Peru Snubs Biden

Evil Lair…
Can you imagine them trying this shit with Trump? He wasn’t treated like the president of the most powerful country in the world because with him as president we aren’t. But things are going to change soon.
Can you imagine them trying this shit with Trump? He wasn’t treated like the president of the most powerful country in the world because with him as president we aren’t. But things are going to change soon.
He's an afterthought being treated as such.
Say what you will about Trump, but he owns the room.…
How could that be?
Generally, the order of world leaders in the photo at this meeting is alphabetical by country. So Canada and China end up in the front row, while Russia and US are in the back row. Nothing to do with marginalizing any particular country.
Seems doctorevil and Puddy Tat have egg on their face for falling for this ruse from the right wing New York Post.
Meanwhile Trump looks like a dad surrounded by his kids. Guess other world leaders are midgets.
And how do you explain Peru providing an airport red carpet reception and state dinner for Xi, but not Biden? OK, so Biden couldn't attend a state dinner anyway because it would interfere with his 7PM bedtime, but the only reason he didn't get full honors at arrival is because Peru and the rest of the world views him as irrelevant, which he is. Does anyone really believe he is in charge of the government?
Likewise all APEC world leaders had the red carpet treatment at the Lima Palace. So now your argument is the reception they had at the airport? From what I can find Biden had a military reception at the airport. But really, who cares about this level of detail to try to make an argument on whether Peru snubbed someone?
You were fooled, and now grasping for straws to defend yourself.
Diplomatic customs and courtesies are all about the details. Fact is, Trump was placed out of order to be in the center in previous APAC photos while Biden was snubbed at the photo shoot and at the airport.…
and Biden in the front in this photo:…
It's all pretty stupid shit to debate.………
China is investing heavily all over the world with their Belt and Road initiative. We’re not going to be the dominant nation unless we get our own projects up and running. We need to offer better quality alternatives.