
Payment for LDs

Avatar for nj_pete
nj_peteNew Jersey

I have found three "variants" of paying for lap dances at clubs. Some places you pay for the first dance up front and then for any additional dances when you are done, which is fine. Some places you pay for all your dances when you are done, also fine.

However been to one "pay as you go" place where I paid up front for the first dance, then after the song was over, dancer stopped and asked if I wanted another, "yes please" I said, well I had to fork over the $25 for the 2nd dance and she had to leave the dance area to give the $$ to the lap dance area attendant guy, that is a mode killer., this was Utopia Cabaret in Douglassville PA.

Now if I knew how many dances I wnated I could have paid for them up all front, but that's a gamble for the customer, supposed I wanted to stop at one? I realize this protects the club and the girl, but still it stinks.

Any one have seen that pay as you go anywhere else? I don't think I have.


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Avatar for JimGassagain

If the dancer lokks anything like the one in your avatar simply write a blank check or hand over your credit card and have them tally it up at the end.


Avatar for drewcareypnw

I've never seen pay as you go. I guess she is either crazy or had some bad experiences. I pay at the end, never before. It sets up the wrong incentives.

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

We have at least one pay as you go club here in Baltimore, Gold Club. I have a long time fave there and typically go for 3 songs, but last time she did have to run out to pay for a fourth. As you said, it’s a mood killer. Reason 4356 why strip club managers run clubs poorly.

Avatar for HandFullOfPillsNoChasers

I have experiences both. Some dancers want the money up front, and others just get it after. My ATF always gets the money after but tells me everyone else she gets it upfront. So being a regular can play into it as well.

Avatar for Muddy

I guess that way avoids a lot of drama, I could see why do it. It can annoying though.

Avatar for shadowcat

Do you pay a mechanic before he fixes your car? Do you pay your restaurant bill before you eat? Do you pay your gas or electric bill before you get their services? Do you pay for any service before you get it?

No! Then why pay a dancer for a dance before you get it?

Avatar for twentyfive

^ both the cable company and the cell phone companies you pay in advance, plus the HOA fees are paid in advance quarterly. Many subscription services are paid in advance as well.

Avatar for gammanu95

I can understand the notion of prepayment for the first and paying as you go per song thereafter, if the club has experienced a rash of dance and dash crooks leaving without paying. It does feel like it would interrupt the flow of the dances and be a real mood killer to dig into my pocket for $25 every 3-4 minutes. I guess it's just a sign of the times.

Avatar for docsavage

I never pay for multiple dances ahead of time because I want to be able to quit after the first dance if I find it unsatisfactory. I will pay for a single dance ahead of time but tend to dislike it because sometimes the dancer will ask for the money right before the dance starts, which leads to me pulling out my wallet and handing her money after the song has begun.

Avatar for minnow

At my go to club, I'm OK with common practice of paying at the end for basic level dances, but in advance of VIP area dances. The former are per song price, the latter on a time package basis. I don't take any dancer to VIP without a satisfactory test drive in basic area.

Avatar for Jascoi

my experience at synn in City of Industry You have to pay in advance per dance.

Avatar for Icey

I prefer paying ahead and tell her jow many i want. Otherwise at the end. Paying as you go isn't uncommon. Just a hassle

Avatar for wallanon

I've been to a few. Last time was a couple of clubs in North Carolina. Very annoying. The only time it's somewhat tolerable is when they have a payment machine in the booth.

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