
My student smells like a stripper!

Avatar for Alfredo_Darke

I think most would agree that sight is our most important sense, followed by hearing.
But our sense of smell - although it's not something that we consider a lot, smell can be very powerful, evoking vivid memories.
I teach at a college. Now, most of my female students don't wear any perfume. But the other day, I was helping a student during a lab segment. While I was leaning over her shoulder to look at what she had done on her computer, I got a strong whiff of her perfume. I immediately felt like I was back in a strip club! The aroma was just like being in the backroom of some club, with some naked babe gyrating away on me. Now this girl was extremely average looking, not attractive at all, but I still had a hell of a time concentrating while that smell hung in the air.
Has anyone else had an experience like that, where you're nowhere near a club, but something suddenly reminds you of a club or stripper?


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Avatar for shailynn

Yeah I have one even more PLish than yours.

A stripper I used to see (and do) ITC would lather up in a body lotion from Bath and Body works. One day I finally asked her what that scent was and she told me. I can’t remember the exact name but it was called something like snowball and it only was released in the winter. Every time I smelled that scent it made me horny.

So horny I even went to a Bath and Body Works on my own will and found out they had tons of products in this scent. Soap, hand sanitizer, lotion, body wash. I started to use it so much I got this MILF I used to bang hooked on it too and it made her horny when she was around the scent too because I’d use the lotion on her when we would have massages before sex.

Sadly they discontinued the scent several years ago. Scents make me hungry, tired, or alert, but I can’t recall any other than that one that made me horny.

Avatar for grrlgonebad

I have a bit of a different story about this...

I had worked a party LATE one Saturday night on Easter weekend, but I had made a promise to my mother and grandmother that I would go with them to the sunrise mass on Easter morning... so I left the party and went straight to my parent's house where I didn't really have time to shower... so I just put on my church dress, fixed my makeup and hair and went to church with them...

As I am sitting between my mom and my grandmother, my mom leans over to me and whispers... "you smell like a stripper".... my grandma just busts out and laughs... with the whole church turning and looking at us...

I love my grand mother! I suspect she was more like me when she was my age... my mom was not amused... hahahahaha

Avatar for ClubFan81077

@Alfredo_Darke I've never had the experience you described, but I've randomly run into multiple girls that I knew from a club in a department store. In every case, the girls recognized me much faster than I recognized them. You get used to seeing girls in clubs wearing bikinis, lingerie, heels, etc., and if you're not expecting it, at first it can be like "do I know you????" That wouldn't be an issue with a girl that I know really well, but for one that I only occasionally see or talk to, it's almost like street clothes are their disguise... :)

Avatar for DandyDan

I work with a specific lady in her 50's. I had the dumb luck to run into her at the local Casey's convenience store on a Saturday afternoon and she smells EXACTLY like my current favorite stripper. I almost want FS from her. Almost.

Avatar for Studme53

Yes - scent is a very strong trigger for memory. I had an ATF who I haven’t seen in 35 years, who wore patchouli oil, of all things, and whenever I smell it out in the world I think of her.

Avatar for shailynn

“patchouli oil” - that is a scent that will overpower any other smell. I imagine you could sprinkle that on a 3 month old dead decomposing body in a Florida swamp in August and it would cover the death smell.

Avatar for Studme53

^I know - it could smell it in my clothes for days - and that would make me think of her and want to see her again. Smart marketing by my ATF I guess.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

At one club where I had multiple favs, one of them asked me to always dance with her first. Before I smelled like the odors of multiple hoes mixed together, as she put it.

Avatar for Rod84

Not a stripper smell exactly, but my favorite club smells like a mid-70's bowling alley. A mixture of sweat, leather, and ammonia. Love it!

Avatar for gSteph

More than once, my wife has taken a good sniff of me (even after a post visit shower) and said 'you went to the club today '

Avatar for JamesSD

I've been at target and caught a whiff of "stripper perfume" and it was a couple high school girls.

End of the day strippers are young women chasing the same trends as other young women.

Avatar for sfrsox

Teacher at a college
Lucky dog

Avatar for Icey

Its just cheap body sprays....
When I think strip clubs i think the smell of Victoria secrets body sprays and cheap bleach...

Avatar for Rightfield

I've read that scent is the sense that is most tied to memory. Explanation was that it is processed by the hippocampus in our brain. Apparently, the hippocampus is very deep in our brain stem, and thus very primal. Makes sense to me.

Avatar for stripperlover777

☀️ 🚦 I've Noticed A Trend Of Girls In Public Lookin' Like Strippers With Da' Exotic/Eccentric Look, But Haven't Noticed Any Smells 👽

Avatar for TheeOSU

Probably because they purposely ensure that they keep their distance from you.

Avatar for drewcareypnw

I get this with perfume from time to time, but I also get it with bathroom cleaning products. There is a cleaner smell that several local clubs have and when I run across that smell in regular bathrooms I alway chuckle to myself. It doesn’t get me horny tho.

Avatar for Icey

Smell is intrinsically linked to memory. They can trigger really detailed memories

Avatar for rickmacrodong

^thats probably any sense really. Taste, touch, smell, hearing, seeing.. it’s laughable to go on these long diatribes about how smell is intricately linked to memory. Its pseudo intellectual nonsense… youre trying to sound educated and sophisticated discussing an extremely simple concept… of course smells can trigger memories.. people generally learn that at 4 years old or something..

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