Stripper Nipples
GrrlGoneBad - The Girl Your Mother Warned You About
Let's get the controversy started!
On your strippers... do you prefer:
Nipple Color:
a. Pink Nipples
b. Brown Nipples
Nipple (Areola) Shape:
a. Tight and Small
b. Average to Match the Boob
c. Dinner Plates
Nipple Form:
a. Nibbly and Small (why do they call them nibbles, after all?)
b. Thick and Meaty
c. Wow, that last baby did a number on her nips!
What other nipple characteristics to you like... or not... like?
On your strippers... do you prefer:
Nipple Color:
a. Pink Nipples
b. Brown Nipples
Nipple (Areola) Shape:
a. Tight and Small
b. Average to Match the Boob
c. Dinner Plates
Nipple Form:
a. Nibbly and Small (why do they call them nibbles, after all?)
b. Thick and Meaty
c. Wow, that last baby did a number on her nips!
What other nipple characteristics to you like... or not... like?
Nipple Color: it really depends, but I think a medium contrast with the rest of the breast is generally my favorite.
Areola Shape: A or B are both great options.
Nipple Form: without seeing an example for C, I'm going to go with B!
To me, the nipple is far more important than breast size! An A or B cup size, with a nice shape to the breast, and beautiful nipples to they used to say in those beer commercials, "Guys, it doesn't get any better than this."
I was doing a private show with another dancer who started squirting milk into my mouth.. we made such insane SERIOUS money... it was... odd.. I must say.. but the money made it all seem MUCH more normal! hahahaha!
I started a "pathogen" thread just because I was curious how the rest of the club world deals with stuff like that? I'm extremely risk averse, so I have to feel super comfortable with a girl once bodily fluids start coming into play...hahaha
So a girl I'm comfortable with lactating, oh, hell yeah! I just don't always like
... and FishHawk... responsive is alway best! mine can cut glass with those rock hard nips! watch out!
a. pierced
b. not-pierced
I have had mine done and I liked the look and feel.. but it comes with its own "dangers"... yikes... DO NOT TUG ON THEM!
And yes, some guys are not respectful or gentle, so you don't want to give them anything that they could use to cause damage!
I'm sure you've got some horror stories about men behaving badly...
I know this is just about nipples, but my favorite has amazing breasts. It’s her best asset. Even better, she has no problem with nipple sucking :)
Girlgonebad….are you ok with nipple sucking during lap dances?
Shape: Yes.
Form: Yes.
Pierced or not? Yes.
....and hard biting is a a way to end the show immediately!
My nipple rings LOOKED really hot... but... I was always afraid of someone being too rough... and when I had them all in ... my clitoral hood piercing - chp - i was always so worried.. I probably got too defensive to look hot... hahahaha
Two of my favs could nipplegasm (or fake it very very convincingly). One had nipple piercings, which I've heard can increase sensitivity. I use to think piercings (including earrings) were kinda creepy. But anything that brings more nipplegasms into the world cannot be bad.
One of my Cuban favs is very amused that I love to tongue kiss her nipples. She seems convinced I have a major adult breastfeeding fetish. Time for your milk, did you get enough milk today, etc.
But breasts are like snowflakes and I love them all in their variety and personality.
It’s cool you’re ok with nipple sucking because there are definitely some dancers who don’t allow it
It's hot if her nipples are dark relative to her skin tone. One of my favs was very fair, with reddish blond hair, and an orange tint to her nipples (hot af). She talked about getting implants. I told her I'd jump off a building if she messed with those killer Bs.
In my experience (mostly in clubs with no or rare extras), very few US born strippers are OK with your mouth being anywhere on them. A little more common with the East European dancers. Much more common with Cuban dancers.
I stick to tongue kissing rather than sucking. It's not easy for an adult to only suck as hard as a baby does. You're likely to exceed the tolerances of the boob building code.
One of my favs who was nursing had to hand pump when she was at my place. The suction cup on it was transparent, and damn, you'd think her nipples would end up so stretched they'd drag on the floor. Kinda hurt my feeling. Like, really, you're OK with that, but not my mouth being on there?
lol this reminds me of an old fav of mine who I lost contact with and hadn't seen for a long time. And then one day I visited a club I rarely go to and there she was. that's when I found out she had gotten implants. :( before the implants her breasts were small, but I thought they looked great. now she looks odd to me because it's like her breasts are too big for her body. they look out of proportion. :(
i can't speak for other guys, but to me bigger isn't always better. i don't know the cup size of my current favorite, but her breasts are probably no bigger than a B cup and to me they look great. i would also jump off a building if my current fav ruined her perfect natural breasts the way my old favorite did.…
Pretty much yours is close to the perfect pussy...just prefer a tiny bit less of labia exposure.
I mean, we are going to get there eventually... but.. why not take the slow, scenic route to get there?
a. Tight and Small
a. Nibbly and Small (why do they call them nibbles, after all?)
b. not-pierced
b. Average to Match the Boob
b. Thick and Meaty
b. not-pierced
On nice firm b-cups
On a beautiful lass
But most of all, responsive to tender touch
Like mine are
Hopefully yours and mine can meet 😍🤪
No piercings, no tattoos please (for the most part, some are good)
Maybe I will save thousands per year from now on, because boobs will just make me think of pencil erasers, so I will lose all interest in strippers.
LITERALLY my boobs change form and shape... every month.... my nipples change shape and size depending on the weather, my mood... my bra...
Let's not talk of aging boobs.... and any nursing... or... or....
getting ink on or around the nipple looks good the moment you get it... and then it is some form of abstract art for the rest of a girl's life...
I am a hard no on ink on the boobs of any sort... just me though... we all need some sort of mammary rorschach test to take under club lights... after a few drinks...
brr... is it cold in here?
.... rate my nipples...
Since we don't have one.. go on.... be honest...
NOTE TO SELF: if ever getting a dance with grrlgonebad, keep iPhone screen away from her breasts. Ceramic Shield is likely no match for those glass-cutting beauties!
Is this what you might call "thread foreplay"? We're not allowed to discuss the vulva without starting at the nipples, working our way down to the belly button, heading over to the hip bones, and then on to our final destination... :)
"I'm pretty strongly in the "prefer not pierced" nipples camp. However, I like all-natural spinners, and it appears to be a law of the universe that brunette spinners under the age of 26 a required to get their nipples pierced. Avoiding dances b/c I don't like pierced nipples would exclude far too many dancers."
I feel your pain, man! I feel like I could have written the exact same words...
I love the upward pointing of the right that perkiness, or is perkiness simply straight outward, not pointing upward? That perkiness is what I consider ideal.
Size is enough to hold onto, so while slightly larger would be ideal, they are quite good.
Regarding piercings...I prefer without, but I can tolerate bars. I recently saw a civvie on the street wearing a tight-fitting dress which clearly outlined her bar piercings...had to take care of myself once I got to my car...just as I am about to do after your tit pic got me a bit hard.
@funontheside - I am glad i could.. inspire! Make it a good one!
(I was a little scared I was going to get the tiny titty hater club!)
Areola: Average to match the boob. Proportional.
Nipple: Small ish but suckable
Pierced: No, but not a big deal either way
I tend to like large, dark-skinned boobs, myself.
FUCK.. that is some systematic racism on my part.... see... at least I realize it!
Enjoy your day everyone ❤️
Daydreaming . . .
Is "delectable* an acceptable accolade? If not, then "lovely" surely is.
The demeanor and characteristics of communication aren’t feminine. 😘
My ATF has titties like yours, grrl, but she also had the clit hoop piercing, which I frequently removed orally.