Strip Club ATMs

From being in the game a long time, I know a lot of guys have reservations about using ATM’s in strip clubs mainly because of the fees. For me this has never been an issue. I have a bank account where all out-of-network ATM operator fees are reimbursed to me. Whether the ATM charges a fee of $5 or $40 (like at Deja Vu), the fee is reimbursed to me within one or two days. Essentially, I can withdraw money from my checking account for free. This works out well for me because typically I am working my ass off during the hours when banks are actually open for business.

Does anyone else have this benefit? How common is this with banks?

For what it’s worth, I have a high-tier Preferred Rewards account with Bank of America. At the end of the year, I get an annual benefits statement. The last few years, they have listed that I saved between $200 to $400 in ATM fees per year.


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
4 mos ago

I've been with the same credit union for 35+ years and never used my debit card. I'm not even sure what my pin number is.

avatar for Icey
4 mos ago

High fees and low limits. But the most important thing is to just bring enough cash that you can afford spending

avatar for Jascoi
4 mos ago

used to use my bank debit card in some strip clubs but I don’t do that anymore. I stick with cash now .

avatar for basictoken
4 mos ago

I have used club ATMsniccasionally but the fees have been low and I haven’t really worried about it

avatar for Muddy
4 mos ago

The 20% ones are killers. I will leave th club to go to an atm is I have to. It’s very rare for me but once in a blue moon I might do the atm thing

avatar for jaybud999
4 mos ago

Charles Schwab: unlimited (with the proper account)

Ally: up to 10$

I use the Schwab account for trips out of the country.

avatar for gammanu95
4 mos ago

I don't trust strip club ATMs any more than I trust opening a tab with my CC at one. This is never. I will drive around lost for an hour looking for an ATM before I give up and use the ATM at the club.

avatar for skibum609
4 mos ago


avatar for boomer79
4 mos ago

I always get cash before. Occasionally I’ll use cash app if I’ve spent it and the right opportunity comes along.

avatar for twentyfive
4 mos ago

Never use an ATM except when I’m traveling, and like the OP had mentioned my ATM costs are refunded by my primary financial institution.

avatar for Dolfan
4 mos ago

I have the same benefit, but I rarely use it. I'm a cheap bastard, especially when it comes to nickel and dime fees like ATM surcharges, but I never really avoided the ATM in a strip club for that reason. I don't like strip club ATM's mostly cause I don't want the location stamp on my statement. And I usually come prepared, but on rare occasions where an opportunity comes up and I feel like indulging, the 10-20 bucks in fees aren't going to be the dealbreaker.

avatar for drewcareypnw
4 mos ago

That sounds like a good benefit. I have used a card in a club a very few times. Always felt guilty about it bc it breaks my rules. But…. Titties.

avatar for sinclair
4 mos ago

What pisses me off are how many strip clubs have ATM’s that are capped at $200 per transaction/swipe. I would guess half are set at this amount. Years into inflation, I am seeing a lot of strip clubs charging $50, $40, or 3/$100 private dances. So basically, you may only be able to get four to six private dances per swipe at the ATM. A thirty minute VIP room at most clubs will require at least two swipes. Strip clubs need to start employing ATM’s with higher withdrawal limits or bring down the price of private dances and VIP rooms.

avatar for TCabot
4 mos ago

Also beware of card skimmers in the machines!

avatar for captainfun
4 mos ago

I have an account that also reimburses me for any atm fees which was nice after getting fleeced at Vivide a few months back. But I’ve hit the atm in way less than 1% of SC visits.

avatar for JamesSD
4 mos ago

Aside from the fees, I think the idea is if you are going to a strip club ATM you likely are about to spend more money than you intended. For ITC expenses this is almost always a bad idea, and for OTC you can hit an outside ATM

avatar for skibum609
4 mos ago

I'm old. I bank in person. Grab a few grand in cash once or twice a month so I never run out

avatar for whodey
4 mos ago

My bank reimburses up to 5 out of network atm fees per month. The main reason I don't use club atms is that I always make sure I have as much cash as I am willing to spend for the evening with me before I go as a way to control my spending. I usually withdraw someone where around $700-1000 before heading to a club and 9 times out of 10 I end up either depositing some of it back or just sticking it in a drawer for next time. I rarely carry more than $20 in cash unless I am clubbing, gambling or going out for a nice dinner where I know I'llbe tipping more than that.

avatar for IWantHerOnMe
4 mos ago

I've never encountered a ATM in the ATL I'd use. The ATM at my fav club staff will warn you not to use it. My boss is a Tattletales regular and says the ATM there is the worst he's ever seen. The fees are nuts, you get random charges. And just having your card in the strip club is unwise you never know who's running a scam.

avatar for skibum609
4 mos ago

Carrying $20.00 is unsafe imo. I always want enough cash on me to make sure the robbers are pleased and don't kill me because I only have $20.00.

avatar for GrayMouser
4 mos ago

My old bank did the reimbursement route and I lived it-new bank, not so much. Went to a few clubs in old quebec years ago and was worried about the atm fees and withdrawals- totally forgot about the exchange rate and came home to see my $20 LD actually only cost $14. I could have stayed for a few more hours if I had thought of it.

avatar for sfrsox
4 mos ago

never use club ATMs

avatar for mogul1985
4 mos ago

I make sure I have the cash I'm wiling to spend before I hit a strip club. Cash Only If I decide I run for political office I do not want historical digital foot prints: The FUCKING ASS DEM MACHINE DOJ looked at ATM withdrawals from DC a week before 6Jan, and targeted them. Including someone I know as as my GOP Caucus Leader who was THE FUCK PROSECIUTED as she was at the Capital and was prosecuted as she didn't enter via a METAL FUCKING SCANNER! $100K plus 6 months home lock down, and fucking ass-wipe illegals crimes get NO FUCKIG BAIL, plus ILLEGALS are allowed to vote VA? FUCKING AH

And the Dems call Trump Fascits? He was POTUS for 4 years.

avatar for gammanu95
4 mos ago

Please don't drag politics into this thread, we all need a break sometimes.

avatar for skibum609
4 mos ago

For all you married guys: ATM withdrawals leave a trace. In my state 3 years of bank records must be exchanged within 45 days of the filing of a divorce. One of my client came in with his records and in 30 seconds I noticed a huge stripper and cocaine problem. How did I know? I knew the fake name of the strip club atm and no one takes out $100, 3 times every Friday and Saturday night, from an ATM on drug dealer street, unless they are buying cocaine 3 times a night. Idiot.

avatar for sfrsox
4 mos ago


Darwin’s law in effect

avatar for mogul1985
4 mos ago

@gammanu95: got it.

avatar for wallanon
4 mos ago

Read what skibum wrote about the paper trail of strippers and coke. With whatever it is you're into, trying asking yourself how the things you do might look like to other people.

avatar for nicespice
4 mos ago

^Thats an interesting point there. Maybe ATMs at the club isn’t a good idea, but in the age of Bitcoin ATMs and marijuana dispensaries that require cash, I figured many could get away with plausible excuses?

avatar for misterorange
4 mos ago

I got charged a $6 ATM fee at a fucking Exxon station the other day. My bank refunded it, but I won't go there again for ATM or even to buy gas. There's hundreds of gas stations and ATMs around so fuck 'em. I appreciate my bank picking up the fee, and don't want to abuse it by going to rip-off joints.

avatar for rickdugan
4 mos ago

Between the fees and the low withdrawal limits, strip club ATMs are a PITA. I can count on one hand the number of times I've used one in the last 20 years, usually just to top off if I'm having an expensive night and I'm about to make a large purchase.

My withdrawal limit is high enough on my debit card that I can amply load up at a regular ATM before going to the club.

avatar for Dudecreeping
4 mos ago

using the ATM in the SC is the mongers “Walk of shame”

avatar for 8TM
4 mos ago

Why do strip club ATMs have those low limits? Seems the opposite of what you'd expect.

avatar for wallanon
4 mos ago

"Why do strip club ATMs have those low limits? Seems the opposite of what you'd expect."

If the club ATM is charging high fees, there is incentive for lower withdrawal limits because whoever operates it gets even more in fees when someone is doing two or three transactions instead of one.

avatar for papides
4 mos ago

^^^Great point.

avatar for ClubFan81077
4 mos ago

As much as I don't like walking into a club with a lot of cash, I'd rather have the cash I need going in, even if I were reimbursed for any club ATM fees. My reasons are:

  1. I don't necessarily trust a strip club ATM. I don't know where that thing has been. :)

  2. I don't want to encounter withdrawal limits.

  3. I don't want to risk that there could be a glitch in the network that prevents a withdrawal when I need it.

  4. I assume most strip club ATMs probably can't dispense $100 bills, which is my preferred denomination for clubs. I'm just guessing on this one, though...

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