
avatar for skibum609

What did you do for Christmas and/or Christmas Eve?

I had a reprieve this year as our Christmas party was the 14th and not the 21st. Huge success resulting in just 4 of us for Xmas, so Wife gave me a reprieve from any more family Christmas stuff as I went above and beyond for the party.

Awaken at 4:30 a.m. on Christmas Eve and off at 5:14 for a lovely drive in the snow to Vermont. 5" new overnight, 10" in the last 3 days and no one there. Skiing powder and bumps is physical and being old after 1/2 day I was done (had plans) and off to..........the Xmas party at Rhode Island Dolls. Plenty of dancers, few customers, no food. 20 Years ago half the club was food.

Great looking, very young dance crew right now and the first dancer I see is the lovely Luna, who as promised many months ago, leaves who she is with and comes over to chat while I get massages from the hottest woman in Rhode Island. Had a blast. Nothing like being the only one spending. Great Christmas Eve day followed by Wife's chicken parm and red wine. Got hammered and went to bed.

4:20 the alarm goes off and back into the car and on the way to Vermont for a day of skiing super-fast on the groomed, then after 2/3 of the day home for Christmas dinner leftovers and back at work today. What did you do?


last comment
avatar for rickdugan
2 mos ago

I celebrated with my kids. Which really means...

On Christmas Eve I scrambled to make sure all the presents were accounted for an prepped for the tree. Then I cooked, cleaned and did the Santa thing when it got late.

On Christmas I sat with the kids while they did their annual gift opening. After that I cooked and cleaned a heck of a lot more, lmao. I managed to sneak in some football along the way and the food was great, but it was a very busy day for me.

I'm wiped. Not only from the last 2 days, but the several before it, where I was wrapping up client work for year-end while also preparing for Christmas. I managed to slip one nice OTC adventure into the stretch, but otherwise I was going from early morning to well into the night for almost 2 solid weeks.

So today I'm done. In my industry, the week between Christmas and New Year is unofficially a holiday, so I'm on duty but not really, lol. There's also plenty of food lying around here for the kiddos and if they want something else I'll order delivery. No heavy lifting for me today, though if I get a second win this evening I might let one of my go-to options do some heavy lifting on me later. 😉

avatar for twentyfive
2 mos ago

Spent Christmas week at Eagle Beach, in Aruba, with my family, be home Saturday evening then heading to the Margaritaville Resort in Hollywood Monday and Tuesday & Wednesday, to spend New Year’s Eve with long time friends Haven’t been in a strip club since October.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 mos ago

Pretty traditional Christmas here. Food, football, family. But it's what I wanted.

My corner of the professional world is shut down for the next week. Not many obligations other than doctor's appointments before deductible resets. Might club to break up the monotony.

I fucking hate New Year's. It'll be some good bourbon, a nice book, and a beautiful cat snuggling against my leg. My goal is to conk out around 10 and open my eyes again at 6-7.

avatar for gammanu95
2 mos ago

25iq is suddenly so desperate to convince he is not a lonely, bitter, old man with a chip on his shoulder who has been disowned by his family and has no friends left to run off. Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

My Christmas was nice and basic. A half-day at the practice Christmas Eve, dinner with the in-laws on Miami Beach, Christmas dinner with friends back here, and back at the office this morning. Nothing fancy, but relaxing and fondly remembered.

avatar for twentyfive
2 mos ago

^ I call bullshit. Jealous fucking weirdo

avatar for drewcareypnw
2 mos ago

Sunday was the caroling party with neighbors, Monday was food prep and wrapping, Tuesday was the nochebuena with my family, and Wednesday was the regular gringo Christmas plus breakfast with my wife’s family. Today: maximum relaxing. Plotting my return to tit fucking in local whorehouses for this weekend!

avatar for Jascoi
2 mos ago

Spent a few days with half my family around. Even the ex was there. Hopefully touch base with the other half soon.

avatar for Jascoi
2 mos ago

Any clubbing will be a few weeks out... Although I might pop up to Chica Bonitas In Vegas possibly...

avatar for NinaBambina
2 mos ago

I had an amazing Christmas because I didn't have to go anywhere nor did I have to host; in-laws are doing their Christmas thing this weekend, so we didn't even have to drive anywhere on Christmas day. I said it was going to be a "lazy Christmas," and that it was.

Woke up around 7:30AM. My man wakes up early AF every day, so he was already up. Within an hour or so of that, we opened gifts. He was extremely happy with all the gifts I surprised him with, as I always go hard for my loved ones for Christmas. I got everything I asked for and more. Then we hung out with iur Christmas gifts and eventually made a huge brunch. Then we watched some football and some Christmas movies while using some of our new Christmas presents and ended up making a delicious roast chicken and potatoes dinner.

Since we plan on possibly starting a family next year, this was the last Christmas we might have without a 3rd human to worry about, so I was looking forward to relaxing and being lazy. 10/10.

avatar for gawker
2 mos ago

Gammanu95 I think you described me perfectly _ lonely, bitter, old man, disowned by my family, with no friends left. My ATF has been living with a guy who just got sentenced to 10 years in Fla penitentiary and she called to ask if she could move in with me. I declined in that my off & on companion is living with me. I miss TUSCL but haven’t been in a club in a couple of years. My best all who might remember me. Gawker

avatar for Muddy
2 mos ago

Traveling this Christmas.I had a make up day with the family already instead.

avatar for jaybud999
2 mos ago

All bullshit. You fit this in:

Everybody here pulled a 10 minute session of pornhub to their favorite search terms("homemade") and blew one off.

avatar for nicespice
2 mos ago

My Christmas was basic, boring, and went very well. 😊

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