his bluff called in Syria, Trump gets it that it's better to be feared than loved, especially in the Middle East. The Abraham Accords gave us, in Jake Sullivan's words, the quietest Middle East in 20 years. The Palestinians were starting to realize they needed to play ball or get left behind.

Then Joe comes in, coddles Iran and therefore Hamas, and look what happens. He continues what Robert Gates said, wrong on everything; and his old boss Obama, don't underestimate his ability to fuck things up.

OK, maybe you prefer Biden over Trump for other policies, but I don't get how _anyone_ can say Joe is a GOOD foreign policy president. Jake Sullivan, Victoria Nuland, and Valerie Jarrett need to be exiled to Antarctica in July.
avatar for gammanu95
2 months ago
More proof that the wheels have fallen of the DNC bus: without regular seminar updates and newsletters we see what an inane clown wld4testes is trying to debate this on his own.
avatar for gammanu95
2 months ago
Two Inauguration 2025 factoids: 1) this is supposed to be even colder than 2020, if your remember the Bernie Mittens memes, 2) I cannot remember looking forward to a Monday so much in my life.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 months ago
>The strongest military is meritocracy, not quota-driven.

BTW in his testimony Hegseth lied about there being quotas for women, just like gammanu is suggesting. This alone should disqualify Hegseth.
avatar for gammanu95
2 months ago
No, you want it to disqualify Hegseth, but that does not mean that it should or does disqualify him. What you want is not reality.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 months ago
So you admit he lied in his testimony
avatar for TheeOSU
2 months ago

Question.., wild4testes do you admit that you're a braindead dipshit leftist shill?
avatar for JamesSD
2 months ago
People are desperate for attention and to feel important.

We have a lot of US Representatives who like to yell disruptive things during sessions. I'll let you figure out who they are and which side they are on, but I'll give a hint that one is a very unattractive blonde woman who believes in space lasers and weather control.
avatar for gammanu95
2 months ago
Right, because no democrat has ever pulled a fire alarm to prevent congress dorm executing their sworn duties
avatar for Mate27
2 months ago
To add to James’ comment, it’s the representatives that do all the work which you rarely hear from. Loud mouth shnooks in Congress are like the constant political drivel commenters on this site, they think they’re doing a service but aren’t doing a damn thing correct.
avatar for gammanu95
2 months ago
You are in the Political Discourse forum. If that is not what you wish to read, leave the forum. Idiot.
avatar for Mate27
2 months ago
I stand confirmed.
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