If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life...............................

never make a pretty woman your wife, but for my personal point of view, get an ugly girl to marry you. A pretty woman makes her husband look small. And very often causes his downfall. As soon as he marries her, then she starts to do the things that will break his heart. But if you make an ugly woman your wife. You'll be happy for the rest of your life. An ugly woman cooks meals on time. She'll always give you peace of mind .....
God bless ya Jimmy Soul no one ever said it better and to calypso no less:-).
last commentJust hand over the dick pics skibum.
Daddy always said to marry an ugly girl. If you marry a good looking girl, sooner or later she'll leave you. An ugly girl will leave you, too, but who cares?
The “but who cares” made me laugh out loud.
Thanks man. Now I can't get this fucking song out of my head!
^ It’s not a song it’s an ear worm
LOL 🦻🐛
Nah, marry a woman who's good looking (to you), but not so stunning that everyone wants her, and she knows she could find your replacement in no time.
I had a few super pretty girlfriends. Everyone was always hitting on them, often in front of me. "Is this your brother?" and similar. They were fun to fuck, but between the power they held over me from their looks and the constant dude barrage, it was a pain in the ass.
I married a cute but plain woman. She's also very smart and successful, brings solid money home, plays in bands (a few with me), likes good music, and is hilariously funny. She's an asset at parties, people like her. She has her weaknesses like anyone, of course. End of the day, I have found that most of being married is not about sex. It's about children, shared values, careers, building an estate, support, retirement, etc. So, while the hotness of your wife is an aspect of marriage, it's really a minor one. Of course, sex does play into it.
I agree with the songwriter's sentiment. I see a lot of women my age (mid 50s) who were hot once and concluded that the world owed them something. The non stop free drinks, doors held, compliments, competing men, etc. clearly gave them the idea that they were special. The idea stuck, but the looks didn't last and now they are bitter. Like they know the world owes them something but the world doesn't care any more. Because it doesn't.
^In the world of matrimonial attorneys we call women like that poor souls subject to "pretty woman syndrome". It gets incredibly ugly for them when the looks go. Looks are replaceable. A real romantic relationship is not. Congrats on your relationship with your wife. Been a divorce lawyer for almost 42 years and with wife for almost 35, and I will take the good woman over the super-hot woman 10 out of 10 times.
^thanks, brother.
The hottest girl I was ever in a relationship with turned out quickly to be a temperamental, crazy bitch, also lousy in the sack.
More than looks or youth, men want peace, a woman who is a safe place from the stressors of the world, rather than someone who adds drama and strife.
"It is better to live in a desert land than with a quarrelsome and fretful woman." -- from the book of Proverbs
I went out with a super hot girl when I was in my early 20s who looked like Lauren Hutton - she even had a little tooth gap. And great slim body. But she love attention from men, had an ex who was obsessed with her, and I was always jealous and insecure. She never seemed as in to me as I was to her. I was miserable.
I hope that your wife doesn't see this post..😂
^she's busy wallpapering her home office lol.
“I married a cute but plain woman. She's also very smart and successful, brings solid money home, plays in bands (a few with me), likes good music, and is hilariously funny.”
@drew Does she have a sister? 😁
^yeah, but she’s awful, AND a prude! Hahahha
^ Dang, all the good ones are always taken! 😁
^ this is what I hear from my middle aged single friends!
^ You are a blessed man, Drew! That Price is Right gig ain’t too bad either…haha 😜
I've got nothing to add to this discussion, but I'd like to say one thing:
Here's to swimming with bowlegged women. Here's to eating snatch, down the hatch...
I could have sworn I saw something published several years back from OKCupid where the “cute” girl with one perceived flaw was messaged more than the one considered a bombshell.
As in, I kinda wonder whether it really just depends.Like just look around at what everyone else is doing and then do the opposite. If everyone flocks to the hot one, then go for the more homely one. If everyone is going for the homely one, then go for the hot one.