
"If your Personal Beliefs deny what's objectively tru about the world, then they

Avatar for CJKent_band
CJKent_bandThe truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free

Title couldn’t say it all.

If your Personal Beliefs deny what's objectively true about the world. . .

then they’re more accurately called Personal Delusions.


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Avatar for TheeOSU

It's amazing how your descriptive opinions denouncing others actually better describe you rather than the others you're critical of bjkunt but you're too delusional to realize you're describing yourself.
Well at least you're accurate when you post through your other cjkunt account. We need more of that account and less of the one i'm addressing here.


Avatar for TheeOSU

And remember child...
The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free


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