What do your favorite foods say about your social class?

avatar for rickthelion
Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
This rick found an online test that predicts your social class based on your food preferences: https://www.idrlabs.com/food-choice/test…

Here is the thing though - the test kind of sucks! Can you believe that delicious wildebeest is not listed? WTF?

I mean really…this lion certainly like raw oysters but leaving off wildebeest off a favorite foods list is criminal. It’s like a “what does your favorite drink say about you?” test that doesn’t include frickin’ Jack! I’ll tell you what your favorite drink says about you…if you’re male and it’s frickin’ Jack it says your a virile badass and if it’s anything else you’re a faggy little leather boy with a shorter piece of stick.

Anyhoo, just that you weirdo perverts might enjoy! ROAR!!!


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avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
82.14% upper class, I'm a fucking snob.
More like a foodie.
avatar for misterorange
2 months ago
My result: Your food choices resemble those of the lower-middle class (75%).
Regular Mid-class and Low-class were the next two strongest. Upper and Upper-Mid were the lowest, even though I rated the caviar as a favorite.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
I got 92.86% lower middle class. I think I was saved from lower class, cause I'm not got to give full points to the fish sticks when they don't come with a big puddle of tartar sauce.
avatar for twentyfive
2 months ago
35.6 Lower middle class
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 months ago
75% middle class. I don't like oysters or mussels, but like pretty much any other kind of fish. Having kids ruined mac and cheese for me LOL.
avatar for loper
2 months ago
I pretty much like everything that goes in the mouth. It's a reaction to my upbringing being restricted to meat and potatoes.
avatar for loper
2 months ago
hmm, lower middle class: 65%. That's not how I think of myself.
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
2 months ago
82% middle class for me. But I generally think of myself as upper middle class.
avatar for PAWG_Patrol
2 months ago
"Your food choices could not be tied to any one social class" HA! Beat the system.

Grew up poor as hell. Some of these choices (ice cream with gold leaf, tuna tartare tacos) aren't even fancy. They're like a poor person's idea of a wealthy person's diet 😂
avatar for PAWG_Patrol
2 months ago
Interesting topic, rick
avatar for shailynn
2 months ago
Do you eat to live or live to eat?
avatar for Jascoi
2 months ago
I must be the lowest of the low... I like a good hot dog.
avatar for rickthelion
2 months ago
Ain’t nothin’ wrong with a good hot dog Jascoi.

Think of that wonderful documentary about the rat that’s also a French chef. He controlled that clumsy hairless ape while hanging out under a chef’s hat. Anyhoo, he melted the heart of the food snob by making him a nice ratatouille. Warmed this here lion’s heart to see the food snob be reminded of his childhood. Almost cried!

Now this rick isn’t fond of the ratatouille but eatin’ a good ol’ hot dog is same idea. Sometimes a plain ol’ hot dog really hits the spot!

With a Jack chaser of course. ROAR!!!
avatar for Jascoi
2 months ago
avatar for nicespice
2 months ago
I got 80% middle class. But I like all types of food. I put more thumbs down on dairy related foods not because of my own sense of taste (Mac and cheese is delicious), but my own food intolerances 😭

I remember reading this social commentary article months ago. High social class eating is not eating.


avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
It seems like preferring "high class" food and drink is in part either posing or the power of suggestion: https://phys.org/news/2011-04-expensive-… .

It use to be that oysters and lobster were considered low class foods, until they got over-harvested. Supposedly the French think the English (traditionally at least) eat like basic bitches. And the English claim that sophisticated French cuisine is an effort to hid the bad taste of French meat.
avatar for NinaBambina
2 months ago
First took it and got, "your food choices could not be tied to any one social class." LMAO.

I retook it and I tried to be as particular as possible and got 78.5% Upper-middle class. But no, I do not want to eat a foie gras burger, and ice cream with gold on it is too stupid for me to care about.
avatar for stripperlover777
2 months ago
👽 Loving @ 777 Says Da' Restaurants Where Da' Girls Is Must Be Liked
Strip Clubs With Good Food
Country Dance Bars With Good Food
Hooters, Dave & Busters

A) Waffle House (Luv Fried Eggs Here)
B) Taco Bell / Del Taco
C) Dunkin' Donuts
D) Star Bucks
E) Panda Express Chinese
F) Pizza Hut/Domino's
G) Jack In The Box
H) Fazoli's Italian Food
I) Baskin Robbins Ice Cream
J) California Pizza Kitchen
K) Applebee's, Long Horn/Outback Steakhouse
L) McDonalds

avatar for sfrsox
2 months ago
Upper middle class 57.14%
avatar for sfrsox
2 months ago
Weird that they had lobster with grits and Mac and cheese but not by itself

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
Grits are especially evil because you could have had pozole.
avatar for Studme53
2 months ago
75% middle class. Sounds about right. I’ve never had caviar or truffles. I’m open minded and would try them I guess, but not seeking them out. WTF is edible gold other than a waste of money?
avatar for rockie
a month ago
Lower middle class 62.5%
avatar for paul_ma
a month ago
Food choices could not be tied to any one social class - guess I’m an omnivore?
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