What’s the tuscl term for this?

This has happened so many times.
You go to a club not being sure if it’s going to good or not.
You pay cover, get a drink, and your guy shrinks like a turtle because the dancers are.no higher than a 5 in looks.
You already have sunk the cost of cover and drink, so think, fuck it, let’s chill and see if the tide turns.
Then for some bizarre reason, there is one 9 that comes out.
Schawing! The turtle runs of his shell!
You think, nah, she probably sucks on stage, but she is amazing.
You think, she’s probably got a bad attitude, but you go up and talk, and she’s a sweetheart.
You think, might as well sink a VIP with the one legit dancer.
She rocks your world in VIP.
If it weren’t for her, the night would have been a disaster.
Instead, you have memories and a light wallet at the end of the night.
What do you call this? When you write a trip report, the presumption is that the data point is repeatable. But what do you call it when you had a great time, but it is almost surely not a pattern for the club. There’s gotta be a tuscl term for this experience. Once in a blue balls? One time favorite? Lap dance jackpot?
last commentDiamond in the rough?
It only takes one?
Saved by the belle?
Your personal unicorn
Saved the day
An unexpected surprise.
I hope this happens to everyone. Face it, it's the reason we keep coming back!
It only takes one
☀️ 🤠 Luck Of Da' Draw.
Lucky Spin/Spinoff, 777 LOL
It's Da' Venom SC, Where Anything Can Happen With Da' Strippers 🤑
A typical visit at Millennium in New Hampshire or Mickey's in Rhode Island.
I third it only takes one
The hail mary
@electronman “saved by the belle” 😂😂😂
Yeah, it only takes one
I don’t think there is a term for it, that’s just having a miss and then hit night at the club!
It's sex panther, 30% of the time it happens every time
a 2 out bottom of the 9th walk off homer. she was so awesome you would do a bat flip and cross the plate greeted with a cooler full of that blue gatorade.
When I use to frequent The Silver Bullet in Urbana, Illinois, there were so many dancers there with a healthy glow and a positive vibe. Even limiting myself to only $100 with each dancer, it was usually easy to spend a grand in one night. But, there was only limited 2-way contact. Most of the dancers I liked would not work at any other club in the region, exactly for that reason. There are always compromises. Ideally I'd want a Frakenstripper combining the things I liked best about several favs.
I'd call it a routine strip club visit. Times are a little rough out there. If a club is stocked with mediocre talent I'd write that in the review but say I found one girl I liked who was actually hot.
It's called a miracle.