definition of ' Top 40 Strip Clubs: Unique Reviewers.'

avatar for Jascoi
Mr Wonderful to single moms and college age girls...

What are Unique Reviewers?


last comment
avatar for Jascoi
4 mos ago

Am I a Unique Reviewer? I don't think so myself.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 mos ago

Not sure if you were having some fun or looking for a serious answer. I always understood it to mean that they are clubs with the most reviews by the most individuals. So if I review Baby Dolls 20 times and your review it 20 times in 12 months, but no other reviewers the club has 40 reviews and 2 unique reviewers. If I review Cheetah once, you review it once and muddy reviews it once in 12 months, it has 3 unique reviewers and would be above Baby Dolls in the rankings.

The list is somewhat useful if you are looking for which clubs are the most reviewed but want to discount for clubs that have a lot of reviews by the same members and therefore a narrower perspective.

avatar for Jascoi
4 mos ago

That sounds good.

avatar for stripperlover777
4 mos ago

👽 🚦 Hope Ya' Had Fun @ Tijuana's Mexico! Your Da' Pro There Jascoi, Tuscl + SC Cheers!!!

avatar for Icey
4 mos ago

All of those lists are too arbitrary. Even the best club one. Should be best brothels

avatar for Jascoi
4 mos ago

Hong Kong TJ ain't a brothel.

avatar for Jascoi
4 mos ago

You still have to get the girl to agree. Then you have to take her to a hotel.

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